The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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What is the moral of the Civil War movie?

While Civil War director Alex Garland gives no explicit reason for the war, he says that the movie, in general, is about polarization and the extreme political rhetoric that's intended to make us believe the other side is evil. Once we believe the other side is evil, we can justify all sorts of measures.
Apr 17, 2024
So Basically he stole it from. The walking and hunger games .

I mean twisted metal was a good post apocalyptic show . Almost the same thing . Not big on mad max tho
Hey @Satanic_cap I was enjoying the weekend passed. So I limited my participation to only reactions in that MAGA Chick thread... Monday rolled around and of course the thread was closed. I noticed some of your posts were conspicuously missing... How ugly did it get for it to be closed?
Care to be specific?
Idk ..never got a notification from the admins..I think the original African lion got mad because he got exposed ๐Ÿ˜…
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I never have, no. And I recognized it as the falsehood it was when I first heard it from the Orange Oaf.
Up here in Washington State and an hour away from where I live, a young Black boy of 11 years of age was punched in the face by a 40-year-old white man in front of a police station, chipping his tooth. This happened just last week while the baby was on a field trip. This s h i t b i r d actually crossed the street to assault this c h i l d. I don't need to tell you or anyone else whose side is doing things like that.
I've grown to resent any echoes of sympathy for people who actively want to regress what little progress has been made toward any social justice. They clowns actually believe that they're going to turn things back to more than one hundred years ago. It's astounding.
It goes to the heart of the argument of MAGA. It usually people who donโ€™t understand community, process nor social justice issues.
There was an interesting interview with dr Fauci . People forget he steered America through the AIDS epidemic, Ebola , SARS, COVID-19 and work with 7 presidents.
He was talking about process and science. To protect the population you just canโ€™t jump to conclusions nor can you โ€œrelease a cureโ€ without testing . There must be a scientific process of gathering data, testing, retesting, using a control group to measure you results and even then you can at best protect the majority.
However the only thing that replaces science is better science.
It usually people who donโ€™t understand community, process nor social justice issues.
There are "Dumb like a box of rocks racists".
And some are sharp as a razor (neither gets a pass...).
What they have in common... Whether they "understand" or not.
Is that they've all been systemically conditioned and encouraged to behave as if they're superior to others...
Simply by virtue of skin color.
Crazy Huh๐Ÿคจ?

Since you mentioned Fauci.
Seems appropriate to state.
I'm totally unvaxxed against Covid. Thankful๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ and Healthy here for it
It goes to the heart of the argument of MAGA. It usually people who donโ€™t understand community, process nor social justice issues.
There was an interesting interview with dr Fauci . People forget he steered America through the AIDS epidemic, Ebola , SARS, COVID-19 and work with 7 presidents.
He was talking about process and science. To protect the population you just canโ€™t jump to conclusions nor can you โ€œrelease a cureโ€ without testing . There must be a scientific process of gathering data, testing, retesting, using a control group to measure you results and even then you can at best protect the majority.
However the only thing that replaces science is better science.
I wonder what the conversations are had at your dinner table? I think I'd just be enamored by all the brain juice every ๐Ÿ˜‹
Not nearly as festive as this tragically comedic thimble...๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜†.

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