Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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sometimes I think you go out of your way to be stupid!...say ANYTHING to go against the left!...like your leader
believe in witches do you?

Don't think I'm the one being stupid, and no, I don't believe in witches, but the left sure seems to.

"...for planning to conjure misfortune onto the new supreme court justice."

Can't make that ******* up. ROFLMAO!
Don't think I'm the one being stupid, and no, I don't believe in witches, but the left sure seems to.

"...for planning to conjure misfortune onto the new supreme court justice."

Can't make that ******* up. ROFLMAO!
apparently YOU can make that ******* up!
can you post a link of some kind where it shows the left believes in witches?
or do you want to admit you are just trying to pound sand in someone's ass...like you do most of the time!
Like your hero trump...you can't tell the truth!...and just go out of your way to start stupid *******!

when you go out of your way to show your stupidity
you either need to stick by your convictions and show a little proof......or admit to your stupid comment
what will people think? you are losing all your credibility….
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This is has got to be an all time low for the left, And I thought the Far right Christians were bad LOL

let me take a wild guess here and see if I can guess where you got your info from

Supreme Coven: Witches in New York to Hold Public Ritual to 'Hex' Kavanaugh

A coven of New York witches is holding a public ceremony next week to cast a hex on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in what Tucker Carlson described as the latest left-wing effort to stop his rise to the high court.

"Liberal Sherpa" Cathy Areu said the hexing will take place in Brooklyn, and that it will include an optional $10 donation to take part.

Carlson said part of the proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood, to "fund their own human sacrifice rituals."

He said that it is appropriate that the Democratic Party, which "conducts witch hunts" also "conducts witchcraft."

Areu said the coven previously cast three hexes on President Trump and considered their efforts successful in partially stymieing his administration's goals.

Tucker Carlson and Fox news......give us a break will ya!
let me take a wild guess here and see if I can guess where you got your info from

Supreme Coven: Witches in New York to Hold Public Ritual to 'Hex' Kavanaugh

A coven of New York witches is holding a public ceremony next week to cast a hex on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in what Tucker Carlson described as the latest left-wing effort to stop his rise to the high court.

"Liberal Sherpa" Cathy Areu said the hexing will take place in Brooklyn, and that it will include an optional $10 donation to take part.

Carlson said part of the proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood, to "fund their own human sacrifice rituals."

He said that it is appropriate that the Democratic Party, which "conducts witch hunts" also "conducts witchcraft."

Areu said the coven previously cast three hexes on President Trump and considered their efforts successful in partially stymieing his administration's goals.

Tucker Carlson and Fox news......give us a break will ya!

ANTIFA is the LEFT. Wasn't on Huff Post so must not be true. lol
Stay Blind my friend. ;)
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This news is so good I gotta post it again, just for you Sub - You seem to love it soo much LOL
Inside the Brooklyn Witches’ Antifa Hex on Kavanaugh

The left is so desperate they are now resorting to witch craft to sway election and get what they want. It's only a $10 donation Sub, I'm sure you will be there.

Outside of the storefront, supporters stood guard. A row of people clad in antifa black bandanas (aka the Left) and red pins kept a close eye on ticketed guests, ushering them into the small business by the handful.

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This news is so good I gotta post it again, just for you Sub - You seem to be soo offended by it LOL
Inside the Brooklyn Witches’ Antifa Hex on Kavanaugh

The left is so desperate they are now resorting to witch craft to sway election and get what they want. It's only a $10 donation Sub, I'm sure you will be there.


wrong....you just assume that others are as gullible as you are...and that's just not so.... most don't let their hate and discontent get in the way of the facts like you do
well except for blkimp...he is a trumpie and believes anything the right says
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