Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And still going..........................

Is he impeached yet?

Has anyone figured out it's really Chinagate, and not Russiagate yet?

Are we still offended by Tweets?

Have we offered any action steps, or solutions, taken any action, or are we still presenting solutions (flawed solutions) to a problem that doesn't exist, except in our own imagination?

Are people dying in the streets yet?

Should I scream at the sky?

Has the OP explained her misquote within the first paragraph of this thread yet?

Is the OP's warning, coming from overseas, valid, or hysterical exaggeration?

Are we still posting links that have nothing to do with the point we're trying to make?

Are we still posting links attempting to further our argument, and not reviewing these first, so almost everyone with a modicum of intelligence can get some laughs?

Did I get a tax cut? Am I rich? Do I need to order cigars? When will the cleaning people be here? When will my laundry and groceries be delivered? What's on CNN? What's on FOX? Should I let them influence me, and educate me on how I should think? Am I a critical thinker? Maybe I just just post gifs and memes?

LOL! How true, eh!
Other than being amused by the repetitive nonsensical posts by some within this thread, I do have a real question to ask! "Where the hell do these poor ill informed self righteous lame brain individuals come from?" It's evident they suffer some form of infantile paralysis of the brain, that is if they have any brain matter at all. Surely the "Donald", who claims to be smarter than all his Generals, most recently he even named Retired General, and current Sect. of Defence, Jim Mattis, he wouldn't be responsible, would he? (If Trump is smarter than Jim Mattis, Mattis must be a complete idiot! Which I don't think so!)

P.S. I mustn't be up to date on all the current political intrigue. My beautiful wife has just informed me that "The Donald" simply loves to be amongst brainless people, it makes him feel smarter than they, plus it's easier to get them to kiss his ass! Oh, well! I think I remember being wrong once before, but that time was someone else's fault though!
These fucking clowns crack me up. Diane Feinstein and Kevin De Leon debating who's more ignorant. De Leon: "We have to stop biding our time and biting our tongue while this President unravels California's progress." LMFAO. What progress dumb ass? This state is one of if not the most fucked up state in the country thanks to liberals who have run it into the ground. And if Gavin Newsome gets elected look the fuck out. It will definitely become the most fucked up state. Feinstein: "Immigration reform and job creation drive her desire for another term." They have been saying that same old ******* for decades. Didn't Hillary say she would "create more jobs since WWII." Then why the fuck didn't she help her buddy Barack before he left office if she had such a great idea? Might have helped her out in the election. What happened before with jobs and immigration? Liberals talk about how much Democrats have created jobs, improved education, and created a better life for the little people. Then why do they say every fucking election that they'll fix everything? And the sad thing is these no-brain liberals will sit there and go "DUH dat's what I'm talking about." "See dere for us." BTW Frankenstein even if you could create more jobs there would be no one to fill them. Trump already filled all the jobs!
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Then why the fuck didn't she help her buddy Barack before he left office if she had such a great idea?

you might want to check the records....don't you ever look things up before you start that *******?
Obama did create jobs and his job creation is STILL going on...only trump is taking credit for it now

Might have helped her out in the election

don't think so...Russia needed a plant in the white house...Hillary pissed of p u t I n when she said his re-election was a sham....and the Donald already on the Russian payroll so.... the rest is history!
Liberals talk about how much Democrats have created jobs, improved education, and created a better life for the little people.

that's all facts and I have poted several articles on it....look it up the dems are the job creators!...for the past 50 years!

Trump already filled all the jobs!

trump has sent more jobs overseas than any other pres...look at Ford and Harley Davidson just for 2 examples

how can someone be so sold on the right and yet not know the facts?

I can post some of it again...but it is already on here and hate to keep repeating..besides doesn't look like you are reading it...already got your mind made up
HEY - Mr. Facts - Harley Davidson had been planning to go overseas for a long time - before Trump got elected - to take advantage of lower labor costs and to try to beat all the exhorbitant tariffs on Harleys going oversees.
HEY - Mr. Facts - Harley Davidson had been planning to go overseas for a long time - before Trump got elected - to take advantage of lower labor costs and to try to beat all the exhorbitant tariffs on Harleys going oversees.

Doubt That!
their main selling point is American Made......although most of their chrome and electrical is done in Mexico...still motor.frame/etc made and assembled HERE
Montana Greets Trump With Massive 'LIAR' And 'IMPEACH' Signs
Ed Mazza,HuffPost 13

President Donald Trump was greeted with cheers from supporters on the ground at a campaign stop in Missoula, Montana on Thursday. From the air, however, he may have spotted a different kind of welcome.
Protesters transformed some local landmarks into anti-Trump messages, with “LIAR” and “IMPEACH” visible from the air ― and potentially from Air ******* One, if the president happened to glance out the window.
Mount Jumbo, which overlooks the city, already had an “L” on it for the nearby Loyola Sacred Heart Catholic High School. Protesters simply added three more letters in honor of the president’s arrival:


Mount Sentinel also received a modification. The “M” atop that peak was adorned with some extra letters to spell “IMPEACH.”

Although Trump won Montana by 20 points in 2016, the rally on Thursday night was held in Missoula, one of a half-dozen counties in the state that voted for Hillary Clinton.
well.....most...but not blklimp

Donald Trump impeachment supported by most Americans – but Democrats have been told not to talk about it
Andrew Buncombe,The Independent Fri

Democratic candidates have been advised to avoid talking about the potential impeachment of Donald Trump, even though a majority of Americans – and 75 per cent of Democrats – support such a move.
Three weeks from midterm elections that will determine whether Democrats flip the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Congress where any proceedings against the president would begin, candidates and officials are doing all they can to avoid the I-word.
In a calculation that has upset those pushing for Mr Trump’s impeachment, party officials have calculated that raising the issue could play badly among the independent and moderate Republicans they are seeking to win over. They fear it would also energise Mr Trump’s base.

Speaking in August on the day Mr Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to campaign finance fraud, and there was intense speculation as to what might befall the president, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats’ leader in the house, insisted impeaching him was “not a priority”.

“If and when the information emerges about that, we’ll see. It’s not a priority on the agenda going forward unless something else comes forward,” she told the Associated Press.
Ms Pelosi’s decision has led to a remarkable degree of message discipline.
From Democrats such as Harley Rouda, contesting California 48th congressional district, to Angie Craig seeking to bag Minnesota’s second, and the president of EMILY’s List, a DC-based group that supports women Democratic candidates nationwide, their carefully calibrated responses are strikingly similar when asked whether they support impeachment – namely that Robert Mueller should be given time to complete his investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, that voters do not really bring up the issue, and in the meantime, they are focussed on promoting a “positive agenda” about affordable healthcare and the economy.
Even Justice Democrats, a political action committee that supports progressive policies and backs candidates such as New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, says it wants to promote “bold ideas” and that being anti-Trump cannot be its main message, according to Nasim Thompson, a spokeswoman

The two Democratic congressmen who tabled impeachment legislation against Mr Trump in the house, Al Green and Brad Sherman – both faced stern criticism from their party leadership for doing so – have avoided mentioning the issue on their re-election campaign websites.

Mr Green, of Texas, who still has a link to the legislation on his main site, failed to respond to questions as to whether he still supported such a measure.
Mr Sherman, who represents California’s 30th congressional district, said in a statement: “I stand by my legal conclusion there is sufficient evidence to conclude that Donald Trump has committed obstruction of justice as defined by Section 1512 B3 and accordingly should be impeached.
“I believe that most of the voters in my district know of my efforts regarding impeachment and accordingly when I speak to them I am focused on other issues although whenever people bring up impeachment, I am happy to talk about it.”

The only Democrat who has made headlines for defending his support for impeaching the president appears to be Beto O’Rourke, who is challenging Texas Republican senator Ted Cruz. Speaking this week, he also said Mr Mueller’s probe should be completed.
Pressed on the issue, he added: “I would liken impeachment to an indictment. There is enough there to proceed with the trial for a full vetting of the facts and to make the best informed decision in the interests of this country and our future.”
Christina Greer, associate professor of political science at New York’s Fordham University, said most Democrats had decided impeachment was not an issue that was polling with voters and they were focussed on other issues.

Yet the Democrats’ strong reluctance to discuss impeachment comes even though a majority of Americans – 49-46 – have said they support Congress going ahead with such a move. The Washington Post-ABC News poll published at the end of August also suggested 75 per cent of Democrats, 49 per cent of independents and 15 per cent of Republicans, backed it.
Angry Diners Confront Mitch McConnell In Louisville Restaurant
Mary Papenfuss,HuffPost

Furious customers confronted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) at a Louisville restaurant on Friday, with one telling him to “leave the country alone.”
That diner also warned other customers: “They’re going to come for your Social Security.”
McConnell recently made headlines when he said that programs such as Social Security need to be cut to help make up for the Trump administration’s $779 billion budget deficit, the highest mark for that figure in six years.
The deficit has grown in the wake of the Republican Congress approving a big boost in military spending and massive tax cuts that were especially generous for corporations. McConnell, however, wants to target Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare for cost reductions as the way to respond to the deficit.
Customer Casey Leek told The Louisville Courier-Journal that a woman confronted McConnell at the Cuban restaurant Havana Rumba, calling him a “traitor” as other diners clapped and cheered.
Just your typical republican...the same party 2bi and HH and Latins4BBC and blklimp support..some do it out of party loyalty others out of stupidity

Rep. Steve King Goes Full White Nationalist In Interview With Austrian Site
Christopher Mathias,HuffPost

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) visited Austria in August and gave an extensive interview to a far-right publication there in which he spelled out, in clearer and more shocking terms than he ever has before, his white nationalist worldview.
The eight-term congressman, up for re-election next month, talked to Caroline Sommerfeld of the Austrian far-right propaganda site Unzensuriert (which means “uncensored” in English). Sommerfeld is a prominent intellectual in Europe’s neo-fascist identitarian movement, which has deep connections to America’s so-called alt-right.
The interview, published in September, came to HuffPost’s attention this week. In his conversation with Sommerfeld, King discussed his belief in the superiority of European culture over others. He talked fearfully of falling fertility rates in the West and spoke at length about his belief that Europe and America are threatened by Muslim and Latino immigration.
“If we don’t defend Western civilization, then we will become subjugated by the people who are the enemies of faith, the enemies of justice,” King said.
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