trump running for re-election on the economy

Bullshhit he held back economy fed us just enough so we would need him
One thing that Barry Obama did right after he took office was con people to trade in their used cars not in great shape and have them all crushed. That caused the price used cars to go though the roof. My ******* in law has been in cars sales for 20 years, he confirmed what I had suspected. The same car that someone could buy for 1000 dollars is now 6000 dollars here in Maine. Thank you Barry!
One thing that Barry Obama did right after he took office was con people to trade in their used cars not in great shape and have them all crushed. That caused the price used cars to go though the roof. My ******* in law has been in cars sales for 20 years, he confirmed what I had suspected. The same car that someone could buy for 1000 dollars is now 6000 dollars here in Maine. Thank you Barry!

you are stuffed with more ******* than the Christmas turkey
I told you what i felt you asked for documents i found here we are again. I run a business and Obama sucked

all of your "documents" were nothing more than right wing opinions...…...kind of like the ******* you put on the gov page and read...….but then you really don't want to like being just like Blkdlaur and post silly one liners and phoney facts

Are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?
One thing that Barry Obama did right after he took office was con people to trade in their used cars not in great shape and have them all crushed.
Since you're being sarcastic (I love sarcasm), be reminded that the "cash for clunkers" was approved by congress and was strictly voluntary. President Trumptard doesn't believe he needs congress to do anything he wants to do and could give a rats ass what others think.
Who's acting irresponsibly? Any bets on how the current Trump-Ukraine conversations work out? Republicans have carried this dumbass about as far as they can without sinking with him in 2020. And they can't deny he has not done it ... and its most definitely illegal.
Trump couldn't qualify to hold Obama's dick at the urinals.
Since you're being sarcastic (I love sarcasm), be reminded that the "cash for clunkers" was approved by congress and was strictly voluntary. President Trumptard doesn't believe he needs congress to do anything he wants to do and could give a rats ass what others think.
Who's acting irresponsibly? Any bets on how the current Trump-Ukraine conversations work out? Republicans have carried this dumbass about as far as they can without sinking with him in 2020. And they can't deny he has not done it ... and its most definitely illegal.
Trump couldn't qualify to hold Obama's dick at the urinals.

you definitely need hip waders when talking to these trumptards…..haven't a brain between.....and firmly believe the ******* they spout....AND won't even look at the them it is just thread filler because they know what they THINK they know
Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...

Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.
you definitely need hip waders when talking to these trumptards…..haven't a brain between.....and firmly believe the ******* they spout....AND won't even look at the them it is just thread filler because they know what they THINK they know

I seen better FACTS floatin in a toilet.
all of your "documents" were nothing more than right wing opinions...…...kind of like the ******* you put on the gov page and read...….but then you really don't want to like being just like Blkdlaur and post silly one liners and phoney facts

Are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?
the bpston globe is a right wing hot bed
Sub and Mac. I have some very bad news for both of you. You two think your intelligent, but you both keep proving that your not even average. I will not sink down to your level and resort to vulgar language and disgusting criticism because you don't agree with what is said. President Trump is smarter then both of you put together, now and forever. President Donald John Trump 2020 all the way.

well you have said nothing...NOTHING factual...….and even if you were have yet to provide a link

  1. It's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.