Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And given your locality @MacNfries you could rightfully criticize Trump with the repairs done after Florence and give us a first-hand account of whether or not Trump is doing a good job there as well.
I never said I do have all the answers, just correcting all the Trump BS that people create & spew regarding Trump and his administration. That's why they're getting subpoenaed and going to jail ... as will Trump & his family someday. What has he accomplished, besides signing executive orders to reverse Obama legislation? Tax cuts for the middleclass ... "better and less expensive health care" ... wall paid for by Mexico ... taking babies & children from Hispanic families ... nuclear disarming N Korea & Iran ... the man's done NOTHING for the average American HERE.
With Kavanaugh now in the SCOTUS would you think that would happen? Plus it is unprecedented for any American president to be locked up after his term elasped as president? Undoubtedly you are studying countless various laws to make it stick, but I doubt it will. But you are most welcome to prove me wrong.
I suggest you READ the article ... the deficit is expected to hit $1 TRILLION in 2020. Trump is a super CON, nothing else. Nothing he says comes true for middle America.
What exactly has Trump "turned around"?

MacNfries, you ask, "What exactly has Trump "turned around?""
Well let me remind you of two instances where he turned things around!
The Al Capone types got into the gambling business because they said it
was a business which you could never Bankrupt!
Dear Donald accomplish that feat, not just once, he ACCOMPLISHED IT "TWICE!"
P.S. Oh! Sorry! That's not the type of accomplishment you were referring to???
I guess I misunderstood the question. (No I didn't! And this is not an alternative fact! Lol)
No, me & about 200 million others like me are VICTIMS of his big FRAUD. And you can count on me criticizing him ... until he's no longer our President.

Believe it or not, it's not only Americans that are waiting patiently until he's NOT your President any longer!
With a few Exceptions, like "Putin" and "Kim Jong-Un" (with whom Trump recently admitted, "we've fallen in love" Yuk!)
With Kavanaugh now in the SCOTUS would you think that would happen? Plus it is unprecedented for any American president to be locked up after his term elasped as president?
So,what you are counting on is for the President to choose Kavanaugh as his judge because Kavanaugh says a sitting president can't be charged with a crime? Is that your position? Just when does ANYONE in the US get to pick their own judge & jury? Think of the state of our government IF that was to happen. There would be no doubt, then, that we were now under a dictatorship.
Hopefully, after the lambasting the Republicans will hopefully get in the mid-terms, the Senate will move forward with removing this sorry excuse of a President, Trump. And, if he's not eventually convicted in federal courts for his money crimes & espionage, the state of NJ is waiting in the wings to try him in a state court of law for state violations ... not a thing federal judges can do with that one. In fact, his whole family is involved in the state crimes.
So,what you are counting on is for the President to choose Kavanaugh as his judge because Kavanaugh says a sitting president can't be charged with a crime? Is that your position? Just when does ANYONE in the US get to pick their own judge & jury? Think of the state of our government IF that was to happen. Hopefully, after the lambasting the Republicans will get in the mid-terms, the Senate will move forward with removing the sorry excuse for a President Trump. And if he's not convicted in federal courts for his money crimes & espionage, the state of NJ is waiting in the wings to try him in a state court of law ... not a thing federal judges can do with that one.
Even if Kavanaugh failed to join the SCOTUS, it is unprecented for any American president to get locked up for anything during his term in office as I suspect there is a legal team he has that looks out for him for when the umbrella of POTUS is lifted from Trump. When you have to make the very hard decisions of going to war and other things undoubtedly mistakes will be made and legally he would be protected in any and all circumstances.

On another note it's too bad you don't have the fire in your belly to campaign against Trump, at the very least I'd suspect you'd secretly desire at the very least to debate him personally on stage unless you might have stage fright with all of America and most of the planet watching inclusive of thousands of other @MacNfrieses out there specifically critical of you and cursing you as well as cheering any possible mistakes that you may make? Or have any fears that Trump could defeat you in a debate which would be embarrassing considering how often you directly and indirectly referred to him as an idiot? So if someone who you classify as an idiot defeats you in a mental contest such as a debate, where would you be on that scale? It would undoubtedly be a shot to your morale, maybe even your sanity? Plus Trump is not a guy that would pull punches either if he could embarrass and/or crucify you he will. Moreover all of the hate-filled memes appearing belittling you? Provided you could find a few super-pacs to finance your campaign as well as it does take something more than a Billion dollars nowadays to credibly finance such a campaign as well. The strain of the campaign itself where you would be ****** to travel across America along with it's effects upon your personal life? If during such a campaign Team Trump developed a chant to "Lock him up" where if other Americans were to see you on the street where they would laugh at you, mock you and point at you, would you have the emotional fortitude to brush that off or would there be a slight chance in a weak moment you could lose it and explode? Hopefully CNN and the international media won't be recording that! It would take a lot to defeat Trump though you might deny it. Not all people have their ducks in a row to do all that and Hillary couldn't especially given all her experience and resources? So who could? If not you? Then who? @subhub174014? @bigblackbull76? Unfortunately I don't personally know of any American billionaires that could stand up against Trump or any billionaires personally, perhaps you do @MacNfries ?
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Average! Meaning some may have zero and some have $100K plus. It averages out. And since they are the largest demographic population, they have significant savings. So don’t lump all millenials into those still living with their parents. The oldest millenials are 37 and many are bankers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. focus on those that have done something and not those that can’t get it together.
Even if Kavanaugh failed to join the SCOTUS, it is unprecented for any American president to get locked up for anything during his term in office as I suspect there is a legal team he has that looks out for him for when the umbrella of POTUS is lifted from Trump.
The likes of Trump are unprecedented, STIFF. No sitting president has ever met privately with our adversaries, or shared highly classified documents with our adversaries. And to my knowledge Trump does not have a government sponsored legal team after he leaves office, just a few years of secret service.
The likes of Trump are unprecedented, STIFF. No sitting president has ever met privately with our adversaries, or shared highly classified documents with our adversaries. And to my knowledge Trump does not have a government sponsored legal team after he leaves office, just a few years of secret service.
Maybe so but it's cheaper than wars and the loss of life that comes with it. If conversely if the unmentionable occurred with North Korea and/or Russia wreaking havoc in America, militarily speaking specifically with ICBM's, people would scream why didn't Trump seek a peaceful solution? Remember Dershowitz? He did say if everything with Russia was true, it's not a crime. And that's coming from a Harvard Law Professor? Perhaps you might have discovered a flaw in his argument? Or quite possibly you might be concealing degrees in Law that eclipses his distinguished accomplishments? If so, feel free to share them and any flaws he has with his arguments @MacNfries. :D

The likes of Trump are unprecedented, STIFF. No sitting president has ever met privately with our adversaries, or shared highly classified documents with our adversaries. And to my knowledge Trump does not have a government sponsored legal team after he leaves office, just a few years of secret service.

After my election I have more flexibility to ignore your militarization and annexation of Crimea and to approve the Uranium One deal.

They all meet privately and strike deals. None are better than the other.
Maybe so but it's cheaper than wars and the loss of life that comes with it. If conversely if the unmentionable occurred with North Korea and/or Russia wreaking havoc in America, militarily speaking specifically with ICBM's, people would scream why didn't Trump seek a peaceful solution? Remember Dershowitz? He did say if everything with Russia was true, it's not a crime. And that's coming from a Harvard Law Professor? Perhaps you might have discovered a flaw in his argument? Or quite possibly you might be concealing degrees in Law that eclipses his distinguished accomplishments? If so, feel free to share them and any flaws he has with his arguments @MacNfries. :D


And he said it on Fox News! That says it all and is all I need to know! Lol
P.S. And Dershowitz has been an advisor to Trump so "FACTS" are of paramount importance, even if they are "ALTERNATIVE FACTS!" Oh! Did I mention, not every law professor agrees with Dershowitz?
I have no axe to grind with Dershowitz, and I don't always agree or disagree with him, but his being a Harvard Law Professor doesn't give him an exclusivity to all the facts, all truths or an inability to see things as he'd like them to be rather than as they are! Perhaps even as "The Dear Donald" wants things to appear to be!
If conversely if the unmentionable occurred with North Korea and/or Russia wreaking havoc in America, militarily speaking specifically with ICBM's, people would scream why didn't Trump seek a peaceful solution?
If, if, if ... welcome to Monday morning quarterbacking. Right wingers have played that card for years.
Remember Dershowitz? He did say if everything with Russia was true, it's not a crime. And that's coming from a Harvard Law Professor?
Think that one out just a tiny bit ... so what Dershowitz is saying is if the President (not mine) chooses to share the ICBM launch codes with Russia or anyone else, because he is the President, it isn't a crime? That one would be a good test for his new friend in the SCOTUS Kavanaugh to answer.
Dershowitz is a Harvard Law Professor ... Yes, common sense, highly debatable. As has been mentioned, he's on the Trump team at Fox; he'll legitimize practically any Trump decides to do. Trump's already admitted sharing highly classified information with Russia when no one else from his administration was around. It pissed off Republican members of the House ... yet nothing done. Trump's not qualified to share sensitive information with anyone ... much less Russians.
Perhaps you might have discovered a flaw in his argument? Or quite possibly you might be concealing degrees in Law that eclipses his distinguished accomplishments?
I'll warn you here, if you desire to continue a civil conversation with me, you'll back off that sarcasm or not bitch when I start dishing it back at you.
If, if, if ... welcome to Monday morning quarterbacking. Right wingers have played that card for years.

Think that one out just a tiny bit ... so what Dershowitz is saying is if the President (not mine) chooses to share the ICBM launch codes with Russia or anyone else, because he is the President, it isn't a crime? That one would be a good test for his new friend in the SCOTUS Kavanaugh to answer.
Dershowitz is a Harvard Law Professor ... Yes, common sense, highly debatable. As has been mentioned, he's on the Trump team at Fox; he'll legitimize practically any Trump decides to do. Trump's already admitted sharing highly classified information with Russia when no one else from his administration was around. It pissed off Republican members of the House ... yet nothing done. Trump's not qualified to share sensitive information with anyone ... much less Russians.

I'll warn you here, if you desire to continue a civil conversation with me, you'll back off that sarcasm or not bitch when I start dishing it back at you.
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I only know you online @MacNfries for all I know you could be an attorney in the Carolinas somewhere? Or you could have studied Law too? With regards to Dershowitz you might want to double check his background? Undoubtedly he must be getting a lot of flak from your side and at present I am not sure if this is still the case, but if you check his Wikipedia page Dershowitz at that time was a registered Democrat at the time he defended Trump. So I think that it would make it difficult for him to join with Trump's team?

Dershowitz is an avowed supporter of the Democratic Party. In 2016, he stated that he would cancel his party membership if Keith Ellison was appointed party chair;[34] Tom Perez was appointed instead. Dershowitz endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential election, and later endorsed the party nominee, Barack Obama.[35]

Dershowitz and Trump
Despite his support for the Democratic Party, Dershowitz has been a defender for President Trump in some cases. In January 2018 he said that Democrats attacking the president's 'mental fitness' was a "very dangerous" line of attack.[36]"

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Dershowitz is a liberal just a fair minded one - far - and few between - too bad there weren’t a few more. He calls them as he sees them - whether they agree with the left or not - so naturally the insults and name calling from the left now fly his way. Seems like all the lefties have now is trying to pull people down and unfortunately they are very good at it cause they been doing it for soooooo long - glad - for once - someone stood up to them - most politicians would not have stood up to their wailing and howling over Kavanaugh - Trump did - and showed a strength most politicans do NOT possess.
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