The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Nearsightedness ... maybe a good pair of reading glasses could help you.
In national elections every vote of every citizen in every state COUNTS ... we are still The UNITED STATES of America, afterall.
This November will be the biggest ELECTION since the Declaration Of Independence ... the BIGGEST. All those who have sacrificed their lives for this country to keep us FREE are watching. Should our country fall to a dictator we'll all pay, especially its poorest citizens.
THIS TIME, its time for those who have lived under our flag of freedom to step the fuck up and show their appreciation. I lost a grandfather & two great uncles in Europe, and one in Vietnam. I most assuredly intend on honoring THEIR sacrifice by VOTING.
Watch bro the fourm about to shut down cause mac likes black minors .👀
Really what he'll be doing is this.


  • Kneed in the balls.jpg
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God knows, don't we all KNOW THAT by now ... you and your buddies remind us every single day of the year ... and where's it gotten you? It's because of making stupid mistakes like NOT VOTING ... or as you say, "we're resilient like that". Yeah, that'll show us!
I guess another 20-30 years of resiliency for you, huh? No worry we could lose our democracy in one day. But buddy, when you lose it, you and your buddies will have something LOUD to be "resilient" of THEN, I guarantee you. So, don't VOTE and just come here and cry some more "Pity Party Tears" ... and "just flip the script again, and again". DO NOTHING!

And a year from now, if we lose our democracy, I'll be coming here every day to remind YOU of what you said and the fact you didn't VOTE. You can etch that in stone.
Wow another pseudo moderate liberal white supremacist worried about the fate of Black folk... Listen MuckNfrogs just because you don't have options other than this so-called "democracy" doesn't mean I or others don't. Your fear pleases me...Now just as @Satanic_cap has told you. Don't talk to me...I personally have no real talk for you. However I do have this...

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Jenna here with her 2 pennies. I hate politics, it started when losers got trophies too! Like wtf? My soccer ⚽️ team was lit! And these 🤡 who made daisy chains all season gets a trophy!?! Then why put forth the effort if everyone "wins" 🤔🫢 another thing is I hope none of us are still on here in 20 to 30 years, well some of you will be in your 90s or older so more then likely y'all will be dead. So who cares!?!? Just live life, and fk what's so hard about that 🤷🏼‍♀️ ooohhhhh, ya that's right, some of y'all can't my bad, carry on 🤣🤣😘
"Leave you alone" ... that's WHAT YOU SAID ... right? Its documented, would you like me to post THAT in this thread? So I have, so why can't YOU do what YOU said, you simple ass? God, you are so obsessed with me ... poor thang .... baby needs his pacifier, he misses Mac so much.
If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you. Now keep your WORD and leave me alone. Quit following me around.
I told you to leave me alone in the private message YOU started unsolicited to sling insults about my weight which you know nothing of, call me a loser, try to lure me to Shelbyville for a secret rendezvous etc. I have no interest in "meating" you or having any private discussions with you. When you post obvious lies in the open forum, don't be shocked when you get called out on them.

Now don't deflect, answer the question. How big of a POS must one be to claim their grandfather and 2 uncles died in Europe just to make a point on voting when they obviously didn't die in the war per your previous posts?
Lol huh mtg is there because that what the people of Georgia voted for like it or not .

if you don't live in that state it Is simply not you problem. That how is works in America.

You don't like it then move your happy ass to Georgia

You been the main one saying people that don't do anything about let others control
You have avoided being questioned about being American because it leads to the fact that you are on the sideline and don't have a dawg in the fight in the first place

The Democrats may have women on the ballot but what you are doing is trying to influenced you opinion to sway a vote .

Basically you are Australian disinformation lol and you need serenity
I’ve alway tried to explain to individuals caught in their myopic world.
The WORLD is interested in this election.
From a financial perspective the largest economy influences ours and every other sharemarket.
From a political perspective, the people used by the republicans fly around the world ‘consulting’ to conservatives. In Australia last election a party called the CLIVE PALMER party tested the MAKE AUSTRALIA GREAT . Thankfully he got 1% of the vote. Australia rejects idiots, voting is compulsory because people died to give us it, the least we can do is educate ourselves, speak up, activate our community and stop living like victims OR
we can blame our circumstances, wringing our hands that no body is suited to what I want , the government this…. The politicians that …. And we never move forward just pushing our progress until someone steps up while we all sit down…. Waiting..
I saw it and wasn't the least bit impressed. Suggests & encourages the emphasis & self-empowerment of small groups of people with their AWs to claim themselves militias and take laws into their own hands. There is a large quantity of AW owners who are simply itching to have excuses to shoot innocent people with their fancy military weapons simply for the thrill of it.
Don't waste your money on the film, it only encourages rebellion. The acting wasn't all that great, either.
Rebellion is fantastic- we all need more of it in our lives... small groups acting violently is not fantastic...

I too believe this film is just more division and more propaganda...

We should love each other, period... life would be so much smoother!
Jenna here with her 2 pennies. I hate politics, it started when losers got trophies too! Like wtf? My soccer ⚽️ team was lit! And these 🤡 who made daisy chains all season gets a trophy!?! Then why put forth the effort if everyone "wins" 🤔🫢 another thing is I hope none of us are still on here in 20 to 30 years, well some of you will be in your 90s or older so more then likely y'all will be dead. So who cares!?!? Just live life, and fk what's so hard about that 🤷🏼‍♀️ ooohhhhh, ya that's right, some of y'all can't my bad, carry on 🤣🤣😘
Yes you can hate politics all you want. I just want you to realise that in abstaining or opting out from politics, it still runs your life and impacts you and your loved ones in many ways.
That’s all I want you to recognise.
I’ve alway tried to explain to individuals caught in their myopic world.
The WORLD is interested in this election.
From a financial perspective the largest economy influences ours and every other sharemarket.
From a political perspective, the people used by the republicans fly around the world ‘consulting’ to conservatives. In Australia last election a party called the CLIVE PALMER party tested the MAKE AUSTRALIA GREAT . Thankfully he got 1% of the vote. Australia rejects idiots, voting is compulsory because people died to give us it, the least we can do is educate ourselves, speak up, activate our community and stop living like victims OR
we can blame our circumstances, wringing our hands that no body is suited to what I want , the government this…. The politicians that …. And we never move forward just pushing our progress until someone steps up while we all sit down…. Waiting..

Well here on America, the votes don't even count and every president is related to the previous presidents (is that coincidence?)... so there are no real elections, only SELECTIONS here...

Voting is something that they lure in front of you to be able to blame your choice on you, or the other people who "chose the new guy"...

It's a laugh and a half... why do they even pretend that we need to vote if they are just going to keep making the SAME BL00DLINE president again and again?

In Australia and America, I believe we are SUPPOSED to have a REPUBLIC... but all we have is a democracy, which people fail to realize is just one step in the line of steps toward dictatorship...

So voting here is a COMPLETE waste of your time and energy... and is really only for the delusional...

People "need" heros and the social engineers know that... the entire system here is set up so that people are dependent on it... I think we should all live our lives and let the systems DROWN from never being used...

People "vote" every few years but NOT A THING has gotten better by voting... not one single thing... Even Plato said a democracy only works with a small group of people... Ever checked out Thomas Hobbes 'Leviathan'?

Politics runs nothing in my life- no matter who is "elected", nothing changes for the good (for the people)... any thought otherwise is FANTASY...
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God knows, don't we all KNOW THAT by now ... you and your buddies remind us every single day of the year ... and where's it gotten you? It's because of making stupid mistakes like NOT VOTING ... or as you say, "we're resilient like that". Yeah, that'll show us!
I guess another 20-30 years of resiliency for you, huh? No worry we could lose our democracy in one day. But buddy, when you lose it, you and your buddies will have something LOUD to be "resilient" of THEN, I guarantee you. So, don't VOTE and just come here and cry some more "Pity Party Tears" ... and "just flip the script again, and again". DO NOTHING!

And a year from now, if we lose our democracy, I'll be coming here every day to remind YOU of what you said and the fact you didn't VOTE. You can etch that in stone.
I’m not sure Americans understand that not voting is actually a vote for trump . Imagine what he and Bannon would do to the country.
Republicans who worked with trump are trying to warn us.
how can Biden who is trying to give the country universal healthcare is neck and neck with a convicted criminal. 🤦‍♀️
Unbelievably dumb!
Well here on America, the votes don't even count and every president is related to the previous presidents (is that coincidence?)... so there are no real elections, only SELECTIONS here...

Voting is something that they lure in front of you to be able to blame your choice on you, or the other people who "chose the new guy"...

It's a laugh and a half... why do they even pretend that we need to vote if they are just going to keep making the SMAE BL00DLINE president again and again?

In Australia and America, I believe we are SUPPOSED to have a REPUBLIC... but all we have is a democracy, which people fail to realize is just one step in the line of steps toward dictatorship...

So voting here is a COMPLETE waste of your time and energy... and is really only for the delusional...

People "need" heros and the social engineers know that... the entire system here is set up so that people are dependent on it... I think we should all live our lives and let the systems DROWN from never being used...

People "vote" every few years but NOT A THING has gotten better by voting... not one single thing... Even Plato said a democracy only works with a small group of people... Ever checked out Thomas Hobbes 'Leviathan'?

Politics runs nothing in my life- no matter who is "elected", nothing changes for the good (for the people)... any thought otherwise is FANTASY...
People who got a reduction in the cost of insulin disagree
People who got a reduction in the cost of insulin disagree
😂😂😂 That is a political win in your eyes? One TINY benefit and you're sold? That's LITERALLY the goal of the welfare state... give you something to make you love them... why be so easily sold?

Some sheep be SHEEPIN'! Enjoy believing you are changing things by checking a box on a paper! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I bet you're a vax taker too! Trust the gov! They care for you!! 😆😆😆😆😆

You'd make an excellent crown-polisher!

Someone who actually THINKS would ask- if the shots were free because "they care about our health", then why does chemo and insulin cost anything??

Cognitive dissonance at work!
People who got a reduction in the cost of insulin disagree
You're referring to Trump's executive order that dropped the cost of insulin?

Unfortunately, that wound up not saving anyone a dime because Biden put a freeze on implementation as soon as he took office:

Sure Biden wound up reducing insulin costs in 2023....but Biden had no issue preventing some from getting a reduction in the cost of their insulin starting in 2021 just to take away a political win from his predecessor.
Yes you can hate politics all you want. I just want you to realise that in abstaining or opting out from politics, it still runs your life and impacts you and your loved ones in many ways.
That’s all I want you to recognise.
Aren't you the sweetest. Everything in life has an impact, it's how you choose to face it, and how to come out unscathed. I'm definitely not a scholar in political science, but I've lived long enough to know that my vote doesn't count, I think we're all lead to believe that. Don't get me wrong I will vote from time to time and maybe even go a step further in my civic duties and do jury duty. I mean you're in Australia what good is that going to do for any if us? I appreciate your insights, but in the same breath, you're kind of condemning us. Like just try and understand, no need to fix everything when all you have is duct tape. 🤷🏼‍♀️
😂😂😂 That is a political win in your eyes? One TINY benefit and you're sold? That's LITERALLY the goal of the welfare state... give you something to make you love them... why be so easily sold?

Some sheep be SHEEPIN'! Enjoy believing you are changing things by checking a box on a paper! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I bet you're a vax taker too! Trust the gov! They care for you!! 😆😆😆😆😆

You'd make an excellent crown-polisher!

Someone who actually THINKS would ask- if the shots were free because "they care about our health", then why does chemo and insulin cost anything??

Cognitive dissonance at work!
Welfare state? So you prefer for someone to choose between food and medicine?
Also I was providing an example.

You lot seem to complain that nothing is changing but not realising YOU actually have to push the change 🤦‍♀️.

Isn’t it amazing that as someone who is vaccinated I based my opinion on the gathering of evidence from the world best scientist, the distilling of the data, testing it, peer reviewing it and yes scientists don’t always get it right but what do you base your decision on - what you googled? 🤦‍♀️

I love your question about Chemo and insulin being free.
Many years ago in Australia progressives pushed for change in the healthcare system. Today
Insulin = $0
My friends ******* is on 15 tablets a day as an 87 year old man . Cost $7/ month. Now that’s is a win. My neighbour baby in ICU for 133 days, cost $115 admission fee, that’s it.
Understand yet?
Aren't you the sweetest. Everything in life has an impact, it's how you choose to face it, and how to come out unscathed. I'm definitely not a scholar in political science, but I've lived long enough to know that my vote doesn't count, I think we're all lead to believe that. Don't get me wrong I will vote from time to time and maybe even go a step further in my civic duties and do jury duty. I mean you're in Australia what good is that going to do for any if us? I appreciate your insights, but in the same breath, you're kind of condemning us. Like just try and understand, no need to fix everything when all you have is duct tape. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I work on and in elections from time to time.
One candidate proposed to support free chemo treatment for over 50s, the other candidate did not . The free chemo guy won by 86 votes in a seat of 50,000 people. EVERY VOTE COUNTED!
Guess how better the lives of over 50s became?
Also I know you are being tongue-in-cheek but Why aren’t your tools better? Why duct tape?
Sounds to me like the political power have convince you to not partake . The less people the better for them
Aren't you the sweetest. Everything in life has an impact, it's how you choose to face it, and how to come out unscathed. I'm definitely not a scholar in political science, but I've lived long enough to know that my vote doesn't count, I think we're all lead to believe that. Don't get me wrong I will vote from time to time and maybe even go a step further in my civic duties and do jury duty. I mean you're in Australia what good is that going to do for any if us? I appreciate your insights, but in the same breath, you're kind of condemning us. Like just try and understand, no need to fix everything when all you have is duct tape. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Some of these folks act like this election is the end of their world. Certainly not the end of mine.
Not voting is doing something... It's letting the chips fall where they may. As a response to being taken for granted for too fucking long.
Time to pay the Piper 🤣.
Get your A, B, and C plans up and running... It's gonna be interesting 😉.
I work on and in elections from time to time.
One candidate proposed to support free chemo treatment for over 50s, the other candidate did not . The free chemo guy won by 86 votes in a seat of 50,000 people. EVERY VOTE COUNTED!
Guess how better the lives of over 50s became?
Also I know you are being tongue-in-cheek but Why aren’t your tools better? Why duct tape?
Sounds to me like the political power have convince you to not partake . The less people the better for them
Honestly, it doesn't work like that here. Plus, no one sways me to do what they want me to do, I've never been a sheep. However, I do have the understanding that allows me to listen to others, however I will ALWAYS do what's best for me. There has yet to be a president that has made my life easier, not one! I'm still pissed off at women's suffrage and WLM! What good did that do me? Now I have to worker harder, do more, and still get paid less, oh and to get married, have babies and still take care of ALL the household duties!?!
Duct tape is a widely inappropriately household tool used for things that it shouldn't be used for, a " quick fix" that ultimately will have to be taken care of appropriately.
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