Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It doesn’t matter what ya say - the liberal mind sees everything in their liberal terms - we are no more going to convince them of anything than they are going to convince us - that endeavor - though noble - is totally ineffectual. :{
Had to try otherwise he would claim that us fan's of Trump would have nothing to stand on. Though you are probably correct. If Trump rebuilt all of America's roads with 10 inches of sparkling gold with longevity for thousands of years, he might overlook what was done and snub he nose at the project and say why not use 11 inches?
As we're heading into the mid-terms, not the general election, the Democrats are mostly planning to run on improving the ACA (Obamacare for you ReThuglicans) in their various states. Coincidently, Republican run states are starting to join up with the ACA because they know their OWN party has failed to come up with what Trump promised. Democrats will be looking to improve the immigration issues (rather than confiscating children from their natural parents), and, fixing the bias voting laws in many of the states like NC ... that's what they're running on HERE in NC. If and when the Democrats acquire a majority in the congress House & Senate, they'll be looking to refocus on Trump administration collusions with Russia, ousting Trump, and possibly their newly appointed SCOTUS for lying under oath.
One thing that they WON'T be running on is MORE TAX CUTS like many of the Republicans are doing. Already the deficit is growing faster than a trident missile in flight from Trump's last tax cuts ... it is expected to reach $1 trillion deficit spending per year by 2020 ... that's the deficit NOT just the Nat'l debt.
And if they get the trifecta again in 2020 ... they'll be investing in infra-structure projects, improving the public education instead of replacing it with private school vouchers, putting money BACK into the environment that Republicans have so conveniently removed, re-empowerment of the EPA, and improving and re-establishing our relationships with our primary allies. And lastly, expect the new Democrat President to fully staff his administration ... Trump is YET to fill all the vacated department jobs ... in fact over still 35% unfilled.
Sorry Mac I actually had to work today.

ACA- Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass this bill so we can see what is inside. Now I'm not sure but I would think if Obama care was so great I can't imagine any Republican running on a ticket who would want to dismantle it. Dem's thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Improve immigration - The Dem's have failed miserably as have previous Republican administrations. They don't give a flying fuck about improving immigration or care about immigrants for that matter. They want their votes. Obama let children go with men who were not confirmed to be a parent or relative. Don't forget your fake news outlets broadcast images showing the "poor children" from the Obama era saying it was during Trumps . I will never understand why you liberals think it is OK to break our laws which are bi-partisan. I nor any other decent human being want to see children suffer. Those who come to this country illegally is, as far as I know, they are breaking the law. Why do they get a pass? Trump sent a long over due message, come here illegally and you will be deported. As it should be. Maybe just maybe there's this thing called taking responsibility. Don't bring your children when you're breaking laws. I guess the message from the libs is if children are involved then there's no crime. Are you saying a criminal citizen who is arrested when his/her children are present shouldn't be arrested so they're not separated? Parents' fault not the government.

Biased voting laws - How can it be biased? If you are a legal citizen and registered to vote how is it biased? If you're talking about the electoral college then change the constitution which you liberals would love to do. If you had it your way you would throw the whole fucking thing in the trash heap. Now that is scary!

Trump collusions - Good luck with that. It is bullshit and you know it. But your party will waste, as they already have, so much time, energy, and money focusing on anything anti Trump rather than run the country. How successful have they been so far with all of there hate false filled acts? Zero!

Tax Cuts- Of course they won't propose tax cuts. They are the king/queens of raising taxes. That free medical, free educaton, welfare, free housing, free everything has to come off the backs of someone.

Education - The Democrats have been talking about improving education since I can remember. Big government doesn't work. You really are that blind not to see that. Our education system has been a mess for decades and guess what mostly run by liberals. Their story is old. "We need to fix this, we need to fix that, we need to be strong on education, we need to improve jobs, we need to..... Same old fucking broken record!

Environment - The only people who have benefited by creating fear about the climate is Al Gore and "Green Companies." I'm pretty sure there was an ice age at one time, I'm pretty sure there were hurricanes, I'm sure there were forest fires, Oh wait the dust bowl. You libs feed into the doom and gloom as usual. We have some of the cleanest air in history. The earth has this thing called cycles. But that's to simple to comprehend and not controversial.

Our Allies - It's way overdue Trump set the record straight unlike the ball less presidents like Obama. We give, I'll say it again, we give billions of dollars to other countries. Fuck em. You know damned well they don't give a ******* who is in office as long as they get their money. Would you give money to a ******* and not expect anything for your money? America first and there is nothing wrong with that. Most of you liberals hate this country and that's another thing I will never understand. You'll say I don't hate this country just not the person in the white house. Proven point. You don't get your way then everything is fucked up. We live in a Democracy. I for the thousandth time voted for Obama in '08. I did not want him to win another term and voted for Romney. But when Obama won again I accepted what "our" country decided and the fact that I would have to wait another four years to cast my vote. If Hilary would have won I would admittedly have been pissed but not to the point of promoting Mob violence and yelling and screaming at anyone I thought disagreed with my views. You people really need to grow up. We live in the best country in the world. We are the beacon of hope and dreams. But guess what? Not everyone gets a trophy. That's what makes us so great. It's called drive, determination, and the desire to better yourself. WAKE UP AMERICA!
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Sorry Mac I actually had to work today.

ACA- Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass this bill so we can see what is inside. Now I'm not sure but I would think if Obama care was so great I can't imagine any Republican running on a ticket who would want to dismantle it. Dem's thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Improve immigration - The Dem's have failed miserably as have previous Republican administrations. They don't give a flying fuck about improving immigration or care about immigrants for that matter. They want their votes. Obama let children go with men who were not confirmed to be a parent or relative. Don't forget your fake news outlets broadcast images showing the "poor children" from the Obama era saying it was during Trumps . I will never understand why you liberals think it is OK to break our laws which are bi-partisan. I nor any other decent human being want to see children suffer. Those who come to this country illegally is, as far as I know, breaking the law. Why do they get a pass? Trump sent a long over due message, come here illegally and you will be deported. As it should be. Maybe just maybe there's this thing called taking responsibility. Don't bring your children when you're breaking laws. I guess the message from the libs is if children are involved then there's no crime. Are you saying a criminal citizen who is arrested when his/her children are present shouldn't be arrested so they're not separated? Parents' fault not the governments.

Biased voting laws - How can it be biased? If you are a legal citizen and registered to vote how is it biased? If you're talking about the electoral college then change the constitution which you liberals would love to do. If you had it your way you would throw the whole fucking thing in the trash heap. Now that is scary!

Trump collusions - Good luck with that. It is bullshit and you know it. But your party will waste, as they already have, so much time, energy, and money focusing on anything anti Trump rather than run the country. How successful have they been so far with all of there hate false filled acts? Zero!

Tax Cuts- Of course they won't propose tax cuts. They are the king/queens of raising taxes. That free medical, free educaton, welfare, free housing, free everything has to come off the backs of someone.

Education - The Democrats have been talking about improving education since I can remember. Big government doesn't work. You really are that blind not to see that. Our education system has been a mess for decades and guess what mostly run by liberals. Their story is old. "We need to fix this, we need to fix that, we need to be strong on education, we need to improve jobs, we need to.....Guess what? Same old fucking thing!

Environment - The only people who have benefited by creating fear about the climate is Al Gore and "Green Companies." I'm pretty sure there was an ice age at one time, I'm pretty sure there were hurricanes, I'm sure there were forest fires, Oh wait the dust bowl. You libs feed into the doom and gloom as usual. We have some of the cleanest air in history. The earth has this thing called cycles. But that's to simple to comprehend and not controversial.

Our Allies - It's way overdue that Presidents with no balls , especially Obama, set the record straight. We give, I'll say it again, we give billions of dollars to other countries. Fuck em. You know damned well if it wasn't for that they wouldn't give a ******* who is in office. Would you give money to a ******* and not expect anything for your money? America first and there is nothing wrong with that. Most of you liberals hate this country and that's another thing I will never understand. You'll say I don't hate this country just not the person in the white house. Proven point. You don't get your way then everything is fucked up. We live in a Democracy. I for the thousandth time voted for Obama in '08. I did not want him to win another term and voted for Romney. But when Obama won again I accepted what "our" country decided and the fact that I would have to wait another four years to cast my vote. If Hilary would have won I would admittedly have been pissed but not to the point of promoting Mob violence and yelling and screaming at anyone I thought disagreed with my views. You people really need to grow up. We live in the best country in the world. We are the beacon of hope and dreams. But guess what? Not everyone gets a trophy. That's what makes us so great. It's called drive, determination, and the desire to better yourself. WAKE UP AMERICA!
I see you were also answering @MacNfries's challenge too. Nice effort but I prefer to adhere more to facts where possible and references to them as well. So if he throws it back at my face to prove it, it's already there just as in an essay at school in my endnotes. :D I know our stern professor @MacNfries will fail us both, but I had to try especially at the time no one else was answering his call.

If you throw enough facts maybe his views might soften and eventually @MacNfries may even one day realize Trump was good? That happened before when Nikki Haley was considered critical of Trump before she became the 29th United States Ambassador to the United Nations as seen here: (https://www.pri.org/stories/2016-11...aley-republican-critic-trump-join-his-team-un).

And for sake of referencing for historic purposes in case we forget or other new people read this thread and what I write. Nikki Haley recently announced her retirement where she left in good term with Trump as well where "Haley rejected talk of her own presidential campaign and said she intends to support Trump for re-election." (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...nikki-haley-un-ambassador-resigns/1575980002/)
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I see you were also answering @macfries's challenge too. Nice effort but I prefer to adhere more to facts where possible and references to them as well. So if he throws it back at my face to prove it, it's already there just as in an essay at school in my endnotes. :D I know our stern professor @MacNfries will fail us both, but I had to try especially at the time no one else was answering his call.
Noooooo, I think you got that twisted a bit .... Trump could SAY he could cure cancer and YOU'D believe him! View attachment 2150249
So typical. One thing I'll give you radicals is you're very predictable!
Sorry Mac I actually had to work today.
ahhhhh, I see ... you had to report to the unemployment office today, huh? So you'd continue getting those checks? I understand!

Listen, you ASKED what the Democrats are going to run on , and I told you. Your OPINION of what they're running on has no effect on the question you asked. You don't take into account that this IS the mid-terms; basically, every state running on their own topics. I told you what OUR candidates are running on. I could give a rat's ass what your state's candidates are running on, capiche'? If you'd watch the TV ads or read the political section of your local news paper you'd know what all the candidates in YOUR state are running on, too!

You're the one who was bragging about what Trump had accomplished, then wouldn't provide the things he's accomplished ... had to have STIFF do it for you.
Not one of those that STIFF listed were his CAMPAIGN goals, and he certainly doesn't care about veterans ... that was a laugher for sure.

We know what Republicans are running on in 2018 .... WHAT EVER President Trump tells them to run on, right? I mean, tax cuts is about it, usually. Since Trump evades paying taxes, all he cares about is taking care of TRUMP.
ahhhhh, I see ... you had to report to the unemployment office today, huh? So you'd continue getting those checks? I understand!

Listen, you ASKED what the Democrats are going to run on , and I told you. Your OPINION of what they're running on has no effect on the question you asked. You don't take into account that this IS the mid-terms; basically, every state running on their own topics. I told you what OUR candidates are running on. I could give a rat's ass what your state's candidates are running on, capiche'? If you'd watch the TV ads or read the political section of your local news paper you'd know what all the candidates in YOUR state are running on, too!

You're the one who was bragging about what Trump had accomplished, then wouldn't provide the things he's accomplished ... had to have STIFF do it for you.
Not one of those that STIFF listed were his CAMPAIGN goals, and he certainly doesn't care about veterans ... that was a laugher for sure.

WRepublicans are running on in 2018 .... WHAT EVER President Trump tells them to run on, right? I mean, tax cuts is about it, usually. Since Trump evades paying taxes, all he cares about is taking care of TRUMP.
Dude I make over $200,000 a year
ahhhhh, I see ... you had to report to the unemployment office today, huh? So you'd continue getting those checks? I understand!

Listen, you ASKED what the Democrats are going to run on , and I told you. Your OPINION of what they're running on has no effect on the question you asked. You don't take into account that this IS the mid-terms; basically, every state running on their own topics. I told you what OUR candidates are running on. I could give a rat's ass what your state's candidates are running on, capiche'? If you'd watch the TV ads or read the political section of your local news paper you'd know what all the candidates in YOUR state are running on, too!

You're the one who was bragging about what Trump had accomplished, then wouldn't provide the things he's accomplished ... had to have STIFF do it for you.
Not one of those that STIFF listed were his CAMPAIGN goals, and he certainly doesn't care about veterans ... that was a laugher for sure.

We know what Republicans are running on in 2018 .... WHAT EVER President Trump tells them to run on, right? I mean, tax cuts is about it, usually. Since Trump evades paying taxes, all he cares about is taking care of TRUMP.
An inaccuracy I will grant you @MacNfries, instead of titling my article "Trump's Promises Kept", I'll re-label it as "Trump's Accomplishments". But even then you will find fault with it. I'm not sure what your vocation is but you would have made a decent lawyer.
ahhhhh, I see ... you had to report to the unemployment office today, huh? So you'd continue getting those checks? I understand!

Listen, you ASKED what the Democrats are going to run on , and I told you. Your OPINION of what they're running on has no effect on the question you asked. You don't take into account that this IS the mid-terms; basically, every state running on their own topics. I told you what OUR candidates are running on. I could give a rat's ass what your state's candidates are running on, capiche'? If you'd watch the TV ads or read the political section of your local news paper you'd know what all the candidates in YOUR state are running on, too!

You're the one who was bragging about what Trump had accomplished, then wouldn't provide the things he's accomplished ... had to have STIFF do it for you.
Not one of those that STIFF listed were his CAMPAIGN goals, and he certainly doesn't care about veterans ... that was a laugher for sure.

We know what Republicans are running on in 2018 .... WHAT EVER President Trump tells them to run on, right? I mean, tax cuts is about it, usually. Since Trump evades paying taxes, all he cares about is taking care of TRUMP.
In California I see what our candidates are running for. Gavan Newsome. The only thing he can run on is "I'll give you everthing." I won't tell you where the money will come from but by gully you vote for me and I'll give you everything for free. These candidates are whores. The San Francisco mayor tried to establish her legacy by supporting a ******* monitoring facility so junkies can shoot up. Thank God that complete asshole Jerry Brown shut that ******* down. There is human ******* on the sidewalks, needles, and homeless. Liberalism at its finest.
Noooooo, I think you got that twisted a bit .... Trump could SAY he could cure cancer and YOU'D believe him! View attachment 2150249
The sciences I suspect was not Trump's forte, however brilliance does abound in his DNA. Do you realize he had an uncle John George Trump who was a professor of Physics so well respected he was called upon to analyze the notes of the late Nicola Tesla when he died in America in 1943?

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump )
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla )
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ahhhhh, I see ... you had to report to the unemployment office today, huh? So you'd continue getting those checks? I understand!

Listen, you ASKED what the Democrats are going to run on , and I told you. Your OPINION of what they're running on has no effect on the question you asked. You don't take into account that this IS the mid-terms; basically, every state running on their own topics. I told you what OUR candidates are running on. I could give a rat's ass what your state's candidates are running on, capiche'? If you'd watch the TV ads or read the political section of your local news paper you'd know what all the candidates in YOUR state are running on, too!

You're the one who was bragging about what Trump had accomplished, then wouldn't provide the things he's accomplished ... had to have STIFF do it for you.
Not one of those that STIFF listed were his CAMPAIGN goals, and he certainly doesn't care about veterans ... that was a laugher for sure.

We know what Republicans are running on in 2018 .... WHAT EVER President Trump tells them to run on, right? I mean, tax cuts is about it, usually. Since
Your Pay Consists ofCurrentYTD
Gross Pay7,810.96206,178.89

Tax InformationMarital StatusExemptionsAdditional WithholdingCurrent WagesYTD Wages
State ( CA )S

Trump evades paying taxes, all he cares about is taking care of TRUMP.

Your Pay Consists ofCurrentYTD
Gross Pay7,810.96206,178.89
wooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! View attachment 2150272..........<~~~ now I'm a DUDE!

View attachment 2150273

Isn't it time for you to give your hands some SEX ... ??????????? :p
Isn't that a little crass @MacNfries? All he was doing was proving to you that he wasn't broke when you said: "you had to report to the unemployment office today" from your post ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-114#post-2030039 ). We are nice and respectful here. :angel:
Isn't that a little crass @MacNfries? All he was doing was proving to you that he wasn't broke when you said: "you had to report to the unemployment office today" from your post ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-114#post-2030039 ). We are nice and respectful here. :angel:
Thanks Stiff. It's only 845 here. I'll be in bed soon but the great thing is I'm the boss and go in when I want. I never set an alarm. Maybe Mac need to get up early enough to beat that line. Although these days it should be very short since not many people need benefits.
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