Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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From their perspective they should love Kanye because from that White House meeting with Trump, Kanye did all the talking and Trump's mouth was shut. So at the very least those that hate Trump should love Kanye if he could keep Trump's mouth shut?
.He is just an embarssment….even to trump after his last little meet.....doubt if trump has anything to do with him after this...and that will make kayne mad...and what then?
Powell - Unsure that Trump can be a moral Leader!
This is probably not what any Trumpeters would appreciate, especially coming from a Retired General and Republican Sect. of State. More so since he has the respect of both sides of the political spectrum as well as around the world!

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Powell - Unsure that Trump can be a moral Leader!
This is probably not what any Trumpeters would appreciate, especially coming from a Retired General and Republican Sect. of State. More so since has the respect of both sides of the political spectrum as well as around the world!

Don't you realize he is saying the liberals are full of promoting hate. The first amendment Freedom of speech. Yes we all (fake CNN too) should be able to say what we want. But not when it is filled with hate and lies. Kanye West got called "a Negro who doesn't read" and a "Token Negro." for exercising his first amendment right. We all know and so do you libs the left wing media has no interest in providing real truthful news. Well I shouldn't have said that because you only believe what you hear from the scum like Anderson Cooper, Rachael MADow, and John Acosta etc.. They have no interest in telling the truth. Their only mission in life is to get you robotic liberals to believe they are the answer to a life of happiness and prosperity. It is so much like terrorists who believe being a martyr will get them eternal life. Good luck with that! "Albright said "All three of us are immigrants." Did they come here legally? I'm going to say yes and more power to them! "Are we taken advantage of?" C'mon Obama proved that. Colin Powell, I have the utmost respect for him. But for him to say "they can't believe we're keeping immigrants coming into this country. It's what has kept us alive." Well Mr. Powell when you/ we were growing up the world was a different place. Not only do we have people who are here legally who want to cause us harm we have many many others who would love to come across the border and ******* you, me and our families just because we're Americans. FUCK them and FUCK all you people you are OK with that.
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Don't you realize he is saying the liberals are full of promoting hate. The first amendment Freedom of speech. Yes we all (fake CNN too) should be able to be able to say what we want. But not when it is filled with hate and lies. Kanye West got called "a Negro who doesn't read" and a "Token Negro." for exercising his first amendment right. We all know and so do you libs the left wing media has no interest in providing real truthful news. Well I shouldn't have said that because you only believe what you hear from the scum like Anderson Cooper, Rachael MADow, and John Acosta etc.. They have no interest in telling the truth. Their only mission in life is to get you robotic liberals to believe they are the answer to a life of happiness and prosperity. It is so much like terrorists who believe being a martyr will get them eternal life. Good luck with that! "Albright said "All three of us are immigrants." Did they come here legally? I'm going to say yes and more power to them! "Are we taken advantage of?" C'mon Obama proved that. Colin Powell. And I have the utmost respect for him. But for him to say "they can't believe we're keeping immigrants coming into this country. It's what has kept us alive." Well Mr. Powell when you/ we were growing up the world was a different place. Not only do we have people who are here legally who want to cause us harm we have many many others who would love to come across the border and ******* you, me and our families just because we're Americans. FUCK them and FUCK all you people you are OK with that.

How terribly pathetic! Seriously, I wish you no harm or ill will, regardless of circumstance! What Colin Powell said has "NOTHING" to do with fake news! Wake up, my friend! Wake up!
Take time out and smell the roses! Life is good, especially for those who see things as they are, accepts that which is right and endeavors to change those things that are not, without defaming or malice towards others!
How terribly pathetic! Seriously, I wish you no harm or ill will, regardless of circumstance! What Colin Powell said has "NOTHING" to do with fake news! Wake up, my friend! Wake up!
Take time out and smell the roses! Life is good, especially for those who see things as they are, accepts that which is right and endeavors to change those things that are not, without defaming or malice towards others!
Are you serious? You see things as they are and accept it? You're right life is good. Lowest unemployment, biggest GDP increase, my 401 has made more money than ever, the rest of the world finally realizing we're not going to be fucked with anymore. Yeah it's good.
I don't care what or where you got your facts on the Vets......I deal with them almost weekly...and I can tell you the money is shorter now than it was before...….and he closed close to 70 facilities to save money to give the others
for the first time in ?????? they ran out of flu vaccine and a few other things......not sure when they will get more...that's just one example.....I'm sure Trump is saying all the right things about what he is doing for the Vets...but it isn't happeneing!...and his first appointment to the VA quit after 2 months.....said he was just a figure head.....VA really being run out of mar a Lago by a trump advisor!
I posted about that on the political thread a while back
That's wrong if that truly is the case. As you know I'm not even an American so I can't alert the proper channels to get that corrected. But if I had any personal pull with Trump like Kanye I'd let Trump know right after Kanye's speech was done.
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I don't care what or where you got your facts on the Vets......I deal with them almost weekly...and I can tell you the money is shorter now than it was before...….and he closed close to 70 facilities to save money to give the others
for the first time in ?????? they ran out of flu vaccine and a few other things......not sure when they will get more...that's just one example.....I'm sure Trump is saying all the right things about what he is doing for the Vets...but it isn't happeneing!...and his first appointment to the VA quit after 2 months.....said he was just a figure head.....VA really being run out of mar a Lago by a trump advisor!
I posted about that on the political thread a while back
Maybe if you gave Trump a chance and maybe alerted the right channels perhaps Trump could surprise you there? Same thing with @MacNfries with the repairs done in the Carolinas where he is located after Hurricane Florence and the remnant of Hurricane Michael goes through his area. He too might soften his opinion of Trump if FEMA is seen to be doing a good job with the repair effort there? But actual repairs might have to wait after more immediate attention might be focused on the devastation after Hurricane Michael in the Florida panhandle as I understand initial repair estimates start at $19 Billion???!!! ( I heard that from the news on TV and at present I can't find a link that says that also. ) However the UK Telegraph suggests it could be in excess of $25 Billion as the damage was comparable to the damage done when Hurricane Andrew hit Florida in 1992
( https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/...lorida-counts-cost-florida-winter-sun-season/ ).
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Politically both you @subhub174014 and @MacNfries have your political ideologies but when it comes to Trump but when true emergencies like this happen at the very least you might say he could be immoral, and an idiot, but after we approached him or his administration with the aforesaid issues with the veterans and the repair effort in the Carolinas someone actually acknowledged us and something actually progressed getting some things done so in the future you could look back to Trump's administration and reflect to say it wasn't completely that bad? :rolleyes::D
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That's wrong if that truly is the case. As you know I'm not even an American so I can't alert the proper channels to get that corrected. But if I had any personal pull with Trump like Kanye I'd let Trump know right after Kanye's speech was done.

Sorry, but pull with Trump like Kanye?
That's far too much to ever swallow!
Sorry, but pull with Trump like Kanye?
That's far too much to ever swallow!
Stranger things have been known to happen. Where a real estate guy defeating an accomplished politician like Hillary to become POTUS? Or having a musician like Kanye having Trump's ear? So it could be possible for someone to alert him about injustices that need to be corrected. Just like with Kim Kardashian petitioning Trump to get people released from prison too or prison reform?

( https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainmen...omans-release-bad-president/story?id=56930938 )
( https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/30/politics/kim-kardashian-jared-kushner-white-house/ )

If Trump as POTUS is capable of doing these things why not correct other things as well?
Maybe if you gave Trump a chance and maybe alerted the right channels perhaps Trump could surprise you there? Same thing with @MacNfries with the repairs done in the Carolinas where he is located after Hurricane Florence and the remnant of Hurricane Michael goes through his area. He too might soften his opinion of Trump if FEMA is seen to be doing a good job with the repair effort there? But actual repairs might have to wait after more immediate attention might be focused on the devastation after Hurricane Michael in the Florida panhandle as I understand initial repair estimates start at $19 Billion???!!! ( I heard that from the news on TV and at present I can't find a link that says that also. ) However the UK Telegraph suggests it could be in excess of $25 Billion as the damage was comparable to the damage done when Hurricane Andrew hit Florida in 1992
( https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/...lorida-counts-cost-florida-winter-sun-season/ ).

repairs in the Carolina's Ha Ha Ha.....look what he did for Puerto Rico....and never did give all he promised in Houston!..
helping those in need takes away from his pet projects like his Monumental wall.....and that is all it is...a monument to himself so he can say later...see I had that built...….even though it will do nothing to stop the immigration problem....which could be handled so easily...but god forbid they do that.....enforce the laws we have... and punish the people that knowingly hire them!
Politically both you @subhub174014 and @MacNfries have your political ideologies but when it comes to Trump but when true emergencies like this happen at the very least you might say he could be immoral, and an idiot, but after we approached him or his administration with the aforesaid issues with the veterans and the repair effort in the Carolinas someone actually acknowledged us and something actually progressed getting some things done so in the future you could look back to Trump's administration and reflect to say it wasn't completely that bad? :rolleyes::D

immoral is putting it mildly....I suspect after it is all said and done they will find he channeled some of that VA money into his own pocket...he is a crook....as for something positive from him......maybe that new trade deal forsing them to hire people at 16 dollars and hour is a start....but he has done nothing to stop the jobs still being sent overseas...hurting this countries workers and economy...last week I posted an article on AT&T closing call in centers and sending them to India.....where they can hire workers for 2dollars an hour...and putting thousands out of work here....how about Harley Davidson and Ford moving overseas because of his tariffs....he does one thing that is...so so...and ten things to hurt!

you do know the first million his dad gave him he went bankrupt......dad gave him another almost 500 million and lost that also and Russia had to bail him out.....Russia keeps him in money as long as he is useful.....but that will end soon....and most think he will be bankrupt again 5 years out of office......banks here won't loan him money..he doesn't pay it back...….he owes a bank in china millions ...same for a bank in Europe....he can't manage money and he is now in charge of our money?

the guy is a natural born loser and pervert
immoral is putting it mildly....I suspect after it is all said and done they will find he channeled some of that VA money into his own pocket...he is a crook....as for something positive from him......maybe that new trade deal forsing them to hire people at 16 dollars and hour is a start....but he has done nothing to stop the jobs still being sent overseas...hurting this countries workers and economy...last week I posted an article on AT&T closing call in centers and sending them to India.....where they can hire workers for 2dollars an hour...and putting thousands out of work here....how about Harley Davidson and Ford moving overseas because of his tariffs....he does one thing that is...so so...and ten things to hurt!

you do know the first million his dad gave him he went bankrupt......dad gave him another almost 500 million and lost that also and Russia had to bail him out.....Russia keeps him in money as long as he is useful.....but that will end soon....and most think he will be bankrupt again 5 years out of office......banks here won't loan him money..he doesn't pay it back...….he owes a bank in china millions ...same for a bank in Europe....he can't manage money and he is now in charge of our money?

the guy is a natural born loser and pervert
I applaud for for admitting one thing positive about Trump's administration where you stated "that new trade deal forsing them to hire people at 16 dollars and hour is a start". So I will yield by stating if he doesn't pay his debts he would end up in prison once the mantle of POTUS is stripped from him. However if what you say about Trump is true how does his ******* manage those businesses if they are so heavily in debt? Effectively they would be bankrupt like the tailspin Sears is in? As they appear to be functional? And if you are right I'll eat my words within 2 years? Or 6 years after Trump's second term is completed where he would share a cell with Bernard Madoff?
Stranger things have been known to happen. Where a real estate guy defeating an accomplished politician like Hillary to become POTUS? Or having a musician like Kanye having Trump's ear? So it could be possible for someone to alert him about injustices that need to be corrected. Just like with Kim Kardashian petitioning Trump to get people released from prison too or prison reform?

( https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainmen...omans-release-bad-president/story?id=56930938 )
( https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/30/politics/kim-kardashian-jared-kushner-white-house/ )

If Trump as POTUS is capable of doing these things why not correct other things as well?

I'll agree with your opening remark, "Stranger things have been known to happen."
I feel compelled to correct your second sentence however as it is obvious you failed to completely state the facts,
I feel compelled to plagiarize your second sentence and reiterate it as; "Where a real estate guy defeating an accomplished politician like Hillary to become POTUS with the help of the Russians and Mr. Putin?"
Just helping a friend to state the facts!
I trust you'll appreciate my effort to help keep you on the straight and narrow.
Oh! You're probably aware that Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes, all in Hillary's favor?
I applaud for for admitting one thing positive about Trump's administration where you stated "that new trade deal forsing them to hire people at 16 dollars and hour is a start". So I will yield by stating if he doesn't pay his debts he would end up in prison once the mantle of POTUS is stripped from him. However if what you say about Trump is true how does his ******* manage those businesses if they are so heavily in debt? Effectively they would be bankrupt like the tailspin Sears is in? As they appear to be functional? And if you are right I'll eat my words within 2 years? Or 6 years after Trump's second term is completed where he would share a cell with Bernard Madoff?

they ( his sons) were on a golf course with some journalist way before he was pres....and they stated money was not an issue they get all they want from Russia!

This photo has an unnerving ring to it!
Those who opposed Hitler, and supported by "fake news" as Hitler's entourage and
supporters claimed, were either deposed, arrested, or too few until it was too late!
The rest as they say, is history! Just saying!
View attachment 2154543

This photo has an unnerving ring to it!
Those who opposed Hitler, and supported by "fake news" as Hitler's entourage and
supporters claimed, were either deposed, arrested, or too few until it was too late!
The rest as they say, is history! Just saying!

I wish I had a dime every time this analogy was made. It was done with Obama, it was done with Bush, hell it was even done with Regan. LOL
I'll use your own brand of logic here, just so you can understand. Trump doesn't look like Hitler, He doesn't act like Hitler, Definitely doesn't sound like Hitler, so - must NOT be Hitler.
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