Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Its amazing to me how many people are deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to Hillary, no politician out there lies more , is more of a criminal than Hillary.

And i dont even like Donald Trump, but to say he is a snake oil salesman with no morales when you have her across the isle is beyond laughable.

No matter which one is elected we will be the laughing stock of the world.
They just don't get it do they? Ole sub hub thinks that those of who see through that lying, corrupt, selfish, and criminal Hillary believe so because we base our beliefs and opinions on information we get from Fox news. Looking at the people in attendance at the DNC convention kind of reminded me of the way people looked in the movie Purge 2 when the priest was speaking to a group of believers. I can't for the life of me understand how people fall for the bullshit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I voted for Obama 2008. Sub Hub thinks it was because I wanted to develop a relationship with liberals. What a joke. I vote for who I think will be best for our country not what I will get. The liberal theme is free health care, free education, student loan forgiveness, higher minimum wage, etc... And the people believe it. I am a true believer that the government should help those who are truly in need, those that can't take care of themselves, and those who through no fault of their own lose their job because a company folds. But just to say "I'm entitled" is a lazy and selfish attitude. GET A JOB, GET AN EDUCATION, WORK HARD!! According to Sub Hub there are more jobs now than ever. Nothing is free. There are costs associated with everything and the government can no longer afford to continue on this path. But liberals have been brainwashed to think it's those pesky republicans who want to take everything away and give it to their rich buddies. Last check the Clintons being basically public servants most of their lives are worth $200 million. Just seems odd to me. Goldman Sachs did not give Hillary 200-300 thousand dollars because of her insight and intelligence. It's called a price for access and influence. The last thing we need in the white house is another Clinton or Bush. If that was the ticket I for the first time since being able to vote would probably skip this election.
OK, there is the e-mail server thing with Hilary! But the FBI has cleared her of any wrong doing and did it really affect everyday people in America? No! Tell me why she is so hated? Because she is a lady in a powerful position! Hate to tell u America but u guys are fucked if u pick Trump! But hey, u decide!!! :(
not the first couple of times he asked... they refused!
well Obama was elected president, not dictator. He doesn't automatically get everything he wants every time he asks.

And congress wasn't treating him any different than they have presidents of the past. Here's just one example of many....this one being where congress refused to raise the debt ceiling for Reagan:,30530&hl=en

That would have taken you 10 seconds to find on google if you wanted to actually educate yourself instead of just spew crap you've pulled out of your ass
After reviewing some of these post it's interesting that everyone has erased the situation president Obama was given.

Now, we are somewhat recovery from our political mess everyone wants to go backwards. Trump is a very dangerous person and this election is going to be closer than people imagine.
... congress wasn't treating him any different than they have presidents of the past.
And YOU, h-h are a liar and you know it. You're just lying to yourself. Comments like these just confirms that practically everything you say is bullshit as well. You want to start adding up those filibusters again? You take all the filibusters of ALL the past Presidents, and they don't add up to equal the number of filibusters the Republicans put on Obama. And the thing is, the hate is STILL going on even as THEIR popularity is close to single digits and Obama's is the highest since he took office.