trump running for re-election on the economy

In my opinion the Democratic and Republican parties are the same in to many ways. Trump ran as a Republican but is independent in his view of our country and its problems. The elite in our governing country club didn't want an outsider into their business. None of the Democrats appear to have accepted all the changes Trump is attempting to accomplish. As for the Republicans many very intelligent members of congress are on board because they realize the President is for real. Drain the swamp is what we as the american voter's need to do, our government at all levels is corruption at it's best.
not sure where they get their info...wage growth strong?....wages are not keeping up with inflation...and unemployment hanging in there….he likes to toot his own horn a lot on that....but his numbers still will never beat Obama's...but in all fairness we were in a recession so for Obama there was no place to go but up

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for ...
Aug 07, 2018 · But in real, inflation-adjusted terms, the median has barely budged over that period: That $232 in 1979 had the same purchasing power as $840 in today’s dollars. Meanwhile, wage gains have gone largely to the highest earners.
I know only your numbers right is a vid....hate vids......but has nice might even like it...wages are increasing...but still way behind
Is Growth in Wages Keeping Up With Inflation? - YouTube
May 20, 2019 · Wages are an important factor in the health of the economy. What does wage growth look like today? Let's take a look. ... Is Growth in Wages Keeping Up With Inflation? Online Trading Academy ...
  • Author: Online Trading Academy
Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With ...
Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study. Between the end of World War II and the late 1960s, productivity and wages grew steadily.
so a loaf of bread would have to be 12 every time minimum wage goes up so does everything else
so a loaf of bread would have to be 12 every time minimum wage goes up so does everything else
that's not old wives tale...or should I say republican tale to keep wages down....look back in 60's and early 70's when everyone making good money...they bought their food and still had plenty of money to spend...did you look at the vid?
McDonalds complains they can not afford to raise the minimum wage and yet 3 years ago they gave a 20billion dollar payout to shareholders!

Dunkin Donuts says 15dollars an hour is outrageous...and yet he makes over 4 thousand dollars an hour

point being....the people who do nothing to stimulate the economy are raking in millions and the economy going no where...used to be companies were happy with a certain amount of profit....but now they want to out do the others to see who can be a millionaire first...….look at under Bush...….put us into a recession and yet billionaires tripled in that amount of time
if you raise the wages to the workers....they will spend money buying products and creating more is all one big cycle and everyone wins

if minimum wage raises come wages have not gone up and yet inflation has?