Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Utter bullshit! GW didn't inherit a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus. There has never been anything remotely close to a $5.6 trillion surplus. What GW inhereted was about a $5.6 trillion debt. He added $4 trillion to it....which Obama called him unpatriotic for. Then Obummer turned around and added $10 trillion more on top of that:

no... Watergate is a way of life for the republicans... and has been!
How naive of you. Spying and dirty tricks are a way of live in major elections. If you recall when Romney was running someone got in and surreptitiously tape recorded a meeting that Romney was having with donors. More recently some communications of the DNC have proven to be embarrassing to the DNC. There is considerable concern that come October some of those emails may be made public just before the election. Wikileaks is releasing around 20,000 emails that doesn't paint a very flattering picture of the Democratic Party. In all fairness a lot of the corrupt crap that is being exposed in the Democratic party also takes place on the Republican side. However the Clinton's have raised selling political favors to level likely not seen since Huey Long
your thinking is along the same lines as HH and 2bi...... but the problem with YOUR statement.... it doesn't fit in with public opinion.... seen the latest Pres approval ratings?
judging by that your opinion is wrong... but like any other opinion you are entitled to it.... just that your last several conversations have started with the same WRONG statement
You haven't presented anything other than telling me that I am wrong to counter the case I have made. People and businesses have paid substantial amounts of money to me over quite a few years for my opinion can you say they same? As to the President's current popularity he does spin control better than anyone I have ever seen. By about any measuring stick you care to use his tenure has been terrible but he has spun this happy picture about how great the economy and the world situation is and he is able to sell it.
Republicans are trying to smear Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over her emails and the Benghazi attack. And yet nothing criminal or new had been found, either through her emails or the Benghazi attack
Smear Hillary? Let's see the Clinton's have made over 250 million dollars by selling favors. Let's for instance take a look at Rajiv Fernando. He is a Chicago businessman a heavy donor to the Clinton's and the Clinton Foundation, plus being a top bundler for President Obama. Hillary appointed him to the International Security Advisory Board and pushed through a Top Secret security clearance. The board members are security experts from the military, scientific and diplomatic fields, yet here was a person that had no qualifications other than being a political donor. ABC got wind of it and he resigned. Less than half of the Clinton Foundation Global initiatives we ever completed. Even a cursory look at their finances show that millions of dollars unaccounted for.

As to Benghazi despite all the hearing and investigations a lot of the information never surfaced, even in redacted form. The FBI recovered some of the emails she deleted and it may prove interesting just what Wikileaks and the probably hacks of the Russians will air out in public.
checked his rating lately?.... you really don't have any idea which way is up!
He is a lousy President. Growth has come to nearly a stop. The economy is so stale the banks can't lend out money even at the bargain basement rates that exist today. There are less jobs today than when Clinton left office. The number of unemployed that you quote is the people laid off and collecting unemployment. The real rate is twice that. You also need to look at the growth in the number of people collecting disability. In most states there are twice as many people collecting disability as there are collecting unemployment.

This simply isn't true of only the Republicans. The Democrats have done an excellent job of putting the country in a hole
Increase in Billions US $ President Political Party
$153 Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic
$55 Harry S. Truman Democratic
$31 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
$20 John F. Kennedy Democratic
$58 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
$115 Richard Nixon Republican
$145 Gerald Ford Republican
$280 Jimmy Carter Democratic
$1,692 Ronald Reagan Republican
$1,401 George H.W. Bush Republican
$1,627 Bill Clinton Democratic
$4,357 George W. Bush Republican
$8,134 Barack H. Obama Democratic

You should work more on gathering facts instead of creating nice graphics. The sad part is that all too often people look at a slick picture or a compelling speech and never take the time to see if what they are being told is the truth.
no I didn't... he has his name on it!
When Trump sold the Maj Mahal Casino the buyers thought it was in their best interests to maintain the appearance of Trump's connection to the property. I am sure they paid Mr. Trumps a nice chunk of money for the use of his name. But his actual connection to the property zero. You should check these things before you go on a self righteous rant
Utter bullshit! GW didn't inherit a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus. There has never been anything remotely close to a $5.6 trillion surplus. What GW inhereted was about a $5.6 trillion debt. He added $4 trillion to it....which Obama called him unpatriotic for. Then Obummer turned around and added $10 trillion more on top of that:
you didn't read that letter I posted above
When Trump sold the Maj Mahal Casino the buyers thought it was in their best interests to maintain the appearance of Trump's connection to the property. I am sure they paid Mr. Trumps a nice chunk of money for the use of his name. But his actual connection to the property zero. You should check these things before you go on a self righteous rant
that's just one casino! he screwed several... after all Las Vegas won't let him own one there... untrust worthy
You should work more on gathering facts instead of creating nice graphics. The sad part is that all too often people look at a slick picture or a compelling speech and never take the time to see if what they are being told is the truth.
I didn't create that meme.... but if you read the facts posted above you will see it is true... but you only see what you want to see... that's what is wrong with the republican party... they still believe in reagonomics and trickle down... people are finally seeing it doesn't work and leaving the party!... if it wasn't for a bunch of Dems' buying Trumps snake oil pitches... you wouldn't have anyone this year... your party is toast!... and just like some of the other die hards... you still want to believe trickle down will work... look at Kansas... the most fucked up state there is right now... well maybe La. is worse.. Jindahl really put the screws there but the Dems are trying to straighten out that mess