trump running for re-election on the economy

Trump is not in this issue with China alone. Many of the big corporations are on his side and have responded in our favor. Businesses are leaving at an incredible rate. The Chinese may be patient but another year can be huge. No matter what some people think they know, Trump is in complete control and things are going his way.
I heard indias loving it

so is Russia......part of trumps true plan?....oil/steel and grain....Russia loving this and making out like a fat rat.....trumps good friends

Mexico now trying to buy all the grain they can get from Spain and Russia

trump may be hurting China's economy......but they have money to buy elsewhere....we don't it falls on the American consumer (inflation)….once all those countries start finding other options....will they come back just because trump says things are ok now.....doubt.....some will stay gone....he has fucked this thing up from the start
so is Russia......part of trumps true plan?....oil/steel and grain....Russia loving this and making out like a fat rat.....trumps good friends

Mexico now trying to buy all the grain they can get from Spain and Russia

trump may be hurting China's economy......but they have money to buy elsewhere....we don't it falls on the American consumer (inflation)….once all those countries start finding other options....will they come back just because trump says things are ok now.....doubt.....some will stay gone....he has fucked this thing up from the start
like article i posted says 3 problems facing Chinese economy only 1 trade wwar with us
your....FACTS are just a little lacking...….pull up some charts......quit being are acting just like blkdlaur now...on any subject you can find rebuttle….and all of yours seem to have a little slant to things.....where as I post a bunch of articles from several different sources...….why don't you go to trumps home page and post his facts....about the same as what you did

Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they ...
Come on the Boston globe would only be more left if marx ran it
I have very good friends in Boston, they are not liberals but support Trump, all successful hard working people. My experience with people that are successful even here in Maine are republicans. My ex-wife's parents, her siblings, aunts, uncles, grand parents, cousins were all highly educated, financially well off and all conservatives.
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just like any good post articles from other republicans telling you the world is flat and you know it to be true because the party says so...….and refuse to admit Bush put us in a recession....and Obama bailed us out.....but what you fail to notice for all their talk they post nothing on.......job numbers... unemployment number.... gdp you they talk *******....yes the first part of his term when he was dealing with the was tough times...just what Bush handed him.....BUT if you were so sure you are right.....go to the Gov web site and check the numbers.....even your hero has not put up the numbers Obama did
just like any good post articles from other republicans telling you the world is flat and you know it to be true because the party says so...….and refuse to admit Bush put us in a recession....and Obama bailed us out.....but what you fail to notice for all their talk they post nothing on.......job numbers... unemployment number.... gdp you they talk *******....yes the first part of his term when he was dealing with the was tough times...just what Bush handed him.....BUT if you were so sure you are right.....go to the Gov web site and check the numbers.....even your hero has not put up the numbers Obama did
I told you what i felt you asked for documents i found here we are again. I run a business and Obama sucked
I told you what i felt you asked for documents i found here we are again. I run a business and Obama sucked

and for the 50th? time...….yes he inherited a recession...hard times...…..but he put forward several bills to help small biz.....but your fellow republicans in their effort to block anything he did no matter how it helped the country....chose to block you want to blame someone...blame your party

The Republicans’ Unprecedented Obstructionism By The ...
Oct 14, 2011 · The Republicans’ Unprecedented Obstructionism By The Numbers "Congressional historians said Mr. Boehner's move was unprecedented." A month before Senate Republicans blocked Barack Obama’s popular jobs bill, that’s how the New York Times described Speaker John Boehner's refusal to grant the President's

r/politics - Republicans Sabotaged Obama’s Economy and ...
I remember when Moscow Mitch declared that the GOP was going to do everything they could to prevent Obama from winning a second term and then watched as they denied him any success by blocking everything the he and the Democrats tried to do.

The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And ...
Sep 23, 2014 · The Republican political strategy has been to obstruct efforts to help the economy for everyone but the wealthiest few, and then campaign on complaints that the economy isn’t helping anyone but the wealthiest few. It’s working. In President Obama’s July 12 weekly address he said, “So far ...

Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
President Barack Obama is railing against congressional Republicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.” The ...

The GOP's no-compromise pledge - POLITICO
Oct 28, 2010 · Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to ******* it ...