Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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View attachment 2151281........ JELLY BEAN
..... Of course you would avoid mentioning anything about what Republicans did to try and ******* the ACA ... like 64 congressional attempts to either ******* or radically modify the health plan, refusal to establish effective exchanges in Republican held states that would produce lower rates and more options, or the expansion of Medicaid for the very poorest, or the billions of dollars they spent on TV ads falsely advertising weaknesses of the plan, the removal of the federal subsidies for middle/lower-middle class to make the premiums for the ACA more affordable, etc etc ... why don't you EXPAND on those points a bit, AND while you're at it, mention that GREAT Republican alternative that Trump mentioned at EVERY campaign stop he made, and for many months after the election until it was finally obvious that the Republicans & Trump HAD NO PLAN and didn't intend to HAVE A PLAN better or less expensive than ACA ... Why not expand on those points TwoBi! Their intention was to go back to the original plans and let everyone fend for themselves AGAIN, tossing millions of individuals with pre-existing conditions off their existing ACA plan ... while making even larger cuts in US revenue taxes to pass on to the rich & corporations. Republicans didn't have an alternative plan, and had NO INTENTION of offering an alternative that was less expensive or better in benefits. Had the Republicans run on that premise in 2016 we wouldn't have Donald Trump NOW as President. He and Republicans lied out their asses to the American people, just as they lied about the Trickle Down "middle class" tax cuts ... all LIES! Why do you think Paul Ryan elected to NOT run for office again in the 2018 election? He got caught up in all the lying of the Commander N Chief ... and finally decided he'd had enough, just like a dozen or so other Republicans.
..... As flaws or weaknesses showed up at the beginning of the ACA implementation Democrats wanted to CORRECT those flaws & weaknesses and Republicans blocked those from happening ... did you selectively exclude this information for a purpose, TwoBi?
Coincidently, Blue Cross just announced in NC 2 weeks ago that individuals insured under their plans can expect up to a 38% decrease in their health premiums.
.....What do you say to THAT ohhhhh great one!???
View attachment 2151280

Yeah I have heard it all from you before - funny thing is - I don't hear it from anyone else BUT you. I'm sure what you say is true on the stand point that the leftist media is feeding you, but you have proven time again that what you think you know as a sales rep is quite different from what I know as a business owner working with Health Care professionals and my insurance company directly. They paint a completely different story. Naturally, being a sales person you claim to be, would support tooth and nail the ACA because, well, it does pay for your company supplied vehicle, does it not? Maybe premiums would be a little less for some if the company stops supplying their salesman vehicles.

Coincidently, Blue Cross just announced in NC 2 weeks ago that individuals insured under their plans can expect up to a 38% decrease in their health premiums.
.....What do you say to THAT ohhhhh great one!???

Uh huh - sure.

Which one are you talking about? the one that ****** thousands to change doctors and hospitals (you know, the doctors Obama said you could keep)

Or the actual reduction of only 4.1 percent average?

"As always, rates vary based on location, age, subsidy amount <i.e. Tax payer money, I thought you didn't like Subsidies Mac???>, and plan. Individual premiums will be available in October. Blue Cross NC’s ACA rates for 2019 range from a 22 percent reduction to a 9.5 percent increase. "

Not to mention it is after a national average increase of 22% in 2014 <hum, maybe the increase was unfounded>. You also keep forgetting that not everyone qualifies for the exchange. Standard rates apply to most middle class workers. So, as a middle class worker, you either pay out the nose for health care, or you get a job at a huge corporation that can provide good insurance for you. So again, supporting those huge corrupt corporation you claim to loath. Small business won't be able to provide HC much longer, so eventually they won't be able to keep employees, putting even more small businesses out of business.

But I know, it's all the republicans fault. To be honest, I don't think the Republicans ever intended to repeal the ACA. It was nothing more than a talking point for elections. I think they will ride the coat tails just like the Democrooks have been doing with trickle down. It benefits them (and insurance companies) more to keep it. After all, your company lobbied for the mandate.
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Although I heard about it earlier I just watched the news about Kanye West. The liberals cannot nor will accept the views of people who don't agree with them. You libs are not allowed to think for yourselves. "The Negro who doesn't read," Token Negro" WTF!! CNN is the best. Just when I thought liberals hit an all time low they keep proving us wrong. How absolutely disgusting. My God if black people don't see through this offensive bullshit then you're probably the equivalent of a crack addict. No matter how hard the addict tries to kick it they can't. If that's the case I feel for you and wish you the best. Because they (democrats) are and have been feeding you crack (a metaphor) for decades. Just another sign of desperation! The last thing the left wants is black people supporting Republicans. If that happens they will be more fucked than they are now.
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Okay @MacNfries here you go...


Create private White House veterans hotline
"I will create a private White House hotline – that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day – to make sure that no valid complaint about the VA ever falls through the cracks. I will instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not acted upon, then the issue be brought directly to me, and I will pick up the phone and fix it myself, if need be."

Slash federal regulations
"A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated."

Place lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government
"I'm going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government and I'm going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections and politics.”

Nominate someone from his list of justices to replace Antonin Scalia
“I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of Justice Scalia. I'm looking for judges — and I've actually picked 20 of them so that people would see.” --- As we recently know it was Brett Kavanaugh.

Move U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem."

Cancel the Paris climate agreement
"We’re going to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs.”

Suspend immigration from terror-prone places
“And if people don't like it, we've got to have a country folks. Got to have a country. Countries in which immigration will be suspended would include places like Syria and Libya. And we are going to stop the tens of thousands of people coming in from Syria.”

Limit legal immigration
“We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people. Workers. We’re going to take care of our workers.”

Stop TPP
"I'm going to issue our notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

Renegotiated NAFTA (now it's called USMCA (example: https://www.vox.com/2018/10/2/17923638/usmca-trump-nafta-trade-agreement))
“A Trump administration will renegotiate NAFTA and if we don't get the deal we want, we will terminate NAFTA and get a much better deal for our workers and our companies. 100 percent."

Raise tariffs on goods imported into the U.S.
“Any country that devalues their currency to take unfair advantage of the United States and all of its companies that can’t compete will face tariffs and taxes to stop the cheating.”

Save the Carrier plant in Indiana
"So here's what's going to happen: Within 24 hours, I'll get a call — the head of Carrier — and he'll say, 'Mr. President, we've decided to stay in the United States. That's what's going to happen. 100 percent."

Create a 10-percent repatriation tax
"It (The Donald J. Trump tax plan) will provide a deemed repatriation of corporate profits held offshore at a one-time tax rate of 10 percent."

Reverse Barack Obama's 2016 gun executive order
"I will veto. I will unsign that (President Barack Obama's gun executive order) so fast."


More to come before 2020, and more than that before 2024. Undoubtedly if I could address your question from a simple internet query in Canada you could do the same in America @MacNfries? Despite our opposing views on Trump I do think of you as being a smart enough guy to do that too. If my explanation was not rigorously complete enough for you, I'd suggest checking out whitehouse.gov too.

you need to re-check those facts and take another look!

the Vets...he has done nothing......if you check one of his appointees to the vets adm...quit 2 months after being appointed....VA is being run out of Mar a lago by a trump associate....his help to the VA...he cut 70 some hospitals to save and put money into the others.....now there are a lot of places with NO va

his slashing gov reg....all benefit his friends.....more pollution to the ground and water and air

Lobbying...if you look it has almost doubled under the trump admin...more of his draining the swamp?...he just re-stocked and over filled it with alligators....you need to read more of what I post I posted a big article on here about how he has increased the amount of lobbying going on

funny how his list of justices all favor what he wants and needs...to include this last one that believes a sitting president can not be charged with a crime...plus this last one is as bad as trump is at molesting women!

move the embassy....oh yeah great move....every country in the middle east told him not to do that..now there are no negotiations in Israel...but the trump and netinscrewu don't care netinscrewu is getting everything his way...and trump is kissing his ass because netinscrewu kissed his...all it did was create more tensions over there and now more countries AGAINST Israel.....guess we support them in war if it comes to that...but to some that's good I guess....just more of us sticking our nose where it doesn't belong!

cancel the paris climate....oh yeah great move the whole world was against that ….but he has to take care of his rich friends and help coal.....when even Canada is against coal and trying to do away with the pollution

his suspending immigration from some countries..just a little partial wouldn't you say......most of those are running from death....and he slams the door in their face....not the American way and never has been...his whole family to include his wives are all immigrants....his ******* and mom in law just good citizenship from a program he is supposedly against.....I guess now that they are citizens he can go back to being against that program now......talk about a true asshole!

limiting immigration......we never have...why now?...this is a country of immigrants..everyone!

you are so wrong on everything you brought up....you need to open your eyes and quit listening to trumps bloated self promotion!

how's that for a return to the board?!
Well, I'm a combat veteran. I use VA medical care. And you are incorrect within the first two sentences of your opinion piece, which is divergent from reality and fact. Which means reasonable people, not the echo chamber on here, stopped reading your nonsense after the second sentence.

If you are going to attempt to argue policy, or fact, you would first need to start with actual facts. If no one else has told you this, let me try to help. Just becuase you believe it, doesn't make it true. Just because you saw a cool meme or gif, and repost it, doesn't make it a logical argument. In your case people with a modicum of intelligence understand whatever you post, it is logical to start wit the assumption the exact opposite is true.
Just an observation - but using this thread as a microcosm of society - it seems like the momentum has definitely changed since the Kavanaugh nonsense. I used to come in here and get routinely trashed and other than a couple of like minded souls we were fairly well outnumbered. Now it seems that our ranks have swollen and the libs are making themselves more scare - jus sayin.
you need to re-check those facts and take another look!

the Vets...he has done nothing......if you check one of his appointees to the vets adm...quit 2 months after being appointed....VA is being run out of Mar a lago by a trump associate....his help to the VA...he cut 70 some hospitals to save and put money into the others.....now there are a lot of places with NO va

his slashing gov reg....all benefit his friends.....more pollution to the ground and water and air

Lobbying...if you look it has almost doubled under the trump admin...more of his draining the swamp?...he just re-stocked and over filled it with alligators....you need to read more of what I post I posted a big article on here about how he has increased the amount of lobbying going on

funny how his list of justices all favor what he wants and needs...to include this last one that believes a sitting president can not be charged with a crime...plus this last one is as bad as trump is at molesting women!

move the embassy....oh yeah great move....every country in the middle east told him not to do that..now there are no negotiations in Israel...but the trump and netinscrewu don't care netinscrewu is getting everything his way...and trump is kissing his ass because netinscrewu kissed his...all it did was create more tensions over there and now more countries AGAINST Israel.....guess we support them in war if it comes to that...but to some that's good I guess....just more of us sticking our nose where it doesn't belong!

cancel the paris climate....oh yeah great move the whole world was against that ….but he has to take care of his rich friends and help coal.....when even Canada is against coal and trying to do away with the pollution

his suspending immigration from some countries..just a little partial wouldn't you say......most of those are running from death....and he slams the door in their face....not the American way and never has been...his whole family to include his wives are all immigrants....his ******* and mom in law just good citizenship from a program he is supposedly against.....I guess now that they are citizens he can go back to being against that program now......talk about a true asshole!

limiting immigration......we never have...why now?...this is a country of immigrants..everyone!

you are so wrong on everything you brought up....you need to open your eyes and quit listening to trumps bloated self promotion!

how's that for a return to the board?!

Nice to see you back @subhub174014,
You have to give @MacNfries points for consistency. And by the way @subhub174014 has been very silent these days I hope he's okay?

I knew you would be critical of what I wrote about Trump's accomplishments. As with just about everything I post that's fact related there is an associated reference as to where I found it. So, if you are so offended with it's content you could always contact politifact, where I found it from, and petition them to issue a retraction based on these and other arguments you wish to make. :)

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-114#post-2029629 )
( https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/browse/?page=1 )
That’s why they’re terrified of Kanye West’s support of Trump and are now trashing him mercilessly.
From their perspective they should love Kanye because from that White House meeting with Trump, Kanye did all the talking and Trump's mouth was shut. So at the very least those that hate Trump should love Kanye if he could keep Trump's mouth shut?
Nice to see you back @subhub174014,

I knew you would be critical of what I wrote about Trump's accomplishments. As with just about everything I post that's fact related there is an associated reference as to where I found it. So, if you are so offended with it's content you could always contact politifact, where I found it from, and petition them to issue a retraction based on these and other arguments you wish to make. :)

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-114#post-2029629 )
( https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/browse/?page=1 )
well doing nothing but raining here...everyday!......so the neighbor and I got this bainstorm we would load up the boat and go to iowa I know a few nice lakes there...….hell raining like hell there!...so we go up to Minn....******* it's damn near winter there!
so here we are back home...in the rain!
Nice to see you back @subhub174014,

I knew you would be critical of what I wrote about Trump's accomplishments. As with just about everything I post that's fact related there is an associated reference as to where I found it. So, if you are so offended with it's content you could always contact politifact, where I found it from, and petition them to issue a retraction based on these and other arguments you wish to make. :)

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-114#post-2029629 )
( https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/browse/?page=1 )

I don't care what or where you got your facts on the Vets......I deal with them almost weekly...and I can tell you the money is shorter now than it was before...….and he closed close to 70 facilities to save money to give the others
for the first time in ?????? they ran out of flu vaccine and a few other things......not sure when they will get more...that's just one example.....I'm sure Trump is saying all the right things about what he is doing for the Vets...but it isn't happeneing!...and his first appointment to the VA quit after 2 months.....said he was just a figure head.....VA really being run out of mar a Lago by a trump advisor!
I posted about that on the political thread a while back
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