trump running for re-election on the economy

Funny cause I remember Obama wanting gas to go to $5.00 a gallon - don’t you remember that - he wanted gas to get expensive - he was kinda bummin when it didn’t.
Funny cause I remember Obama wanting gas to go to $5.00 a gallon - don’t you remember that - he wanted gas to get expensive - he was kinda bummin when it didn’t.

do you realize how stupid that sounds....oh probably don't
you are nuts...….no one wanted that.....just talking out your ass now
do you realize how stupid that sounds....oh probably don't
you are nuts...….no one wanted that.....just talking out your ass now

Nope Obama definitely wanted gas at $5.00 a gallon - I remember it well. He wanted prices to go up so people would drive less.

Though you are an expert at talkin out your ass - you’re wrong this time ;}
Nope Obama definitely wanted gas at $5.00 a gallon - I remember it well. He wanted prices to go up so people would drive less.

Though you are an expert at talkin out your ass - you’re wrong this time ;}

just proves my point with you republicunts…….one will lie and the other will swear to it

well after Bush's recession....and his family in oil...probably did when Obama took over...but Obama got it down....and now with Mr. Corruption in office.....will sell his mom for money....we already have so much we are selling it...but he is going to let them drill in state parks.....cuts trees in our version of the rain forest.....

you guys will do and say anything to make this crook look good...… can't say way near enough to cover his matter what you try and come up refusing to admit that your party and Bush started the recession

told you since you refuse to listen ...get on gov website and check the numbers.....those are going to be the have made this same statement 4 maybe 5 times talking to a rock!you must have been under a rock during Obama's term
there is an old can ******* the fans...but you can't ******* the players...…

you are just right wing brainwashed and anything to do with facts you ignore
i was there buying gas

probably......right at the end of Bush or start of Obama...…..gas prices was one of the accomplishments they published at the end of his more on this refuse to look at the facts or the numbers even when they are supplied by the gov.....I have given you more than enough to show you are wrong and yet bring this up over and over again

Gasoline Prices Under Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump

President Bush was still in office in January of 2008 and 2009. Oil prices had collapsed in 2008 in response to the financial crisis, and gasoline prices followed. In January 2009 -- just a couple of weeks before Barack Obama's inauguration -- gasoline prices had fallen by nearly half from the previous year. That price, $1.74/gallon, is the lowest on the graph.

The second lowest price, $2.14/gallon, happened in 2016 following another oil price collapse. That same collapse had also impacted the price of $2.31/gallon in 2015, the third lowest price on the chart. President Obama was in office at that time.

But the jury is still out as to whether President Trump's impact will be more than fleeting. The short-term benefit of lower gas prices came at a cost. Saudi Arabia is already reducing oil production and pushing oil prices higher. It is doubtful they will be as compliant when it comes to future requests that they pump more oil.

Gas prices - The Obama economy in 10 charts - CNNMoney
Oct 28, 2015 · Gas prices. 9 of 10. Gas prices are notorious for fluctuating wildly. Since President Obama took office, the national average for a gallon of regular gas has been as high as almost $4 in 2011 and as low as $1.85 a gallon the month he took office. Today prices are $2 a gallon. Many Americans are saving hundreds of dollars a year at the pump.

Is Gasoline Cheaper Under President Obama? -
Dec 21, 2015 · President Bush’s family has strong ties to the oil and gas industry whereas President Obama has relatively none; average national gasoline prices did …

Gas Cheaper Under Obama or Bush? - the meme policeman
Nov 07, 2015 · It’s true that gas prices did spike higher under Bush than under Obama, as it briefly reached $4.11 (not the $5+ as shown in the meme) in July of 2008, compared with a high of $3.97 for Obama in May 2011. However, this spike only lasted for a couple months before plunging back below $2/gal before the end of the year as the 2008 recession hit.
got help those financial services that are in trouble with all the loans out there not being paid

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