Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Thanks Stiff. It's only 845 here. I'll be in bed soon but the great thing is I'm the boss and go in when I want. I never set an alarm. Maybe Mac need to get up early enough to beat that line. Although these days it should be very short since not many people need benefits.
I think he works somewhere? I don't want to pry for at times as our communication in the past was prickly.
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I'm about as far from radical left as you you can get. I'm very moderate, just liberal. That said, I could give a rat's ass of what you think of me.
Funny that you say you are a liberal @MacNfries for in case if you missed the news up here in my province of Ontario (in Canada) where we recently saw the downfall of the Liberal party because of their massive overspending leaving our province with the largest sub-national debt on the planet, twice the size of California's debt by the way! And a recent audit by the new Conservative Party showed a massive debt underestimated by the fallen Liberal party that were so cremated in the last recent provincial election that they do not even possess enough elected members to qualify as an official party anymore.

( https://business.financialpost.com/...e-worlds-most-indebted-sub-sovereign-borrower )
( https://www.thestar.com/news/queens...-aim-at-liberals-over-spending-and-waste.html )
( https://www.macleans.ca/opinion/ont...on-heres-what-happened-and-what-happens-next/ )
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario_Liberal_Party )

Therefore from my perspective I can rightfully say Liberalism is a bankrupting enterprise!
And I hope you don't have a Liberal-mindset with your finances either otherwise you will end up like Ontario!
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Here's a view than many many people share, nationally & internationally! While I recognize that the "Trumpeteers" will undoubtably go ballistic & trump out a vast amount of bellicose tweets, et al, it is my belief that the current political divide has some of its origins with the comments by Mitch McConnell when Obama was elected, ie, " ..... limit his Presidency to one term .... et cetra.
Mitch McConnell has done grave damage
to all three branches of government

Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist and CNN political commentator, was a political consultant for Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992 and was counselor to Clinton in the White House. He was a consultant to Priorities USA Action, which was a pro-Obama super PAC before it was a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his. Once in a while, a politician becomes so powerful and yet so destructive that he or she does real damage to the branch of government in which she or he serves.

Obviously, Richard Nixon damaged the presidency, Newt Gingrich turned the House of Representatives into a mixed martial arts arena, and Roger Taney forever stained the Supreme Court with the Dred Scott decision. But it takes someone special, someone rare, someone spectacularly Machiavellian and malevolent, to screw up all three branches of government.

Ladies and gentlemen: Mitch McConnell. The soft-spoken Kentuckian has, in just a few short years, done lasting damage to the presidency, the Senate and the Supreme Court: the hat trick of democracy destruction.
To wit: McConnell flips, changes his rule on Supreme Court confirmations.

The presidency. American intelligence knew Vladimir Putin's henchmen were attacking America, using cyberwarfare tactics to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign. Yet when the nonpartisan leaders of our intelligence community briefed McConnell, his reply -- according to a new book by Washington Post reporter Greg Miller -- was purely partisan: "You're trying to screw the Republican nominee." McConnell not only refused to condemn the Russians, Miller writes, he threatened to attack the US intelligence community, labeling its call to defend America an act of partisan politics.
By helping hobble our defense against the dark arts of Putin, McConnell has tainted Donald Trump's presidency. The noted media scholar Kathleen Hall Jamieson has carefully examined the Russian effort, and has concluded that without Russia's help, Trump would not be President.

David Gergen: Trump's legitimacy is questionable -- in part because McConnell refused to defend our presidential electoral system when it came under foreign attack.

The Senate. McConnell has broken the Senate. By refusing even to meet with President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, and by blocking hearings on his nomination, McConnell deeply harmed the comity on which the Senate is supposed to run. I am amused by the notion that, somehow, former Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid is the one who broke the Senate when he eliminated the filibuster for lower court judgeships. Right. If only Reid had been nicer to sweet ol' Mitch, then he wouldn't have been so doggone mean when he got power.
In truth, Reid had no choice but to limit the filibuster on lower court nominations, given McConnell's abuse of it. McConnell invoked the 60-vote rule to block Obama's nominees nearly as often as it had been used in all previous US history. Under all the presidents before Obama, 86 nominations had been blocked by filibuster. In just the Obama presidency alone, McConnell used the filibuster to block 82.
McConnell's naked partisanship has crippled the Senate. One wonders how it will ever recover.

The Supreme Court. Which brings us to the high court. Not content with simply stealing Garland's seat for Trump, McConnell rammed through the nomination of the profoundly unpopular Brett Kavanaugh. The court now has four justices appointed by Presidents who originally came into office after losing the popular vote. (To be fair, George W. Bush nominated Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito in his second term after winning the 2004 election fair and square. But does anyone think he would have had a second term if the court had not installed him despite the will of the voters in 2000?)

The McConnell court is now every bit as partisan as one of the panels on my old show, "Crossfire." Except on "Crossfire," we didn't wear robes and pretend we were somehow above the fray. For decades to come, American citizens upset about any erosion of their constitutional rights -- civil rights, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, women's rights, reproductive rights, consumer rights, environmental protections -- can thank McConnell. Legacies are often hard to predict when a politician is still in office. Not this time. When you see bitter, hateful, vengeful hyperpartisanship infecting our national life -- from the White House to the Senate to the marble palace of the Supreme Court -- you can thank the "Gentleman from Kentucky."
No, not really, fuck nuts

Notice you didn't take issue with anything else ...

Yes really....I won't stoop to your childish name calling.

Your post and subsequent response is a textbook example of the Gish Gallop fallacious debate technique. You throw out a ridiculously long laundry list of specious topics many of them demonstrably false as I pointed out with two of them. Then when the opposition doesn't address each and every one of your points suddenly that is supposed to imply you're correct.

You throw out a ridiculously long laundry list of specious topics many of them demonstrably false
Actually, I just pointed out that Trump hasn't fulfilled any of his campaign promises, that's all. If you're sensitive to my criticism of that, take an aspirin and deal with it. Trump drones like YOU avoid acknowledging this because you know we're right. Watch his next "campaign speech" ... can't miss 'em , as they go on 24-7 with Trump ... when he's not playing golf. He's scheduled to give a moral-campaign speech today after the gulf coast panhandle just got devastated by a major hurricane. He was one of the FIRST to criticize Obama when he held a rally a WEEK after a hurricaine struck ... hell, Trump doesn't even show UP the day after. "fuck trump"!
when the opposition doesn't address each and every one of your points suddenly that is supposed to imply you're correct.
It most absolutely does ... didn't address ANY of them ... just made a point of my intended sarcasm regarding executive orders as an overstatement and lie ... of course a moron like you would take that seriously or believe I meant it ... "blue million" I said, and you avoided everything else ... you don't want to talk about Trump's failed agenda. Hell, he can't hold onto a cabinet member more than a year ... Washington looks like a swinging door ... a lot of 'em going to JAIL. Yeah, "DRAIN THAT SWAMP, Trump!"
With the others, I can be quite respectful in discussions, but with you, H-H .... and you know why. You never initiate any kind of conversation, just look for a fragmented sentence in someone else's 1-2 paragraph posts to criticize.

So with you, H-H, its business as usual .... yellowball-holdingFuckOffsign.jpg
I can rightfully say Liberalism is a bankrupting enterprise!
You might wish to look at which party established the first $10 trillion of national debt ... certainly wasn't the democrats. Clue ... start with R. Reagan and the "trickle down" economics that GH Bush called "voodoo economics". The national debt was under $1 trillion when Reagan became president, and was $3 trillion when he left. GW Bush added another $5 trillion, & now Trump is adding to it with his insane tax cuts, the largest tax cuts to date. This has been discussed so many times its ridiculous ... practically every economist has said that Republican "trickle down" does NOT help the middle class ... Trump proved it again THIS YEAR ... the middleclass saw very little if any increase in spending income. The corporations used their share of tax cuts (which was a major part of it) to buy back stock ... no raises for the middleclass, not this time, not last time, not ever. Why do you think the separation between the wealthiest & poorest has continued to INCREASE? Our debt and Republican deficit spending, which the lying VP Cheney said "tax cuts pay for themselves", continues to accelerate under the Trickle Down Republican fallacy. Deficit spending is expected to reach $1 TRILLION in 2020 because Republicans and their miracle worker, Trump, cut the revenue needed to run the country.
Let's face some facts here Stiff, ... for the past 3 decades Republicans continued breaking the US economy with THEIR tax cuts, then handing it off to Democrats who would fix the problems Republicans created, as Republicans sat in the wings criticizing the Democcrats' applications to fix what Republicans BROKE.. That's what's happening now ... doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the Republican strategy during the mid-terms as they start yelling "tax increase" as Democrats begin fixing what the Republicans BROKE. They even yelled "tax increase" when Obama was letting the Bush tax cuts (which were agreed upon by both parties, to expire in 2010) expire ... declaring that Obama was raising everyone's taxes. I imagine you selectively forget that little piece of history.
What we're going through in the US now, is very similar to what the US went through a hundred & ten years ago at the turn of the 20th century. Go read about it.
Isn't that a little crass @MacNfries? All he was doing was proving to you that he wasn't broke when you said: "you had to report to the unemployment office today" from your post ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-114#post-2030039 ). We are nice and respectful here. :angel:
No, that was NOT what he was doing ... he was flaunting his income. What people can't seem to understand is that they hold NO rank of superiority in chatrooms. No one cares what another's income is ... we use to have a contributor "Torpedo" who use to brag about his income all the time ... I kept telling him, NO ONE CARES what your income is ... no one.
I LUV how lefties quote liberal political hacks
like David Gergen and crap from the Washington Post and treat it like it’s gospel.
The left only sees what the left wants to see and the left only believes what the left wants to believe. I think Trump has crossed more promises off his campaign promise list than any politician in my life time and this dragging both parties behind him ! Above earlier someone critized him for not even being able to fill positions but neglects saying that Chuck Schumer and his band of liberal cohorts have stalled and held back every attempt by Trump to appoint people. Liberals lately seem to live in an alternate universe - this prolly cause of their all encompassing hatred for Donald Trump because he defeated their beloved Hillary. All they can do now is spout off and blame RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA WAH - WAH - WAH
I for one am exceedingly sick of their horseshite wailing !!!!
I imagine you selectively forget that little piece of history.

Speaking of certain things you forgot to mention @MacNfries, this is probably the only time I cite politics from my country or province on this site. I'll imagine you are unfamiliar with the massive damage the Liberal party did to the province that the Conservative party is now is in a position to clean up here, but in that post I did not cite anything about what the Democrats did or what the Republicans did. So that is why I concluded that "... from my perspective I can rightfully say Liberalism is a bankrupting enterprise! " as I have personally witnessed the carnage up close and personal in my area.

In case anyone reading this desire to see what I said previously, feel free to look here:
https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-115#post-2030093 (with references of course for anyone to read to verify it's validity).;)
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I'll address the WHOLE STOCK of conservatives in this forum .... What campaign promises has Trump accomplished? How have the middle-class, that he dwelled on in campaign speeches, benefitted from the current Trump & trifecta they have? Please, be elaborate with your answers ... I'm dying to know what accomplishments you ReThugs see that make you so boastful!

From a Small business owner stand point I can say the I have been able to higher, and I have been abel to pay Obamas high cost in Health Care. However, Some of my Accounts have already been placed on "hold" until after November. i.e., I will loose those accounts if Democrats gain control. You see, job training isn't that important when companies start laying off employees.
From a Small business owner stand point I can say the I have been able to higher, and I have been abel to pay Obamas high cost in Health Care. However, Some of my Accounts have already been placed on "hold" until after November. i.e., I will loose those accounts if Democrats gain control. You see, job training isn't that important when companies start laying off employees.
word-WRONG.jpg........ JELLY BEAN
..... Of course you would avoid mentioning anything about what Republicans did to try and ******* the ACA ... like 64 congressional attempts to either ******* or radically modify the health plan, refusal to establish effective exchanges in Republican held states that would produce lower rates and more options, or the expansion of Medicaid for the very poorest, or the billions of dollars they spent on TV ads falsely advertising weaknesses of the plan, the removal of the federal subsidies for middle/lower-middle class to make the premiums for the ACA more affordable, etc etc ... why don't you EXPAND on those points a bit, AND while you're at it, mention that GREAT Republican alternative that Trump mentioned at EVERY campaign stop he made, and for many months after the election until it was finally obvious that the Republicans & Trump HAD NO PLAN and didn't intend to HAVE A PLAN better or less expensive than ACA ... Why not expand on those points TwoBi! Their intention was to go back to the original plans and let everyone fend for themselves AGAIN, tossing millions of individuals with pre-existing conditions off their existing ACA plan ... while making even larger cuts in US revenue taxes to pass on to the rich & corporations. Republicans didn't have an alternative plan, and had NO INTENTION of offering an alternative that was less expensive or better in benefits. Had the Republicans run on that premise in 2016 we wouldn't have Donald Trump NOW as President. He and Republicans lied out their asses to the American people, just as they lied about the Trickle Down "middle class" tax cuts ... all LIES! Why do you think Paul Ryan elected to NOT run for office again in the 2018 election? He got caught up in all the lying of the Commander N Chief ... and finally decided he'd had enough, just like a dozen or so other Republicans.
..... As flaws or weaknesses showed up at the beginning of the ACA implementation Democrats wanted to CORRECT those flaws & weaknesses and Republicans blocked those from happening ... did you selectively exclude this information for a purpose, TwoBi?
Coincidently, Blue Cross just announced in NC 2 weeks ago that individuals insured under their plans can expect up to a 38% decrease in their health premiums.
.....What do you say to THAT ohhhhh great one!???
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Is he impeached yet? Any day now. Russians! Even though China is a larger issue. Who cares? Russians! I never hear CNN talk about China, and since I can't think for myself, it has to be those pesky Russians.

In a thread that starts off stating, "it was once written". Except, what was "once written", was never written. If I'm being generous to the OP, perhaps she misquoted. But also possible, its just made up. Because in an echo chamber, facts really don't matter.

And we've now gone 116 pages in a thread that the OP started on a false premise. And within the first paragraph, there was an verifiable falsehood. Reasonable people stopped taking her seriously after that. Not everyone is reasonable.

"Wake up America". Advice coming from someone who pays zero tax here, and isn't eligible to vote. Yeah, I'll get right on that. As soon as I let my employees tell me how to run my business. And as soon as I let CNN start thinking for me. Seems to be great advice.

Taking advice from the OP? Surely that would lead to great success and great enlightenment. Until serious people actually took 30 seconds to read three sentences, and either started laughing, or moved on to something more fruitful.
Actually, I just pointed out that Trump hasn't fulfilled any of his campaign promises, that's all.
Uhhh nope...were you Galloping so hard you don't even remember what you posted even after I showed two of your falsehoods? You started off with the BS claim that republicans crashed the economy in 2009.....nothing about Trump's promises there. Then you jumped to Republican's not working with Obummer for 8 years....again, not a Trump promise issue. You also Galloped off into Trump sharing classified data (which as the ultimate arbiter of what is classified and who has access to it, he had every right to do)....again, nothing to do with Trump promises.

It most absolutely does ... didn't address ANY of them ...
More BS of course. I most certainly addressed your claim regarding executive orders and reminded you of your previous BS claim that Trump had issued 300+ EOs. I also addressed your BS claim regarding crashing of the economy...for about the umpteenth time, since you continue to live in your liberal lies on the topic. But of course reality need not have anything to do with a fallacious Gish Gallop. The useful idiots will never notice the plethora of untruths.

If you're sensitive to my criticism of that, take an aspirin and deal with it.
I'm not sensitive at all to you. I relish your posts as they offer much entertainment seeing the stunning use of logical fallacies required to reach your tortured positions.
The national debt was under $1 trillion when Reagan became president, and was $3 trillion when he left. GW Bush added another $5 trillion,
Seem to have conveniently forgotten the Clinton debt increase...despite this being pointed out to you multiple times in the past:

Federal debt at end of Carter's last budget (FY 1981) $0.994 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Reagan's last budget (FY 1989) $2.867 Trillion

Reagan added: $1.873 Trillion to the federal debt.

Federal debt at end of GHW Bush's last budget (FY 1993) $4.351 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Clinton's last budget (FY 2001) $5.769 Trillion

Clinton added: $1.418 Trillion to the federal debt

Clinton added 75% as much to the federal debt as Reagan did.

Here's a link to the OMB historical data supporting the above....note I grabbed a link from the Obummer white house archives...are you going to claim that is a biased source????


They even yelled "tax increase" when Obama was letting the Bush tax cuts (which were agreed upon by both parties, to expire in 2010) expire ... declaring that Obama was raising everyone's taxes. I imagine you selectively forget that little piece of history.
Seems like you've forgotten the history as well. Let's check the wayback machine: Gee looky there. seems Obummer didn't let the Bush tax cut expire in 2010. He signed a bill extending them for two more years and even stated how great they were for the middle class:
In remarks before signing the bill, Obama called it "a substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." He added: "They're the ones hardest hit by the recession we've endured. They're the ones who need relief right now." Obama described the bill as "a package of tax relief that will protect the middle class, that will grow our economy and will create jobs for the American people."

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