The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Seems to me Mac we ALREADY lost our Democracy - look what ole Debacle Joe is doing - using the DOJ to remove his political opposition - doesn’t get more losing your Democracy than that !!! Remember folks Dems ALWAYS accuse their opposition of exactly what they ARE doing.
You always try to ring the same bell.
Did Biden tell trump to lie about a stolen election?
Republicans told us (and testified) trump knew he had lost the election.
Brad Raff. (Republican) brought the case of election interference because trump wanted him
To find 11,000 more votes.
That’s a crime.
Nothing to do with Biden.
I liked it when he was President and put the good ole USA first instead of last !!!
Here's something I wrote four years ago:

To the Trump supporters:
Through your own short-sighted idiocy, willful ignorance and unbidden obstinacy you created this situation. Your racism and general contempt for those that you deemed your lessers has been both blatant and hidden. You have allowed these traits to grow, permeate and fester in all levels of society, and it has now culminated in the disastrous sham of a presidency manifested in the form of a syphilitic, r a p i n g and racist orange oaf whose deep-seated narcissism has been steadily eroding the democracy you claim to care so much about. And now here we are.
You didn't just make it happen. You made it POSSIBLE.
Upon initial examination, some people might think that what they are seeing is an opportunity for miscreants to stir up trouble. That's certainly true of groups such as the Proud Boys, the Three-Percenters, those pissant militias and the police themselves. But in truth, the rioting that you see is the expression of literally decades of frustration at the mistreatment, ******* and savagery visited upon Black bodies and minds, and the unwillingness and ineffectiveness at prosecuting and punishing those who inflict that harm.
Left unchecked, this has spread to other areas of society as well and many other marginalized groups are getting a dose or two of what we go through. But my immediate concern is with Black people, and some of you are going to need to take a seat just now if you've got a problem with that.
Psychological warfare has been visited upon Black people in the form of very public and very gruesome executions for centuries. We've seen Black c h i l d r e n used for alligator bait. We've seen Black women r a p e d and disemboweled while pregnant. We've seen castrations, burnings and l y n c h i n g s. We've seen massacres. We've seen all this and more, and endured it all. This most recent execution was nothing less than a public l y n c h i n g. I haven't watched the video still because the photo was enough. But if you thought that you were just seeing reaction to one m u r d e r, let me straighten you out on something: you are witnessing the reaction to hundreds of murders. THOUSANDS of them, all down through the centuries up until now, from the first slave ship to the most recent shooting. You are witnessing the reaction to five hundred years of trauma.
Now, to the riots:
In the same way that a massive storm absorbs the lesser weather systems around it, this response has manifested in the collective consciousness of those who have experienced first hand what the police are capable of doing, and what they are more than willing to do---every time. And what you're seeing is a collective manifestation of the rage, trauma and horror that the police have visited upon people. I have seen and experienced for myself how the police wantonly escalate a minor situation into a full-scale horror show, all in a blatant attempt to show dominance and establish themselves as being in control of any situation. When they put on riot gear and start macing c h i l d r e n and shooting at toddlers, they are not trying to defuse a situation. They're trying to escalate it. And regardless of what any citizen says or does, they will find an excuse to do so, reasons be damned.
Now that the veneer of civility has been lifted from them, everyone with two eyes can understand quite clearly: the pigs answer to no one.
And they are NOT your friends. They are a state-sanctioned gang, and the savagery that you always knew was there but chose to ignore is going to be visited upon some of you----very soon. You let it get this far with every excuse you made for them, though. You've allowed it to come to this point, and now Trump is encouraging them to ramp up their activities. You're deluding yourself if you think you won't get it, too.
You should have been listening to Black people all along. You should have listened to Black WOMEN. You should have listened to Native women. Failing that, hell, you could have even listened to White women who have been beaten, r a p e d, brutalized and violated by the police. I've certainly met a number of them over the years, and each story is more horrifying than the last, enough to move anybody to rage or tears.
Even now, though, the trouble is that you don't see the broader implications---won't see them---until all of this starts to affect you directly, and you can no longer afford to refuse to acknowledge the truth about what you have allowed to take place. And rest assured that this will affect you. In fact, it has already started. When this is visited upon you, it'll be a lot more than a vandalized storefront or a torched car that you have to worry about.
Keep watching, and ask yourself who on the planet won't get fucked if these butchers keep being allowed to k i l l and maim. Ask yourself what it means for you if this monster isn't removed from office.
Waiting until November is not an option. With marital law declared, it may be too late even now.
Keep watching.
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Another one who doesn't get a vote republican friend told me the other day .." ya know 50 cent is conservative, so is lil wayne " I told him impossible, they are both felons lol

some of yall are influenced by people the wrong people .

She don't. Nobody was talking to you

I agree with you except about the whole "vaxx" thing ..I just find it pointless still debating about a vaxx that 5 years old now .people on own their on journey and on that journey they make their own choices are correct
After a night of the good Ole Kentucky Moonshine...Hot Damn!

View attachment ssstwitter.com_1718735658617.mp4

That's because WE aren't the ones pushing militias' & AW's to maintain martial law. You obviously don't undertand the recent Supreme Court's passing of the relaxation on the return of bumper stocks for military weapons, do you? You don't SEE THE STAGE being set for an internal war of which our country hasn't had since the 1860's, do you? How could you be so BLIND to this, blkdlaur?
BUMPER STOCKS are not one of our RIGHTS ... and don't belong on those military style weaponries. Now naive are you that this will come home to bite Americans in the ass if its allowed to continue?
You should know when Trump turns the military on its PEOPLE not all will follow his orders and there possibly could be WILL BE A WAR much more ******* & devistating in the USA due to the technologies of weaponry advances, mobility of people, and communications. Our cities would be torn apart and innocent civilians kil.led over the likes of Trump.
The problem is the MAGA cult are the same people who hoard ammunition and guns because they believe everyone is coming to “tick dere jerbs” and it’s all a war 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.
Mentally ill.
You always try to ring the same bell.
Did Biden tell trump to lie about a stolen election?
Republicans told us (and testified) trump knew he had lost the election.
Brad Raff. (Republican) brought the case of election interference because trump wanted him
To find 11,000 more votes.
That’s a crime.
Nothing to do with Biden.

Sometimes ya just gotta keep ringing the same bell trying to get thru to those who listen to the massive spew of lefty propaganda - which is seemingly unending.
The ones who are dogmatic toward scientism, much like religion, are seemingly closed off to logically questioning their beliefs... Sad but the path lots must take... everyone is at a different part of their journey- some choose to be the sheep and take experimental vaccines and quote the TV like it's real science...

How could reasonable people miss the THOUSANDS of doctors who have been screaming to the top of their lungs about the damage it causes?

This is just an example of extreme cognitive dissonance exhibited by the sheep/easily-sold...

WHY is public school so effective at creating brainless order followers?!?!?!? They really borrowed a great model from the Prussians!!
lol I could tell you haven’t been to school because you are a “thinker” apparently
Here's something I wrote four years ago:

To the Trump supporters:
Through your own short-sighted idiocy, willful ignorance and unbidden obstinacy you created this situation. Your racism and general contempt for those that you deemed your lessers has been both blatant and hidden. You have allowed these traits to grow, permeate and fester in all levels of society, and it has now culminated in the disastrous sham of a presidency manifested in the form of a syphilitic, r a p i n g and racist orange oaf whose deep-seated narcissism has been steadily eroding the democracy you claim to care so much about. And now here we are.
You didn't just make it happen. You made it POSSIBLE.
Upon initial examination, some people might think that what they are seeing is an opportunity for miscreants to stir up trouble. That's certainly true of groups such as the Proud Boys, the Three-Percenters, those pissant militias and the police themselves. But in truth, the rioting that you see is the expression of literally decades of frustration at the mistreatment, ******* and savagery visited upon Black bodies and minds, and the unwillingness and ineffectiveness at prosecuting and punishing those who inflict that harm.
Left unchecked, this has spread to other areas of society as well and many other marginalized groups are getting a dose or two of what we go through. But my immediate concern is with Black people, and some of you are going to need to take a seat just now if you've got a problem with that.
Psychological warfare has been visited upon Black people in the form of very public and very gruesome executions for centuries. We've seen Black c h i l d r e n used for alligator bait. We've seen Black women r a p e d and disemboweled while pregnant. We've seen castrations, burnings and l y n c h i n g s. We've seen massacres. We've seen all this and more, and endured it all. This most recent execution was nothing less than a public l y n c h i n g. I haven't watched the video still because the photo was enough. But if you thought that you were just seeing reaction to one m u r d e r, let me straighten you out on something: you are witnessing the reaction to hundreds of murders. THOUSANDS of them, all down through the centuries up until now, from the first slave ship to the most recent shooting. You are witnessing the reaction to five hundred years of trauma.
Now, to the riots:
In the same way that a massive storm absorbs the lesser weather systems around it, this response has manifested in the collective consciousness of those who have experienced first hand what the police are capable of doing, and what they are more than willing to do---every time. And what you're seeing is a collective manifestation of the rage, trauma and horror that the police have visited upon people. I have seen and experienced for myself how the police wantonly escalate a minor situation into a full-scale horror show, all in a blatant attempt to show dominance and establish themselves as being in control of any situation. When they put on riot gear and start macing c h i l d r e n and shooting at toddlers, they are not trying to defuse a situation. They're trying to escalate it. And regardless of what any citizen says or does, they will find an excuse to do so, reasons be damned.
Now that the veneer of civility has been lifted from them, everyone with two eyes can understand quite clearly: the pigs answer to no one.
And they are NOT your friends. They are a state-sanctioned gang, and the savagery that you always knew was there but chose to ignore is going to be visited upon some of you----very soon. You let it get this far with every excuse you made for them, though. You've allowed it to come to this point, and now Trump is encouraging them to ramp up their activities. You're deluding yourself if you think you won't get it, too.
You should have been listening to Black people all along. You should have listened to Black WOMEN. You should have listened to Native women. Failing that, hell, you could have even listened to White women who have been beaten, r a p e d, brutalized and violated by the police. I've certainly met a number of them over the years, and each story is more horrifying than the last, enough to move anybody to rage or tears.
Even now, though, the trouble is that you don't see the broader implications---won't see them---until all of this starts to affect you directly, and you can no longer afford to refuse to acknowledge the truth about what you have allowed to take place. And rest assured that this will affect you. In fact, it has already started. When this is visited upon you, it'll be a lot more than a vandalized storefront or a torched car that you have to worry about.
Keep watching, and ask yourself who on the planet won't get fucked if these butchers keep being allowed to k i l l and maim. Ask yourself what it means for you if this monster isn't removed from office.
Waiting until November is not an option. With marital law declared, it may be too late even now.
Keep watching.
Sometimes ya just gotta keep ringing the same bell trying to get thru to those who listen to the massive spew of lefty propaganda - which is seemingly unending.
Remind me did Fox News have to pay 779,000,000 dollars because they were NOT spreading propaganda about the stolen election?
It’s like you just came from a trump rally
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