Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No it's not for liberals. They think nothing but doom and gloom. Refuse to give credit where credit is due just because they don't have the same ideology. So in their narrow minded brains this country is in such bad shape it could and would only get better if Democrats were running the show. I say again let's here the substantive policies that would do that?
You seem to just make things up in your head. Doom and gloom? It's about like every administration some good some bad. Just depends on your perspective.
You seem to just make things up in your head. Doom and gloom? It's about like every administration some good some bad. Just depends on your perspective.
Maybe you're missing the point. Mac. Sub, and others do nothing but talk about how horrible Trump is and how his policies have done nothing for our economy and have adversely affected our country. I want to see a list of names of Democratic politicians and their policies and/or ideas that would make our lives so much better than it is under Trump. Not their opinions but actually policies of Democratic leaders that would make the economy better than it is, unemployment lower than it is (sorry not possible at this point), improve foreign policy.. etc
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They have banners, fake news clips, leftist new articles of how the bad republicans are destroying this country but nothing what their party could or should do except to promote hate and violence. Pathetic!
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So as usual no definitive answer and great defelection. Who and what fucking Democratic politician has had any ideas of substance that would turn around what you liberals feel is so fucked up. Yes the economy under Obama could only get better. It was at the bottom of the barrel. Trump has taken it 40% higher in two years that took Obama almost eight. Again other than free for everyone what is your leaders plan to make things that are supposedly so fucked up "better?"

You wouldn't recogonize a definitive answer if it were written in steel and anchored in rock! Maybe you just don't understand what MacNfries wrote in the English language, so I'll make you an offer! I'll undertake the cost of the translation of his post to any language you "might" understand, there is one condition however before I waste a penny! The condition is very basic, you prove to everyone that you understand anything that a normal two (2) year would comprehend!

Sorry! On second thought I withdraw that offer, instead, I need a cold beer and a cold shower. The absolute ignorance of undeniable self evident facts by some people is simply astonishing. The sorriest sight will be watching the economic devastation that the current administration will pass onto the next incoming government. It will make the gift the Bush GOP mess they left for Obama to handle look a Sunday school picnic! If I'm wrong, unlike the the unelected President currently sitting in the White House, (what did he lose by, oh, almost 3 million votes, eh) I make a written public apologize.
Knowing of course there's less than 1 in 3 million chances of that ever being necessary.

P.S. Just so you're aware, I feel much better now, instead of a beer, I had two nice shots of Tennessee Wiskey, a cold shower and have a couple of nice steaks on the BBQ! Piss on politics! I just don't need the aggravation of trying to comprehend how idiotic some idiots can be! I wish everyone, good luck, good health, and much happiness! Seriously!
Another 3 reasons why I opened with:

Mitch McConnell has done grave damage to all three branches of government

Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist and CNN political commentator, was a political consultant for Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992 and was counselor to Clinton in the White House. He was a consultant to Priorities USA Action, which was a pro-Obama super PAC before it was a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his. View more opinion articles on CNN.
(CNN)Once in a while, a politician becomes so powerful and yet so destructive that he or she does real damage to the branch of government in which she or he serves.

Obviously, Richard Nixon damaged the presidency, Newt Gingrich turned the House of Representatives into a mixed martial arts arena, and Roger Taney forever stained the Supreme Court with the Dred Scott decision. But it takes someone special, someone rare, someone spectacularly Machiavellian and malevolent, to screw up all three branches of government.

Ladies and gentlemen: Mitch McConnell. The soft-spoken Kentuckian has, in just a few short years, done lasting damage to the presidency, the Senate and the Supreme Court: the hat trick of democracy destruction.
To wit:
McConnell flips, changes his rule on Supreme Court confirmations 06:57

The presidency. American intelligence knew Vladimir Putin's henchmen were attacking America, using cyberwarfare tactics to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign. Yet when the nonpartisan leaders of our intelligence community briefed McConnell, his reply -- according to a new book by Washington Post reporter Greg Miller -- was purely partisan: "You're trying to screw the Republican nominee." McConnell not only refused to condemn the Russians, Miller writes, he threatened to attack the US intelligence community, labeling its call to defend America an act of partisan politics.
By helping hobble our defense against the dark arts of Putin, McConnell has tainted Donald Trump's presidency. The noted media scholar Kathleen Hall Jamieson has carefully examined the Russian effort, and has concluded that without Russia's help, Trump would not be President.

Gergen: McConnell cares about getting it done01:22
Trump's legitimacy is questionable -- in part because McConnell refused to defend our presidential electoral system when it came under foreign attack.

The Senate. McConnell has broken the Senate. By refusing even to meet with President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, and by blocking hearings on his nomination, McConnell deeply harmed the comity on which the Senate is supposed to run.

I am amused by the notion that, somehow, former Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid is the one who broke the Senate when he eliminated the filibuster for lower court judgeships. Right. If only Reid had been nicer to sweet ol' Mitch, then he wouldn't have been so doggone mean when he got power.

In truth, Reid had no choice but to limit the filibuster on lower court nominations, given McConnell's abuse of it. McConnell invoked the 60-vote rule to block Obama's nominees nearly as often as it had been used in all previous US history. Under all the presidents before Obama, 86 nominations had been blocked by filibuster. In just the Obama presidency alone, McConnell used the filibuster to block 82.

McConnell's naked partisanship has crippled the Senate. One wonders how it will ever recover.

The Supreme Court. Which brings us to the high court. Not content with simply stealing Garland's seat for Trump, McConnell rammed through the nomination of the profoundly unpopular Brett Kavanaugh. The court now has four justices appointed by Presidents who originally came into office after losing the popular vote.
(To be fair, George W. Bush nominated Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito in his second term after winning the 2004 election fair and square. But does anyone think he would have had a second term if the court had not installed him despite the will of the voters in 2000?)

The McConnell court is now every bit as partisan as one of the panels on my old show, "Crossfire." Except on "Crossfire," we didn't wear robes and pretend we were somehow above the fray. For decades to come, American citizens upset about any erosion of their constitutional rights -- civil rights, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, women's rights, reproductive rights, consumer rights, environmental protections -- can thank McConnell.

Legacies are often hard to predict when a politician is still in office. Not this time. When you see bitter, hateful, vengeful hyperpartisanship infecting our national life -- from the White House to the Senate to the marble palace of the Supreme Court -- you can thank the "Gentleman from Kentucky."
You wouldn't recogonize a definitive answer if it were written in steel and anchored in rock! Maybe you just don't understand what MacNfries wrote in the English language, so I'll make you an offer! I'll undertake the cost of the translation of his post to any language you "might" understand, there is one condition however before I waste a penny! The condition is very basic, you prove to everyone that you understand anything that a normal two (2) year would comprehend!

Sorry! On second thought I withdraw that offer, instead, I need a cold beer and a cold shower. The absolute ignorance of undeniable self evident facts by some people is simply astonishing. The sorriest sight will be watching the economic devastation that the current administration will pass onto the next incoming government. It will make the gift the Bush GOP mess they left for Obama to handle look a Sunday school picnic! If I'm wrong, unlike the the unelected President currently sitting in the White House, (what did he lose by, oh, almost 3 million votes, eh) I make a written public apologize.
Knowing of course there's less than 1 in 3 million chances of that ever being necessary.

P.S. Just so you're aware, I feel much better now, instead of a beer, I had two nice shots of Tennessee Wiskey, a cold shower and have a couple of nice steaks on the BBQ! Piss on politics! I just don't need the aggravation of trying to comprehend how idiotic some idiots can be! I wish everyone, good luck, good health, and much happiness! Seriously!
Just as i thought NOTHING. Ok. So I’ll make you a deal. Since you cannot or will not say what policies Democrats will implement in the future that would make America better than it is, what would Hillary have done? What was her platform? I’ll expect the same type answer which is nothing.
Just as i thought NOTHING. Ok. So I’ll make you a deal. Since you cannot or will not say what policies Democrats will implement in the future that would make America better than it is, what would Hillary have done? What was her platform? I’ll expect the same type answer which is nothing.

I'm not a participating Registered Democrat so I will not assume I have a right to speak on their behalf. The Decomratic Party is evidently well conversed to doing that themselves, unlike the "alternative facts" enunciated and swallowed by mindless Trumpian wannabes. You remind me of those poor souls who decide to sit out a hurricane rather than evacuate. Their homes and lives were at risk and rather than accept the warnings and the inevitable, they sat mindless as they, their possessions and everything else around them are destroyed. Wake up, my friend! Wake up! Your attempt to sound more than you are falls far short of reality! Good luck! You really do need it! Whether you recognize that or not is not a matter of interest to me for I have much better and more productive things do in life! Au Revoir mon ami!
signed a blue-million executive orders to reverse Obama regulations
No Trump hasn't signed a million executive orders. He still hasn't even signed the 300+ you claimed back in January. Trump has signed exactly 85 so far which is pretty damm close to the 74 Obummer signed in his first two years. Have you progressed enough in your remedial 7th grade math class yet to show us the percent difference between the two???

Most of these executive orders don't have anything to do with Obummer's policies. They are routine functions of the executive branch. Of course there a few interesting ones like EO 13779: White House Initiative To Promote Excellence and Innovation at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Really showing those Republican racist traits we hear so much about!

oh, and EO 13801 Expanding Apprenticeships in America. Clearly anti union, anti worker as we so often hear!

It was the Republicans that about crashed the economy in 2009 ... where's your memory. You need a history lesson or something?
It was the subprime mortgage crisis that crashed the economy. Where's your memory. This has been explained to you numerous times. Its also been pointed out how GW's administration told congress multiple times the subprime mortgage industry was in trouble and could crash. There's multiple videos showing democrap congressmen downplaying the issue. But why bother with reality when there is some good ole democrap hyperbole to throw around???

And the MacNLies Gish Gallop goes on and on and on.....
No Trump hasn't signed a million executive orders. He still hasn't even signed the 300+ you claimed back in January. Trump has signed exactly 85 so far which is pretty damm close to the 74 Obummer signed in his first two years. Have you progressed enough in your remedial 7th grade math class yet to show us the percent difference between the two???

Most of these executive orders don't have anything to do with Obummer's policies. They are routine functions of the executive branch. Of course there a few interesting ones like EO 13779: White House Initiative To Promote Excellence and Innovation at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Really showing those Republican racist traits we hear so much about!

oh, and EO 13801 Expanding Apprenticeships in America. Clearly anti union, anti worker as we so often hear!

It was the subprime mortgage crisis that crashed the economy. Where's your memory. This has been explained to you numerous times. Its also been pointed out how GW's administration told congress multiple times the subprime mortgage industry was in trouble and could crash. There's multiple videos showing democrap congressmen downplaying the issue. But why bother with reality when there is some good ole democrap hyperbole to throw around???

And the MacNLies Gish Gallop goes on and on and on.....

Nicely done ✅
Refuse to give credit where credit is due
.... but, I thought I just did, Latina .... a lot more detail than you've given in your 7 entries of worthless posts since I asked the question of you much earlier .... I've given Republicans & Trump plenty of credit for FUCKING THINGS UP and doing NOTHING. I keep asking you what it is that we should be giving Trump & Republicans for ... you keep NOT answering that question. What have they accomplished with their 2 years of TRIFECTA governing thus far?
I know a joke about Republicans that I'll tell you ...
This young woman was chatting with an old school friend about their accomplishments & the woman told the friend that she had been married 3 times and was still a virgin. The friend said "that's impossible!" .... but the woman continued her story. She said that the first man she married was an older man, and when she removed her clothes to make love, he simply went into shock gazing upon her beautiful young body and had a heart attack and died right in front of her. The second man she married was so in a hurry to go have sex after getting married, that he tripped at the top of the church steps and broke his neck right there in front of EVERYONE.​
Her friend gasped then said ... "well, what about that 3rd man you married?" The woman shook her head and said "He was the worst of all of them; he was one of those damn Republicans. All he did was sit on the end of the bridal bed and kept telling her how GREAT it was going to be."
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And the MacNLies Gish Gallop goes on and on and on.....
No, not really, fuck nuts ... sure I purposely exaggerated on the executive orders, that's because other than golf, that's about all America see's him doing, then holding the signed orders up so everyone can see his signature.
Notice you didn't take issue with anything else ... the health care, the wall, the de-nuclearization, the split of Hispanic parent-children, "trickle down" tax cuts, sharing of highly classified info with Russia. You won't because you can't defend them for Rethuglcans.
I'll ask you the same question I've asked that brain washed embicile, Latina4bbc, who keeps bragging about how great Trump has been and then refusing to tell us "what the fuck he's done", what promises has Trump kept? Go ahead, make my day ... tell me its the growth of the GDP or stock market, or keeping interest rates low, cumwad.
This is my "busy time of the year" so I apologize for ignoring you lately ... here
................................................................................................................................................................... pic_GoFuckYourself4.jpg especially for YOU! GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
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No collusion. no porn stars, no falsely accused SCOTUS nominees, no daddy's taxes. but actual policies that would make this country so much better!
As we're heading into the mid-terms, not the general election, the Democrats are mostly planning to run on improving the ACA (Obamacare for you ReThuglicans) in their various states. Coincidently, Republican run states are starting to join up with the ACA because they know their OWN party has failed to come up with what Trump promised. Democrats will be looking to improve the immigration issues (rather than confiscating children from their natural parents), and, fixing the bias voting laws in many of the states like NC ... that's what they're running on HERE in NC. If and when the Democrats acquire a majority in the congress House & Senate, they'll be looking to refocus on Trump administration collusions with Russia, ousting Trump, and possibly their newly appointed SCOTUS for lying under oath.
One thing that they WON'T be running on is MORE TAX CUTS like many of the Republicans are doing. Already the deficit is growing faster than a trident missile in flight from Trump's last tax cuts ... it is expected to reach $1 trillion deficit spending per year by 2020 ... that's the deficit NOT just the Nat'l debt.
And if they get the trifecta again in 2020 ... they'll be investing in infra-structure projects, improving the public education instead of replacing it with private school vouchers, putting money BACK into the environment that Republicans have so conveniently removed, re-empowerment of the EPA, and improving and re-establishing our relationships with our primary allies. And lastly, expect the new Democrat President to fully staff his administration ... Trump is YET to fill all the vacated department jobs ... in fact over still 35% unfilled.
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.... but, I thought I just did, Latina .... a lot more detail than you've given in your 7 entries of worthless posts since I asked the question of you much earlier .... I've given Republicans & Trump plenty of credit for FUCKING THINGS UP and doing NOTHING. I keep asking you what it is that we should be giving Trump & Republicans for ... you keep NOT answering that question. What have they accomplished with their 2 years of TRIFECTA governing thus far?
I know a joke about Republicans that I'll tell you ...
This young woman was chatting with an old school friend about their accomplishments & the woman told the friend that she had been married 3 times and was still a virgin. The friend said "that's impossible!" .... but the woman continued her story. She said that the first man she married was an older man, and when she removed her clothes to make love, he simply went into shock gazing upon her beautiful young body and had a heart attack and died right in front of her. The second man she married was so in a hurry to go have sex after getting married, that he tripped at the top of the church steps and broke his neck right there in front of EVERYONE.​
Her friend gasped then said ... "well, what about that 3rd man you married?" The woman shook her head and said "He was the worst of all of them; he was one of those damn Republicans. All he did was sit on the end of the bridal bed and kept telling her how GREAT it was going to be."
Ya gotta just love the implied Truth!
It is simply impossible to try to reason with the unreasonable as is perfectly illustrated above.

I'll address the WHOLE STOCK of conservatives in this forum .... What campaign promises has Trump accomplished? How have the middle-class, that he dwelled on in campaign speeches, benefitted from the current Trump & trifecta they have? Please, be elaborate with your answers ... I'm dying to know what accomplishments you ReThugs see that make you so boastful!
I'll address the WHOLE STOCK of conservatives in this forum .... What campaign promises has Trump accomplished? How have the middle-class, that he dwelled on in campaign speeches, benefitted from the current Trump & trifecta they have? Please, be elaborate with your answers ... I'm dying to know what accomplishments you ReThugs see that make you so boastful!
Okay @MacNfries here you go...


Create private White House veterans hotline
"I will create a private White House hotline – that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day – to make sure that no valid complaint about the VA ever falls through the cracks. I will instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not acted upon, then the issue be brought directly to me, and I will pick up the phone and fix it myself, if need be."

Slash federal regulations
"A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated."

Place lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government
"I'm going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government and I'm going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections and politics.”

Nominate someone from his list of justices to replace Antonin Scalia
“I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of Justice Scalia. I'm looking for judges — and I've actually picked 20 of them so that people would see.” --- As we recently know it was Brett Kavanaugh.

Move U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem."

Cancel the Paris climate agreement
"We’re going to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs.”

Suspend immigration from terror-prone places
“And if people don't like it, we've got to have a country folks. Got to have a country. Countries in which immigration will be suspended would include places like Syria and Libya. And we are going to stop the tens of thousands of people coming in from Syria.”

Limit legal immigration
“We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people. Workers. We’re going to take care of our workers.”

Stop TPP
"I'm going to issue our notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

Renegotiated NAFTA (now it's called USMCA (example: https://www.vox.com/2018/10/2/17923638/usmca-trump-nafta-trade-agreement))
“A Trump administration will renegotiate NAFTA and if we don't get the deal we want, we will terminate NAFTA and get a much better deal for our workers and our companies. 100 percent."

Raise tariffs on goods imported into the U.S.
“Any country that devalues their currency to take unfair advantage of the United States and all of its companies that can’t compete will face tariffs and taxes to stop the cheating.”

Save the Carrier plant in Indiana
"So here's what's going to happen: Within 24 hours, I'll get a call — the head of Carrier — and he'll say, 'Mr. President, we've decided to stay in the United States. That's what's going to happen. 100 percent."

Create a 10-percent repatriation tax
"It (The Donald J. Trump tax plan) will provide a deemed repatriation of corporate profits held offshore at a one-time tax rate of 10 percent."

Reverse Barack Obama's 2016 gun executive order
"I will veto. I will unsign that (President Barack Obama's gun executive order) so fast."


More to come before 2020, and more than that before 2024. Undoubtedly if I could address your question from a simple internet query in Canada you could do the same in America @MacNfries? Despite our opposing views on Trump I do think of you as being a smart enough guy to do that too. If my explanation was not rigorously complete enough for you, I'd suggest checking out whitehouse.gov too.
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It doesn’t matter what ya say - the liberal mind sees everything in their liberal terms - we are no more going to convince them of anything than they are going to convince us - that endeavor - though noble - is totally ineffectual. :{
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