The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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God knows, don't we all KNOW THAT by now ... you and your buddies remind us every single day of the year ... and where's it gotten you? It's because of making stupid mistakes like NOT VOTING ... or as you say, "we're resilient like that". Yeah, that'll show us!
I guess another 20-30 years of resiliency for you, huh? No worry we could lose our democracy in one day. But buddy, when you lose it, you and your buddies will have something LOUD to be "resilient" of THEN, I guarantee you. So, don't VOTE and just come here and cry some more "Pity Party Tears" ... and "just flip the script again, and again". DO NOTHING!

And a year from now, if we lose our democracy, I'll be coming here every day to remind YOU of what you said and the fact you didn't VOTE. You can etch that in stone.

Seems to me Mac we ALREADY lost our Democracy - look what ole Debacle Joe is doing - using the DOJ to remove his political opposition - doesn’t get more losing your Democracy than that !!! Remember folks Dems ALWAYS accuse their opposition of exactly what they ARE doing.
I’m really surprised all the lefties in here didn’t like “Civil War”. Was pretty clear to me from the very beginning they tried to portray the beleaguered president as Trump. From his way of talking - the fact he disbanded the FBI - to his being in his 3rd term and using the military against civilians - all stuff lefties believe he’d do. I took it as a cautionary tale thinly veiled and total lefty propaganda ;}
Well here on America, the votes don't even count and every president is related to the previous presidents (is that coincidence?)... so there are no real elections, only SELECTIONS here...

Voting is something that they lure in front of you to be able to blame your choice on you, or the other people who "chose the new guy"...

It's a laugh and a half... why do they even pretend that we need to vote if they are just going to keep making the SMAE BL00DLINE president again and again?

In Australia and America, I believe we are SUPPOSED to have a REPUBLIC... but all we have is a democracy, which people fail to realize is just one step in the line of steps toward dictatorship...

So voting here is a COMPLETE waste of your time and energy... and is really only for the delusional...

People "need" heros and the social engineers know that... the entire system here is set up so that people are dependent on it... I think we should all live our lives and let the systems DROWN from never being used...

People "vote" every few years but NOT A THING has gotten better by voting... not one single thing... Even Plato said a democracy only works with a small group of people... Ever checked out Thomas Hobbes 'Leviathan'?

Politics runs nothing in my life- no matter who is "elected", nothing changes for the good (for the people)... any thought otherwise is FANTASY...
Tell her again because she has a hard time understanding when mutable people tell her the same thing
The I’ve alway tried to explain to individuals caught in their myopic world.
The WORLD is interested in this election.
From a financial perspective the largest economy influences ours and every other sharemarket.
From a political perspective, the people used by the republicans fly around the world ‘consulting’ to conservatives. In Australia last election a party called the CLIVE PALMER party tested the MAKE AUSTRALIA GREAT . Thankfully he got 1% of the vote. Australia rejects idiots, voting is compulsory because people died to give us it, the least we can do is educate ourselves, speak up, activate our community and stop living like victims OR
we can blame our circumstances, wringing our hands that no body is suited to what I want , the government this…. The politicians that …. And we never move forward just pushing our progress until someone steps up while we all sit down…. Waiting..
The world may be interested but the world doesn't get a vote clearly misunderstood that part. .
You know, she's actually right though. What happens here affects the rest of the world and vice versa. The rest of the world watches Amerika and takes a lot from the example that this country sets.
The good ole USA sets an example.
That some foreigners think.
Gives them license to come over here and act real funky 🙄.
How big of a POS must one be to claim their grandfather and 2 uncles died in Europe just to make a point on voting when they obviously didn't die in the war per your previous posts?
ohhhh gee, you don't seem to mind the conservative style of untruthfulness, called "embellishment" ... isn't that what THEY and the big ORANGE ORANGATAN call it when they exaggerate their stories? LOL
Nawwwww, its ok when ReThuglicans lie out their asses EVERY DAY trying to tarnish the superb record of a sitting President but, let me add a little of that "embellishment" to MY STORY and you guys go off like a frik'n whore with herpes on a Saturday payday.

You, HH are a huge LOSER ... you tell me to leave YOU alone just 2 days ago even though you have followed me around this website like a heel puppy for over five years now ... waiting to take a jab at anything I post. You're a LOSER, LIAR, and website TROUBLEMAKER .... your words to ME are worthless. I'd love meeting you in Shelbyville, KY but you're the big CHICKEN Lit'l who hides behind his keyboard. When you grow some balls my offer to meet in Shelbyville stands open for you and I do suggest you bring a friend to "drive you home" afterwards.
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I’m not sure Americans understand that not voting is actually a vote for trump . Imagine what he and Bannon would do to the country.
Republicans who worked with trump are trying to warn us.
how can Biden who is trying to give the country universal healthcare is neck and neck with a convicted criminal. 🤦‍♀️
Unbelievably dumb!
That's because the MAGATards are cult and unbelievably naive & guided like sheep.
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Nawwwww, its ok when ReThuglicans lie out their asses EVERY DAY trying to tarnish the superb record of a sitting President, but let me add a little of that "embellishment" to MY STORY and you guys go off like a frik'n whore with herpes on a Saturday payday.
Claiming to be a Gold Star family, losing three close family members in WWII when they all obviously survived (assuming they even fought there) isn't "a little embellishment". It's damn close to the level of Stolen Valor Karen, aka SCBlknNsty who claimed he won a Purple Heart in Vietnam when he never even served during the war.

my offer to meet in Shelbyville stands open for you and I do suggest you bring a friend to "drive you home" afterwards.
Now you're back to physical threats? Trying to get yet another thread shut down? Don't you have something better to do?
I’m not sure Americans understand that not voting is actually a vote for trump . Imagine what he and Bannon would do to the country.
Oh, they understand, alright ... they just don't believe our democracy is fallible to the likes of Trump ... they think Trump will make it better. Easy to understand where Trump comes from, he openly announces his intentions daily with his MAGA disciples. He wants a complete government takeover under the cover of his personally appointed Supreme Court morons.
I’m really surprised all the lefties in here didn’t like “Civil War”.
That's because WE aren't the ones pushing militias' & AW's to maintain martial law. You obviously don't undertand the recent Supreme Court's passing of the relaxation on the return of bumper stocks for military weapons, do you? You don't SEE THE STAGE being set for an internal war of which our country hasn't had since the 1860's, do you? How could you be so BLIND to this, blkdlaur?
BUMPER STOCKS are not one of our RIGHTS ... and don't belong on those military style weaponries. How naive are you that this will come home to bite Americans in the ass if its allowed to continue?
You should know when Trump turns the military on its PEOPLE not all will follow his orders and there possibly could be WILL BE A WAR much more ******* & devistating in the USA due to the technologies of weaponry advances, mobility of people, and communications. Our cities would be torn apart and innocent civilians kil.led over the likes of Trump.
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That's because WE aren't the ones pushing militias' & AW's to maintain martial law. You obviously don't undertand the recent Supreme Court's passing of the relaxation on the return to bumper stocks for military weapons, do you? You don't SEE THE STAGE being set for an internal war of which our country hasn't had since the 1860's, do you? How could you be so BLIND to this, blkdlaur?
BUMPER STOCKS are not one of our RIGHTS ... and don't belong on those military style weaponries. Now naive are you that this will come home to bite Americans in the ass if its allowed to continue?
That's because WE aren't the ones pushing militias' & AW's to maintain martial law. You obviously don't undertand the recent Supreme Court's passing of the relaxation on the return of bumper stocks for military weapons, do you? You don't SEE THE STAGE being set for an internal war of which our country hasn't had since the 1860's, do you? How could you be so BLIND to this, blkdlaur?
BUMPER STOCKS are not one of our RIGHTS ... and don't belong on those military style weaponries. Now naive are you that this will come home to bite Americans in the ass if its allowed to continue?
You should know when Trump turns the military on its PEOPLE not all will follow his orders and there possibly could be WILL BE A WAR much more ******* & devistating in the USA due to the technologies of weaponry advances, mobility of people, and communications. Our cities would be torn apart and innocent civilians kil.led over the likes of Trump.
So you support Donald Trump's ban on bump stocks. Excellent! You're starting to see the light!

So you support Donald Trump's ban on bump stocks. Excellent! You're starting to see the light!

Trump will say ANYTHING to ANYONE to win popularity ... do you honestly think the SCOTUS passed allowing bumperstocks to be used again WITHOUT his approval? You're sure stupid if you think that. Putting bumperstocks back on guns simply pushes us one more step towards a civil war regardless of who wins the presidency in 2024.
Get out of here, fool ... try to do what you agreed on doing ... LEAVE ME ALONE & QUIT ADDRESSING ME>
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