Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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OK, there is the e-mail server thing with Hilary! But the FBI has cleared her of any wrong doing and did it really affect everyday people in America? No! Tell me why she is so hated? Because she is a lady in a powerful position! Hate to tell u America but u guys are fucked if u pick Trump! But hey, u decide!!! :(
Did you watch the FBI hearing? I wouldn't say they cleared Hillary of any wrong doing. She is guilty as ever for her handling of very sensitive highly classified material. Comey basically said she was careless. I handled classified information up to top secret on information about our nuclear arsenal. If I mishandled or was "careless" in my duties I would for sure have been court martialed. You're right does it affect our daily lives? No but the information that our enemies now have access to could be used against her, our military, and give insight into how we operate around the world. And if you liberals, especially you SubHub, are ignorant enough to believe that when Bill met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix was to exchange pleasantries it goes to show how gullible you people are. And you say if we vote for Trump we're "fucked" well guess what if Hillary gets in the country will be really fucked!! Maybe $30 trillion in debt to provide for all the gifts everyone will get. The day is going to come when you truly need help from the government they are going to have to say no. I don't dislike Hillary because she's a woman, I don't dislike her because she's a woman with power, and I don't dislike her because she's a liberal. I wish we didn't have the two party system. I dislike her because she is the status quo politician who lies to just about everyone with the promises like Obama did. I don't blame anyone for making a lot of money for giving a worthless speech but if you or SubHub think that the likes of Goldman Sachs pay her the kind of money she gets is because she so damn smart you're sadly mistaking. It's money for access and influence. Typical politics. If you really look into her record when Bill was in office she did not do much good. So with that I say I'm not crazy about Trump I just know what we will get with Hillary which will be Obama on steroids, but I don't know what we'll get with Trump and for me it's totally worth the risk! Hillary says she will create more jobs since WWII, free education, higher minimum wage, free health care, student loan forgiveness, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Same bullshit that every POLITICIAN says when running for office. Then when they don't come through they blame those pesky republicans. I'm raising the BULLSHIT flag. I have a serious question. We are $20 trillion dollars in debt how will we pay for all the freebies since Clinton wants to continue as Obama has?
So OJ got away with *******. Does that mean anyone who now commits that crime should get away with it? She is crooked to the bone!!
see my earlier meme's.... how many did Reagan... Bush/Chenney and others *******... but you assholes don't want to bring that up... just Hillary... how fucking narrow minded can you be? your just like HH and 2bi and others that only see the "R' on the tag and that's who you support


wrong... you guys blame Obama for not fixing it fast enough and are quick to blame Obama.... but never seem to remember how it got there
You never remember how it got there....what precipitated the great recession was the sub-prime mortgage crash. The Bush administration went to congress 6 separate times asking them to tighten restrictions on the sub prime market, but democrats blocked them claiming there was no problem with the sub prime mortgages. Sure no problem lending money to people who clearly couldn't afford to pay it back. :rolleyes:

But Bush was president, so you just want to blame him regardless of the facts.
So I guess because they knew them and worked for them, they must have killed them! I do believe a lot of people have been watching House Of Cards a little to much! Do u think if there was that much info or evidence on them, they would not be in jail or death row right now? Lets face it, if there is one thing America loves to do, its to put people, ( a lot of people ) in jail! Even innocent ones! Come on really!
So I guess because they knew them and worked for them, they must have killed them! I do believe a lot of people have been watching House Of Cards a little to much! Do u think if there was that much info or evidence on them, they would not be in jail or death row right now? Lets face it, if there is one thing America loves to do, its to put people, ( a lot of people ) in jail! Even innocent ones! Come on really! was because of what they knew...
the clintons were in all kinds of suspicious and criminal things in Arkansas......for instance a few months before Jerry Parks was killed by two white men in a sedan. His wife found a large stash of money in the trunk of his car after a meeting with Vince Foster.

She confronted him and he told his wife to forget about seeing the money and never ask about it again. What it was for or where he got it is anyones guess....he was after all investigating Bill Clinton at the request of Hillary Clinton..... cant be proven that the Clintons had anything to do with Parks or Fosters ******* but they knew the Clintons well and knew everything they were involved with. There are many unanswered and damning questions surrounding the investigations of both murders that dont add up.

I am just saying i dont trust the clintons and dont want them back in the whitehouse.
But the trouble is basically, it comes down to 2 people, no other's! America is just getting divided more and more to the point where it will just fall apart, what a shame! By the way, was it you that said something about the second amendment? I hope not?
But the trouble is basically, it comes down to 2 people, no other's! America is just getting divided more and more to the point where it will just fall apart, what a shame! By the way, was it you that said something about the second amendment? I hope not?

I agree it is......unfortunately i dont like either candidate...

What about the 2nd amendment?