trump running for re-election on the economy

McDonalds complains they can not afford to raise the minimum wage and yet 3 years ago they gave a 20billion dollar payout to shareholders!

Dunkin Donuts says 15dollars an hour is outrageous...and yet he makes over 4 thousand dollars an hour

point being....the people who do nothing to stimulate the economy are raking in millions and the economy going no where...used to be companies were happy with a certain amount of profit....but now they want to out do the others to see who can be a millionaire first...….look at under Bush...….put us into a recession and yet billionaires tripled in that amount of time
Thats why people invest do you have 401k or a roth
Thats why people invest do you have 401k or a roth

are you crazy....right now most can barely make ends meet...a lot living off the credit card...which will catch up sooner or later...what is it 60% of the middle class doesn't have 400 dollars in the bank if they needed it....easy for you to say 401k....but most just barely making it
it makes everything cost more and your right back where you started

with thinking like's why you are a republican..... I just covered that

ok with that thinking ...and it's typical republican …...can't give a raise it will increase cost of everything and inflation go up.....well why is it wages have not gone up no where near what inflation has...….and yet inflation gone up every year while wages stayed stagnet….I know wages going up would have made it worse....
why is it congress gets a cola raise every year and gave it's self a 20,000 dollar pay raise 2 years ago....and then there is this

Depending on how it's calculated, the average pay of CEOs at the 350 biggest U.S. companies last year came to $17.2 million, the EPI research found.
CEO pay: chief executives rake in 940% more than 40 years ...

again....the people who make the economy go are seeing nothing....the ones who pocket ….hide....invest elsewhere.....that do nothing to help the economy are getting the money.....guess you might have missed that little fact that 90% of the wealth in this country is in the pockets of less than 10% of the country
In case you missed it!....although doubt you care

Top 10 percent of US households control nearly 75 percent ...
Top 10 percent of US households control nearly 75 percent of all wealth – Average Americans pretend to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires by going further into debt. However, holiday spending is going strongly largely by people going into big debt . Many are going to be paying for the holiday season of 2013 deep into years to come.

The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s ...
Dec 06, 2017 · Wealth owned by the bottom 90 percent, meanwhile, fell over the same period. Today, the top 1 percent of households own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined.

there again if the economy tanks...….it is the middle class that suffers and that top 10% just get wealthier

Trump's economy is great for billionaires, not for working ...
Jan 16, 2019 · Donald Trump tells us the US economy is “absolutely booming”, the “strongest we’ve ever had” and “the greatest in the history of America”. Well, at his Mar-a-Lago country club where ...

Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash ...
May 23, 2016 · Trump in 2007: ‘I’m Excited’ for Housing Market Crash. His remarks to the Globe and Mail weren’t the only he made on the money-making possibilities found in a bursting bubble. The real-estate mogul lost big during the early 1990s recession, filing bankruptcies on a number of properties and liquidating others to keep himself above-water.
are you crazy....right now most can barely make ends meet...a lot living off the credit card...which will catch up sooner or later...what is it 60% of the middle class doesn't have 400 dollars in the bank if they needed it....easy for you to say 401k....but most just barely making it
I had a couple of 401 K's in my time, used all the money during hard times.
In my opinion the Democratic and Republican parties are the same in to many ways. Trump ran as a Republican but is independent in his view of our country and its problems. The elite in our governing country club didn't want an outsider into their business. None of the Democrats appear to have accepted all the changes Trump is attempting to accomplish. As for the Republicans many very intelligent members of congress are on board because they realize the President is for real. Drain the swamp is what we as the american voter's need to do, our government at all levels is corruption at it's best.

trump re-loaded the swamp....and took corruption to all new levels......does not have an honest person in his cabinet that is not making money at the expense of the country
Corporations are not concerned with the common good.

they exploit, pollute, impoverish, repress, ******* and lie to make money.
they throw poor out of homes, let the uninsured die, wage useless wars for profit
poison and pollute the eco system, slash social assistance programs, gut public education, trash the global economy, plunder the US treasury crush all popular movements that seek justice
for working men and women. They worship power and money and nothing else
Naturally….what would you expect for companies to support as a leader....the biz mans leader and envy of every biz man in the country

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t ...
Jun 09, 2016 · At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA TODAY NETWORK, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber.

Donald Trump Has a History of Not Paying His Bills. That ...
Jun 09, 2016 · Donald Trump Has a History of Not Paying His Bills. That Offers Some Insights Into His Personality.

Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees ...
Jun 10, 2016 · Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees. According to a USA Today investigation, Trump has received at least 3,500 official complaints for failing to pay employees, contractors, and other business affiliates money owed. The paper also found at least 60 lawsuits, 24 instances where Trump failed to pay overtime and minimum wage,...