trump running for re-election on the economy

7 facts that show the American Dream is dead –
  • Author: Elizabeth Preza
    1. Most people can’t get ahead financially. If the American dream means a reasonable rate of income …
    2. The stay-at-home parent is a thing of the past. There was a time when middle-class families could …
    3. The rich are more debt-free. Others have no choice. Most Americans are falling behind anyway, as …
    4. Student debt is crushing a generation of non-wealthy Americans. Education for every American …
Is the American Dream still achievable? - American Creed
May 09, 2018 · The American dream is a dream made possible due to equal opportunity to all. If ******* once living in poverty and in slums can becomes lawyers or doctors, if an immigrant can become California's governor, if handicapped ******* can play basketball, if ordinary people can become extraordinary people, then the American Dream is possible.

fake seem to find them all the time......if it was so factual there would be several articles on it....hell the majority of the country can't even get a decent education right now...let alone a job that they might succeed at....unless a rich daddy set them up
fake seem to find them all the time......if it was so factual there would be several articles on it....hell the majority of the country can't even get a decent education right now...let alone a job that they might succeed at....unless a rich daddy set them up
those are just peoples examples
People just don't work like they use to ever work with a millennial.
will agree with that one to a certain extent......never really gave it any thought until I moved down here from Iowa.....the work ethic here is....not the best to say the least.....they are only going to do what they want to do....won't pick up the tempo when needed…..bad...……...waaaay back when I worked as a mechanic I was on vacation in the south and had some car troubles....with not enough with me to repair I was ****** to have some work done.....they will fabricate all kinds of issues and do all kinds of things to just plain fuck you.....started checking and I found out the better and more honest garages were in the north.....the shady fuckers that would price gouge and flat lie about needed repairs was terrible in the south
I see a lot of other things in the difference in work ethics....but that is another story...….

it still doesn't change the fact that those opportunities that ANYONE had 20 years ago....are not there anymore
will agree with that one to a certain extent......never really gave it any thought until I moved down here from Iowa.....the work ethic here is....not the best to say the least.....they are only going to do what they want to do....won't pick up the tempo when needed…..bad...……...waaaay back when I worked as a mechanic I was on vacation in the south and had some car troubles....with not enough with me to repair I was ****** to have some work done.....they will fabricate all kinds of issues and do all kinds of things to just plain fuck you.....started checking and I found out the better and more honest garages were in the north.....the shady fuckers that would price gouge and flat lie about needed repairs was terrible in the south
I see a lot of other things in the difference in work ethics....but that is another story...….

it still doesn't change the fact that those opportunities that ANYONE had 20 years ago....are not there anymore
it is if you work for it
it is if you work for it

you just stick with your false feelings...… one can can anywhere like they used to without someone giving them something to make it with

U.S. doesn't own American Dream anymore -
Apr 25, 2015 · U.S. doesn't own American Dream anymore. The American Dream is now easier to attain for people who live outside of America than those who live in it.

7 facts that show the American Dream is dead –
Oct 22, 2014 · A recent poll showed that more than half of all people in this country don’t believe that the American dream is real. Fifty-nine percent of those polled in June agreed that “the American dream ...

Why Most People Will Never Achieve The American Dream
Sep 03, 2012 · Why Most People Will Never Achieve The American Dream. ... when all you needed was a college degree to increase your chances of achieving the dreamtoday much more is required for you to even ...

Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth - The New York Times
Feb 16, 2013 · President Obama’s second Inaugural Address used soaring language to reaffirm America’s commitment to the dream of equality of opportunity: “We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our
hell there are people with a college education working meaningless jobs because can't get the jobs they went to college for....and some owe so much for that education have to do other better paying things to try and pay off the schooling

when I worked at the airline we had 2 college educated school teachers working there....only way they could afford to make a living and pay off college