Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If, if, if ... welcome to Monday morning quarterbacking. Right wingers have played that card for years.

Think that one out just a tiny bit ... so what Dershowitz is saying is if the President (not mine) chooses to share the ICBM launch codes with Russia or anyone else, because he is the President, it isn't a crime? That one would be a good test for his new friend in the SCOTUS Kavanaugh to answer.
Dershowitz is a Harvard Law Professor ... Yes, common sense, highly debatable. As has been mentioned, he's on the Trump team at Fox; he'll legitimize practically any Trump decides to do. Trump's already admitted sharing highly classified information with Russia when no one else from his administration was around. It pissed off Republican members of the House ... yet nothing done. Trump's not qualified to share sensitive information with anyone ... much less Russians.

I'll warn you here, if you desire to continue a civil conversation with me, you'll back off that sarcasm or not bitch when I start dishing it back at you.
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ummm Dershowitz was a Hillary supporter and admitted voting for her.
Dershowitz is a liberal just a fair minded one - far - and few between - too bad there weren’t a few more. He calls them as he sees them - whether they agree with the left or not - so naturally the insults and name calling from the left now fly his way. Seems like all the lefties have now is trying to pull people down and unfortunately they are very good at it cause they been doing it for soooooo long - glad - for once - someone stood up to them - most politicians would not have stood up to their wailing and howling over Kavanaugh - Trump did - and showed a strength most politicans do NOT possess.
Watching the left these days is like reading Lord of The Flies. They become unglued at people from the other side and will attack them using their usual playbook featuring the "isms" but excuse , defend or ignore behavior they normally condemn when committed by one of their own. But it is fun when their hate filled ideology spills onto one of their own who dares to attempt to be an independent thinker or be fair minded like Dershowitz. Look at Jimmy Fallon having to apologize for having Mr. Trump on his show. Maybe they will just cannabilize themselves.
They are like the Hitler youth with a touch of a George Orwell novel.
Don't know how it will play out nationally but up here they are driving sane Democrats and neutral people to the right.
You are the typical going through life in blind ignorance person that helps foster the destruction that is goin on in this country and in this world. You think your being smart by deflecting and demanding the evidence and proof, all the while it is all around you. Good luck with that.

Yup. I must have found good luck, and my good luck and fortune are probably directly related to my going through life in blind ignorance. Because most who go through life in blind ignorance usually end up successful, and those that don't are at work, working for someone else, and posting on message boards, essentially stealing their employer's time.

Only you and I can answer where we are at. Answer where you are at, and think through your logic again. Be strong, at some point your boss will let you go home.
Yeah - according to the left - if you have a difference of opinion - you are simply called a moron and dismissed. I say - if all you can do is insult and call names - maybe - in truth - who actually is - the moron - becomes shiningly clear !
True, sometimes fools can change the world. Trump was called foolish for running for POTUS until he won. So they have to keep calling him foolish to maintain some consistency with their perspective maybe and mistakes he made in the past like all of us have? Only very objective people who are even Democratic like Dershowitz can arrive at his decisions not by checking the party line first but by his own logic and morals and thinking for himself.

True, sometimes fools can change the world. Trump was called foolish for running for POTUS until he won. So they have to keep calling him foolish to maintain some consistency with their perspective maybe and mistakes he made in the past like all of us have? Only very objective people who are even Democratic like Dershowitz can arrive at his decisions not by checking the party line first but by his own logic and morals and thinking for himself.


True pearls of wisdom.
Nikki Hailey. Another class act Republican. Did you hear her fire off the accomplishments of this administration over the past two years? Well I'm guessing normal intelligent people heard it. But the hate filled liberals have their ears filled with ******* they hear from CNN and MSNBC. Such a shame. I have yet to hear the plan liberals have to make this country "better." All they have is how BAD the Republicans are. Tell me one thing they have offered. ONE, JUST ONE fucking thing?? I'm Waiting. Oh and nothing prefaced with free. Only intelligent people know nothing is free! And let's have names of the brainiac Democrats who propose such great things.
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I have yet to hear the plan liberals have to make this country "better." All they have is how BAD the Republicans are. Tell me one thing they have offered. ONE, JUST ONE fucking thing?? I'm Waiting.
That's because the liberals aren't in charge, dingbat! It was the Republicans that about crashed the economy in 2009 ... where's your memory. You need a history lesson or something? Republicans spent 8 years NOT working with Obama and announcing just that intent. It was Obama who turned a crashing economy around. He inherited ******* ... Trump inherits a recovered economy, brags about a wall that Mexico would build ... how's THAT worked out? Bragged about a better & less expensive health plan for the nation ... how did THAT work out? Bragged about cutting taxes for the middleclass ... middleclass hasn't seen ******* ... the rich and corporations have, however. He said he was going to get rid of all illegals, all he managed to do is take their children away from them and deport the parents ... said he was going to de-nuclearize Iran & N Korea ... ain't happened yet ... fuzzball. Implemented a trade war with our allies ... WE are paying for that, not them. He's relaxed all the regulations Obama implemented to avoid another economic implosion ... signed a blue-million executive orders to reverse Obama regulations, and given highly classified material to Russians behind closed doors, met with the Russian leader behind closed doors ... no documentation of that yet, promised to reveal his tax returns IF he won the election ... hasn't yet ... said he was eager to meet with Mueller and when asked, keeps putting that off.
So, I'm just curious as to what you Trump drones think he has DONE for the economy? The tax cut will run the deficit up to over 1 trillion in 2020 ... looks like the middleclass will pay for THAT "trickle down" fallacy AGAIN! So, when the economy crashes again, are you going to cry and yell that Democrats wouldn't work with President Trump as to the reason for the crash? BS ...
So, the question is what do you drones think Trump has accomplished? Certainly NONE of his campaign pledges. So WHAT?
Trump drones ......
That's because the liberals aren't in charge, dingbat! It was the Republicans that about crashed the economy in 2009 ... where's your memory. You need a history lesson or something? Republicans spent 8 years NOT working with Obama and announcing just that intent. It was Obama who turned a crashing economy around. He inherited ******* ... Trump inherits a recovered economy, brags about a wall that Mexico would build ... how's THAT worked out? Bragged about a better & less expensive health plan for the nation ... how did THAT work out? Bragged about cutting taxes for the middleclass ... middleclass hasn't seen ******* ... the rich and corporations have, however. He said he was going to get rid of all illegals, all he managed to do is take their children away from them and deport the parents ... said he was going to de-nuclearize Iran & N Korea ... ain't happened yet ... fuzzball. Implemented a trade war with our allies ... WE are paying for that, not them. He's relaxed all the regulations Obama implemented to avoid another economic implosion ... signed a blue-million executive orders to reverse Obama regulations, and given highly classified material to Russians behind closed doors, met with the Russian leader behind closed doors ... no documentation of that yet, promised to reveal his tax returns IF he won the election ... hasn't yet ... said he was eager to meet with Mueller and when asked, keeps putting that off.
So, I'm just curious as to what you Trump drones think he has DONE for the economy? The tax cut will run the deficit up to over 1 trillion in 2020 ... looks like the middleclass will pay for THAT "trickle down" fallacy AGAIN! So, when the economy crashes again, are you going to cry and yell that Democrats wouldn't work with President Trump as to the reason for the crash? BS ...
So, the question is what do you drones think Trump has accomplished? Certainly NONE of his campaign pledges. So WHAT?
Trump drones ......
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So as usual no definitive answer and great defelection. Who and what fucking Democratic politician has had any ideas of substance that would turn around what you liberals feel is so fucked up. Yes the economy under Obama could only get better. It was at the bottom of the barrel. Trump has taken it 40% higher in two years that took Obama almost eight. Again other than free for everyone what is your leaders plan to make things that are supposedly so fucked up "better?"
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I'll wait again. I don't know maybe Maxine Watters has an idea i haven't heard, maybe Cory Booker, maybe Chuck Schumer, maybe Nacy Pelosi, maybe Diane Feinstein, maybe Barbra Boxer, maybe Kamala Harris, maybe Richard Blumenthal. I even watch your communist media stations and for some reason I haven't heard anything but how bad Trump is.
That's because the liberals aren't in charge, dingbat! It was the Republicans that about crashed the economy in 2009 ... where's your memory. You need a history lesson or something? Republicans spent 8 years NOT working with Obama and announcing just that intent. It was Obama who turned a crashing economy around. He inherited ******* ... Trump inherits a recovered economy, brags about a wall that Mexico would build ... how's THAT worked out? Bragged about a better & less expensive health plan for the nation ... how did THAT work out? Bragged about cutting taxes for the middleclass ... middleclass hasn't seen ******* ... the rich and corporations have, however. He said he was going to get rid of all illegals, all he managed to do is take their children away from them and deport the parents ... said he was going to de-nuclearize Iran & N Korea ... ain't happened yet ... fuzzball. Implemented a trade war with our allies ... WE are paying for that, not them. He's relaxed all the regulations Obama implemented to avoid another economic implosion ... signed a blue-million executive orders to reverse Obama regulations, and given highly classified material to Russians behind closed doors, met with the Russian leader behind closed doors ... no documentation of that yet, promised to reveal his tax returns IF he won the election ... hasn't yet ... said he was eager to meet with Mueller and when asked, keeps putting that off.
So, I'm just curious as to what you Trump drones think he has DONE for the economy? The tax cut will run the deficit up to over 1 trillion in 2020 ... looks like the middleclass will pay for THAT "trickle down" fallacy AGAIN! So, when the economy crashes again, are you going to cry and yell that Democrats wouldn't work with President Trump as to the reason for the crash? BS ...
So, the question is what do you drones think Trump has accomplished? Certainly NONE of his campaign pledges. So WHAT?
Trump drones ......
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Ok I'll wait to check for your reply tomorrow. Now c'mon Mac nothing about Trump. Here's your chance to convince us horrible constitution, country loving people (notice I said people because I admit to supporting the conservative ideology, I could easily be swayed if Democrats has something to offer). I want you to list names of Democrats and their ideas how to turn this frieght train around. And it has to be substance. No collusion. no porn stars, no falsely accused SCOTUS nominees, no daddy's taxes. but actual policies that would make this country so much better!
"Better" is subjective.
No it's not for liberals. They think nothing but doom and gloom. Refuse to give credit where credit is due just because they don't have the same ideology. So in their narrow minded brains this country is in such bad shape it could and would only get better if Democrats were running the show. I say again let's hear the substantive policies that would do that?
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