Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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aww what the hell it's not all gloom and doom.....he has the support of the b2w right wingers!

The hearing's over, but people still aren't buying Kavanaugh's discredited argument

Brett Kavanaugh's seemingly tenuous relationship with the truth is still haunting those who watched him testify on Thursday.
At times, the prospective Supreme Court justice abandoned composure to shed tears and scream, but at his most jarring he straight-up refused to answer questions directly, was unwilling to request an FBI investigation, and, as further research revealed, apparently lied under oath.
In the days since the hearing, people have replayed his testimony in their minds and on their screens. They've turned Kavanaugh's words around over and over again to really let them simmer. And it seems the more thought that's given to his responses, the more discussions about his dishonesty rage on social media.

One of the major, most general causes of concern about Kavanaugh's testimony is the simple fact that a federal judge, who quite literally navigates the law for a living, refused to answer so many key questions.
aww what the hell it's not all gloom and doom.....he has the support of the b2w right wingers!

The hearing's over, but people still aren't buying Kavanaugh's discredited argument

Brett Kavanaugh's seemingly tenuous relationship with the truth is still haunting those who watched him testify on Thursday.
At times, the prospective Supreme Court justice abandoned composure to shed tears and scream, but at his most jarring he straight-up refused to answer questions directly, was unwilling to request an FBI investigation, and, as further research revealed, apparently lied under oath.
In the days since the hearing, people have replayed his testimony in their minds and on their screens. They've turned Kavanaugh's words around over and over again to really let them simmer. And it seems the more thought that's given to his responses, the more discussions about his dishonesty rage on social media.

One of the major, most general causes of concern about Kavanaugh's testimony is the simple fact that a federal judge, who quite literally navigates the law for a living, refused to answer so many key questions.

The fact is, if Kavanaugh was convicted by a court of GOP Justices there would be those amongst the Trumpian Base who'd be calling it a rigged trial! Sooooo Sad!
You are a complete fool. Trump has brought the US back to her prime. All Trump haters are simply upset because they're sore losers and didn't get their trophy for failing to win a rigged election. It is as simple as that, but hey, maybe it would help if you were to scream into the sky some more.
Now that is funny, right there. I don't care who you are...
Coming from a person that name calls like a 12 year old. Obummer? Democraps? Grow up then we can have a conversation. Until then all you will get from me is,"Go fuck yourself."

Now go fuck yourself.

No, Obummer and Democraps isn't namecalling, they are derogatory nicknames, much like your regular use of "Drumpf" instead of Trump.

Drumpf went zero tolerance. That is why it became the disaster it was. Are you trying to state otherwise? And the question to be asked is why didn't the Drumpf administration have a plan to reunite families?

Now your calling someone a "dumbass" is true childish namecalling....the kind ole Mac would be proud of.

Dumbass, that's not what I was laughing about.

Gotta love liberal hypocrisy ;)
No, Obummer and Democraps isn't namecalling, they are derogatory nicknames, much like your regular use of "Drumpf" instead of Trump.

Now your calling someone a "dumbass" is true childish namecalling....the kind ole Mac would be proud of.

Gotta love liberal hypocrisy ;)
Drumpf is the original family name. So, not name calling.

I called someone on here a dumbass in a conversation with that person.

But I doubt you understand the nuanced difference from the name calling you do.

"Nicknames." The word name is literally in what you typed. But it isn't name calling? Comedy gold right there.

Now go fuck yourself.

notice in a lot of his remarks they were hatefilled toward the left?

forgetting his stance on the pres
forgetting his stance on Roe vs Wade

this guy is filled with hate and no way could you get a decent ruling out of him

although I still think he stands a better than even chance of still getting in...after all who is overseeing this investigation...Trump....and the feds were given limits as to what to do
Drumpf is the original family name. So, not name calling.

I called someone on here a dumbass in a conversation with that person.

But I doubt you understand the nuanced difference from the name calling you do.

"Nicknames." The word name is literally in what you typed. But it isn't name calling? Comedy gold right there.

Now go fuck yourself.
I didn't say Drumpf was namecalling....but hey, why bother with easily observed facts right?

Your use of "dumbass" was classic elementary school playground name calling....very much unlike the type you accused me of....but of course you'll never admit that.

This sort of mindless back and forth is quite illustrative of the intellect demonstrated on here regularly by the liberals. This started when I agreed with your comment that a SCOTUS justice doesn't have to have a law license. I elaborated on that to point out there really are almost no qualifications for a SCOTUS justice and pointed out how incredibly unqualified Kagan was for the position, having never even been an attorney of record in a courtroom, much less ever being a judge at any level.

You couldn't argue any of those facts, so you started in with elementary school playground commentary "go fuck yourself" just like Mac.
No - he got it right. If you want to ruin someones career, just accuse them of sexual assault - no proof necessary.
....The Kavanaugh vetting could have been put to bed a long time ago had Republicans AND Kavanaugh agreed to investigate the first ******* accusation. Look who lost his cool and ranted, raved, cried and even brought up the Clintons ... Kavanaugh. Same man who refused to take a lie detector test OR allow witnesses to Ford's accusation. Look who kept HER COOL during the questioning by Republicans ... look who wanted to RUSH this SCOTUS through approval when they wouldn't even MEET with Obama's choice 10 months before the elections.
....If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck ... its probably a duck, don't you think? If the investigation turns up something proving Kavanaugh's guilt, its Kavanaugh's fault for NOT being truthful and quickly withdrawing his name once the accusations came out.
....Now, will this investigation make a difference? I doubt it ... Republicans, but particular Trump, are going to want to approve Kavanaugh regardless of what the investigation yields. You watch and see. This is probably just another example of Trumps "drain the swamp" appointments ... no one will be surprised. The man keeps lying to the people, and the Trump drones & Republicans say nothing and just keep believing his NEXT LIE.
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