trump running for re-election on the economy

welll good for you....took you all day and you finally come up with 6 now......not quite most of the country...but I will go you a few are 10....since finding one more took you all day yesterday....finding 4 more will probably take you a week.....and no..a note from someones mom doesn't count....hey these are all new ones...took the time to look up some more....since his racism is all over the net

10 times President Trump's comments have been criticized ...

    • LeBron James. Basketball star LeBron James sat down with CNN's Don Lemon for an interview …​
    • Maxine Waters. One of Trump's favorite targets has been Congresswoman Maxine Waters. He has …​
    • Charlottesville. Trump's comments after a white nationalists rally in Charlottesville, Va. has been …​

you may not like this one...….don't think he likes trump at all....think he is british?
With actual proof and sources, is Donald Trump a racist ...


Jun 04, 2016 · I think if you are somebody who keeps up with the news and particularly the US election campaign then you shouldn't need any evidence at all, I certainly am not going to waste my time providing you with material proof of his racist, isolationist a...

Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List ...

Jan 15, 2018 · Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in …



NEW YORK TIMES marching orders

Leftist crapola extraordinarie
what the reason is not the issue....the fact that it is and he is doing nothing is the issue....actually it is what he has done that has us here

Trump’s Economy Is in Dangerous Territory -
Jul 26, 2019 · That’s precisely when Trump began to ramp up his trade war. Casualties of the Trade War Decline in year-over-year investment growth since Trump first …

The Trump economy: A chaotic response from a contradictory ...
Aug 22, 2019 · Top White House advisers notified President Trump earlier this month that some internal forecasts showed that the economy could slow markedly …

Trump promised economic growth better than Obama's. It ...
Feb 28, 2019 · President Donald Trump's central claim about his economic policies officially crashed into reality on Thursday. Throughout the 2016 campaign and …
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Is he suppose to run those companies as well

no...just more proof trickle down economics does not work...just covered this on the other thread...…..the economy works when the workers have money to spend and but products....NOT by giving tax breaks to the corps which will never see the worker or the economy

a well paid worker has money to spend and buy products instead of just having enough to pay his bills....that is what makes a good economy....but the right and their greed just can't seem to understand that
No we tried that with Obama

Obama was to busy trying to get us out of the recession the right put us in...….we already covered this....are you a slow learner...or just don't read?

Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump. That being said, the economy Trump inherited is one in which the labor market is tight, housing and manufacturing are improving and wages are beginning to increase. Trump is inheriting an economy with one of the lowest jobless rates of any incoming president in modern times.

The "Mess” Trump Inherited Vs. The “Mess” Obama Inherited ...
Feb 16, 2017 · The "Mess” Trump Inherited Vs. The “Mess” Obama Inherited Shows Trump's Doesn't Exist. But, contrary to Trump's claims during his campaign, Obama was not the founder of ISIS. And while Trump may have inherited the continuing war on terror, Obama inherited two wars with actual American troops on the ground.
Obama was to busy trying to get us out of the recession the right put us in...….we already covered this....are you a slow learner...or just don't read?

Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump. That being said, the economy Trump inherited is one in which the labor market is tight, housing and manufacturing are improving and wages are beginning to increase. Trump is inheriting an economy with one of the lowest jobless rates of any incoming president in modern times.

The "Mess” Trump Inherited Vs. The “Mess” Obama Inherited ...
Feb 16, 2017 · The "Mess” Trump Inherited Vs. The “Mess” Obama Inherited Shows Trump's Doesn't Exist. But, contrary to Trump's claims during his campaign, Obama was not the founder of ISIS. And while Trump may have inherited the continuing war on terror, Obama inherited two wars with actual American troops on the ground.
he didn't inherit he caused

EW isn't the ignorant one - her followers are the ignorant ones for buying into her BS.

have some more kool-aid.
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she's horrible on every level

well like I said know nothing about her BUT she is right up there....selling snake oil like trump...….so that must put her on even ground….after all isn't trump horrible on every level......well you probably don't think so but over half of America thinks so.....she is not my pick....but would take her over trump.....I don't think she would by pass the laws nor the will of the people just to do things

rumblings in the republican trump....more and more not happy with him.....pulling money away from the military didn't go over with some...…..and that little meeting with the tailiban on our home soil with the president of the US and no one from Afgan….really not going over well at all....there are several Vets serving in congress who served over there...and they ARE speaking up