trump running for re-election on the economy

I will not sink down to your level and resort to vulgar language and disgusting criticism because you don't agree with what is said.
Hottobe, that in itself is a LIE ... I think you should look at my posts to you 'again' because I haven't used vulgar language at you. Show me where I did that, please.
I was just responding to your sarcastic post regarding Obama and reminding you that Congress approved his "cash for clunkers" and Trump doesn't do anything but go around Congress to get what he wants ... his funding of his WALL with money that was NOT approved by Congress for the wall is my case-in-point. And I've asked you a couple times to explain your reasoning behind your declarative posts; again no vulgar language. ... What's wrong with that? Of course you don't respond with an answer BECAUSE you have no logical or reasonable answer to give.
Hottobe, that in itself is a LIE ... I think you should look at my posts to you 'again' because I haven't used vulgar language at you. Show me where I did that, please.
I was just responding to your sarcastic post regarding Obama and reminding you that Congress approved his "cash for clunkers" and Trump doesn't do anything but go around Congress to get what he wants ... his funding of his WALL with money that was NOT approved by Congress for the wall is my case-in-point. And I've asked you a couple times to explain your reasoning behind your declarative posts; again no vulgar language. ... What's wrong with that? Of course you don't respond with an answer BECAUSE you have no logical or reasonable answer to give.
I apologize Mac, I wasn't lying just didn't make clear that Sub is the one that is always name calling and use vulgar language. You do come off as though you think your more intelligent then me, just because I never went to college, I feel I do quite well considering I just made it through high school. Again sorry and I deleted that post.
I apologize Mac, I wasn't lying just didn't make clear that Sub is the one that is always name calling and use vulgar language. You do come off as though you think your more intelligent then me, just because I never went to college, I feel I do quite well considering I just made it through high school. Again sorry and I deleted that post.

I just describe what I see...……..don't think I have called you fowl names.....used fuck on occasion....but some people just have a way of bringing that out on occasion...and with others it is often

There is no vaccine against stupidity.
this week should be very interesting...…..Giuliani was told a few months ago by some republican senators not to go to Ukraine when it was announced he was we find out he has gone a couple of times anyway.....and with trump getting caught in the phone call.....pretty open and shut case against both of them.....notice so far McConnell has been quiet......will they express indignation and let it go?...…...or say something more

I know the crazies here will just say more picking on their hero...….but that is breaking several laws...and pretty blatant about it...….goes with his comment he could shoot someone and no one do anything about it
You do come off as though you think your more intelligent then me
Really? I'm sure you can again explain how I've been doing that to you, right? I mean, if I was trying to imply that I was more intelligent than you, I would have corrected your use of the word your in the sentence above ... as you should have used you're or you are. LOL (teasing)
, just because I never went to college, I feel I do quite well considering I just made it through high school.
That's your paranoia speaking to you, not me. My ******* paid my college tuition and I paid everything else associated with my college by working a full time job. You could do the same, if so inclined by joining the military, let them school you in a trade, and THEN letting them help pay for your college. I don't know how old you are, but if you're under age 25, it would pay dividends to you, even now, in the future to do just that + you might even enjoy it.
Really? I'm sure you can again explain how I've been doing that to you, right? I mean, if I was trying to imply that I was more intelligent than you, I would have corrected your use of the word your in the sentence above ... as you should have used you're or you are. LOL (teasing)

That's your paranoia speaking to you, not me. My ******* paid my college tuition and I paid everything else associated with my college by working a full time job. You could do the same, if so inclined by joining the military, let them school you in a trade, and THEN letting them help pay for your college. I don't know how old you are, but if you're under age 25, it would pay dividends to you, even now, in the future to do just that + you might even enjoy it.
Thanks Mac, I am a 62 grandfather of five. My past is a long story in itself, I am glad I came off as younger, all I will say is my family was dirt poor and my parents never cared about me and my siblings education, two out of four graduated High School. I am disabled for the last 11 years.
Thanks Mac, I am a 62 grandfather of five. My past is a long story in itself, I am glad I came off as younger, all I will say is my family was dirt poor and my parents never cared about me and my siblings education, two out of four graduated High School. I am disabled for the last 11 years.

all of that....and still believe what the right tells you?

I grew up on a farm with not a lot...parents and grandparent all farmers...with nothing until dad decided the farm wasn't paying....and naturally farmers are republicans....when dad went to the city for work......he didn't say so much about republicans anymore...when I got out of the army...wanted no part of the farm! a job and soon figured out union paid the best with benefits...saw some of the ******* companies would try to pull...and what some would do in the non union shops....DEM for ever....well won't say that....they are not that great anymore...but they are the lesser of the two evils
all of that....and still believe what the right tells you?

I grew up on a farm with not a lot...parents and grandparent all farmers...with nothing until dad decided the farm wasn't paying....and naturally farmers are republicans....when dad went to the city for work......he didn't say so much about republicans anymore...when I got out of the army...wanted no part of the farm! a job and soon figured out union paid the best with benefits...saw some of the ******* companies would try to pull...and what some would do in the non union shops....DEM for ever....well won't say that....they are not that great anymore...but they are the lesser of the two evils

and reading between the lines we have a few "sweatshop" owners on here!