Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Your Constitution was written over two hundred and thirty years ago! That lil thing about baring arms was made to protect America by mainly Militia's! Do u really think it was made for people to carry more fire power than the police have in a lot of cases? I'm not saying u should not have guns, go ahead, what I'm saying is that u should not be able to buy certain guns and definitely a lot of people should not be able to get their hands on guns period! The saying guns don't ******* people, people ******* people is getting a bit lame to say the least! Think about it, I saw a pic of 4-5 (MAYBE) American ex service men or whoever walking down the street in Cleveland fully armed to the teeth! Who's to say they were not terrorists just taking a walk in the downtown area waiting for a large crowd somewhere before they could easily blow away 100 people within a minute! Getting spinning out of control where people are buying guns through the shear terror that everyone else has one also!! Take a look around the world, how many other countries have the same problem? This isn't a Republican versus Democrat issue! Its just a common sense issue! Go to the shooting range, hunt or collect them as collectors items, but lets face it, its getting to fucked up!
Your Constitution was written over two hundred and thirty years ago! That lil thing about baring arms was made to protect America by mainly Militia's! Do u really think it was made for people to carry more fire power than the police have in a lot of cases? I'm not saying u should not have guns, go ahead, what I'm saying is that u should not be able to buy certain guns and definitely a lot of people should not be able to get their hands on guns period! The saying guns don't ******* people, people ******* people is getting a bit lame to say the least! Think about it, I saw a pic of 4-5 (MAYBE) American ex service men or whoever walking down the street in Cleveland fully armed to the teeth! Who's to say they were not terrorists just taking a walk in the downtown area waiting for a large crowd somewhere before they could easily blow away 100 people within a minute! Getting spinning out of control where people are buying guns through the shear terror that everyone else has one also!! Take a look around the world, how many other countries have the same problem? This isn't a Republican versus Democrat issue! Its just a common sense issue! Go to the shooting range, hunt or collect them as collectors items, but lets face it, its getting to fucked up!

I disagree.....the right to keep and bear arms was not only to protect against foreign invaders but to keep the government honest if it started to overstep its authority against its own people. The founding fathers understood can the citizens of the US defend themselves against a tyrannical government today....unlikely with the current military we have but it becomes a whole lot easier when the citizens are completely unarmed.

Now to answer you point about certain weapons....the citizens are already banned from most military auto weapons....explosives, rockets, tanks, etc.

This is merely a semi auto weapon.....yes it holds a lot of ammo and my ppimt always is that if you ban those the criminals will not only still get them they will use other weapons.....the mass killings will continue and we will be talking about yet another weapon and pretty soon we look like the UK or Austrailia. We have a problem of violence in this country thats true but it because of the failure of the family structure and the way ******* are raised discipline, no respect and no responsibilty for ones action anymore
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well trump did it again today I see... every time he opens his mouth he offends someone!

insulted a fallen American Muslim solder... killed in the line of duty in Iraq
Show me a person that can pull the trigger 13.3 in a second. Automatic weapons are only for military and police. what is sold is a semi automatic weapon meaning you have to release and squeeze again
Why is it so many people are scared of their own Government for! I just do not understand that mentality when u, the people vote your Government into power because u feel they best represent you the people!
Unless something drastically changes soon in America, I feel u will have anarchy and total loss of control, do u want to watch your Country fall into dis array or to possibly be controlled by someone like Putin or that fuck nut in North Korea! I would suggest normal, smart, educated rounded people should start thinking about running for office! But the thing about American Pilitics is that u have to be Billionaires to run for office now! That's not the way it should work to say the least!
Why do u need a semi auto weapon for to start with? Duck hunting! You must be one lousy shot if that's the case! The fact is, if u keep upping the anti on weapons tit for tat! Where does it stop! Costco Defensive Home Nukes! I can see the advertisement now! "Nobody Will Fuck With You Now, Because You Will Just Take Out all The Criminals In Your City" !!
Of course they didnt know there would be modern weapons ass clown....thats not the point...they new what a tyrannical government could do!!
you really have to be the dumbest person I have ever talked to!
you switch sides so many times it is ridiculous... you get involved in conversations you know nothing about... you side with anyone that is on the right even if you have no idea of what the subject is... I could go on... but you really are a total waste of skin!
Why is it so many people are scared of their own Government for! I just do not understand that mentality when u, the people vote your Government into power because u feel they best represent you the people!

Except they dont represent us......they represent themselves
you really have to be the dumbest person I have ever talked to!
you switch sides so many times it is ridiculous... you get involved in conversations you know nothing about... you side with anyone that is on the right even if you have no idea of what the subject is... I could go on... but you really are a total waste of skin!

Good.....i have had enough of your stupid ass ******* make no sense....

Yeah your a real expert on everything mr 13.3 rounds per second.
Of course they didnt know there would be modern weapons ass clown....thats not the point...they new what a tyrannical government could do!!
I already told you at least 15 times and you are to 'slow" to understand..... 2 judges have already ruled... YOU DO NOT NEED A semi-auto rile to defend your self!
there is nothing in the second amendment that says you CAN have a semi-auto rifle... just that you the right to keep and bear arms!
what next you want a nuke?

I already told you at least 15 times and you are to 'slow" to understand..... 2 judges have already ruled... YOU DO NOT NEED A semi-auto rile to defend your self!
there is nothing in the second amendment that says you CAN have a semi-auto rifle... just that you the right to keep and bear arms!
what next you want a nuke?

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YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT. those two judges dont speak for the entire country.....its their own opinion...

It doesnt have to say it.....
those two judges dont speak for the entire country.....its their own opinion
you are like a broken record... you keep saying the same thing over and over and over again...... with NO logical explanation for your keeping that weapon... just the second amendment says you can have it.... and it doesn't
if it does... SHOW US!... other wise you don't have an argument... other than your crying like a little kid about to lose his toy!
you are like a broken record... you keep saying the same thing over and over and over again...... with NO logical explanation for your keeping that weapon... just the second amendment says you can have it.... and it doesn't
if it does... SHOW US!... other wise you don't have an argument... other than your crying like a little kid about to lose his toy!

I am not crying.....still totally legal in all but a few you are the one pack your ******* up and move to Australia if if bothers you so bad