The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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And by the way @Jane M I'm sitting out 2024 as well. In the MAGA Chick thread you took @Satanic_cap to task about his position concerning voting in the present climate. I limited my participation in that thread to reactions only. As I was otherwise occupied. So I guess I'll make up for it here...😁.
I mean who knows how much time this thread has got ⏰🤣.
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And by the way @Jane M I'm sitting out 2024 as well. In the MAGA Chick thread you took @Satanic_cap to task about his position concerning voting in the present climate. I limited my participation in that thread to reactions only. As I was otherwise occupied. So I guess I'll make up for it here...😁.
I mean who knows how much time this thread has got ⏰🤣.
I always maintain we will never find exactly what we want in a person/party (unless we chose to participate by running for a political seat)
So it becomes who is closest to the future we want
Is it a guy who lied and cheated on all three wives, is now a convicted sexual offender and has problems with following the law and people who worked with him has testified he is crazy and an asshole
Biden, older , a little bumbling but at his core believes in universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, women’s right to choose.
Seems pretty obvious.
I always maintain we will never find exactly what we want in a person/party (unless we chose to participate by running for a political seat)
So it becomes who is closest to the future we want
Is it a guy who lied and cheated on all three wives, is now a convicted sexual offender and has problems with following the law and people who worked with him has testified he is crazy and an asshole
Biden, older , a little bumbling but at his core believes in universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, women’s right to choose.
Seems pretty obvious.
Or...I'm tired of neither candidate speaking to what I personally care about. So I won't help put either candidate back into power. I've gotten to the point unless a candidate speaks and acts directly about compensating Black people for slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, and a host of other policies and laws. That have and continue to disenfranchise Blacks...You can't get my vote... There's money for everything except us. So get put back into power by others than us. I and many others are willing to let the chips fall where they may... Time will tell. In short our agendas aren't the same. There is no "WE" until something gets done for "US".
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Or...I'm tired of neither candidate speaking to what I personally care about. So I won't help put either candidate back into power. I've gotten to the point unless a candidate speaks and acts directly about compensating Black people for slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, and a host of other policies and laws. That have and continue to disenfranchise Blacks...You can't get my vote... There's money for everything except us. So get put back into power by others than us. I and many others are willing to let the chips fall where they may... Time will tell. In short our agendas aren't the same. There is no "WE" until something gets done for "US".
When you sit on the sidelines you ultimately give some else control of your destiny, your people’s destiny and your neighbourhoods destiny.
You don’t stop decisions being made by abstaining . They will still get made.
Better to be in the water and ‘try’ to steer the river than sit on the banks complaining you are getting no water.
This is why idiots like Majorie Taylor Greene get elected.
When you sit on the sidelines you ultimately give some else control of your destiny, your people’s destiny and your neighbourhoods destiny.
You don’t stop decisions being made by abstaining . They will still get made.
Better to be in the water and ‘try’ to steer the river than sit on the banks complaining you are getting no water.
This is why idiots like Majorie Taylor Greene get elected.
You seem a lot more worried about the situation than I am. Me and mine will be fine. We're resilient like that. Time to flip the script a little bit. We've been taken for granted for too long. Although I am loathe to repeat myself... Let the chips fall where they may😉.
I always maintain we will never find exactly what we want in a person/party (unless we chose to participate by running for a political seat)
So it becomes who is closest to the future we want
Is it a guy who lied and cheated on all three wives, is now a convicted sexual offender and has problems with following the law and people who worked with him has testified he is crazy and an asshole
Biden, older , a little bumbling but at his core believes in universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, women’s right to choose.
Seems pretty obvious.
America has spoken..I'm sorry but this the only ish we believe in right now .
When you sit on the sidelines you ultimately give some else control of your destiny, your people’s destiny and your neighbourhoods destiny.
You don’t stop decisions being made by abstaining . They will still get made.
Better to be in the water and ‘try’ to steer the river than sit on the banks complaining you are getting no water.
This is why idiots like Majorie Taylor Greene get elected.
Lol huh mtg is there because that what the people of Georgia voted for like it or not .

if you don't live in that state it Is simply not you problem. That how is works in America.

You don't like it then move your happy ass to Georgia

You been the main one saying people that don't do anything about let others control
You have avoided being questioned about being American because it leads to the fact that you are on the sideline and don't have a dawg in the fight in the first place

The Democrats may have women on the ballot but what you are doing is trying to influenced you opinion to sway a vote .

Basically you are Australian disinformation lol and you need serenity
I think you’ll find mac is against MAGA
Ohhhh don't ruin it for 'em, Jane ... its so much fun lighting off their very short fuses so they can rant some more 'bout dem white bois" .... absolutely thrilling, actually.
Those 3 bozos love hating MAGAs no doubt, but they hate "white bois" almost as much. The Headmaster is simply phenomenal when his mouth gets to running. He'll say and accuse anyone of anything. No telling what he'll say. He needs a racial uprising in the worse way, poor baby.
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We're resilient like that. Time to flip the script a little bit. We've been taken for granted for too long.
God knows, don't we all KNOW THAT by now ... you and your buddies remind us every single day of the year ... and where's it gotten you? It's because of making stupid mistakes like NOT VOTING ... or as you say, "we're resilient like that". Yeah, that'll show us!
I guess another 20-30 years of resiliency for you, huh? No worry we could lose our democracy in one day. But buddy, when you lose it, you and your buddies will have something LOUD to be "resilient" of THEN, I guarantee you. So, don't VOTE and just come here and cry some more "Pity Party Tears" ... and "just flip the script again, and again". DO NOTHING!

And a year from now, if we lose our democracy, I'll be coming here every day to remind YOU of what you said and the fact you didn't VOTE. You can etch that in stone.
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Basically you are Australian disinformation lol and you need serenity
Nearsightedness ... maybe a good pair of reading glasses could help you.
In national elections every vote of every citizen in every state COUNTS ... we are still The UNITED STATES of America, afterall.
This November will be the biggest ELECTION since the Declaration Of Independence ... the BIGGEST. All those who have sacrificed their lives for this country to keep us FREE are watching. Should our country fall to a dictator we'll all pay, especially its poorest citizens.
THIS TIME, its time for those who have lived under our flag of freedom to step the fuck up and show their appreciation. I lost a grandfather & two great uncles in Europe, and one in Vietnam. I most assuredly intend on honoring THEIR sacrifice by VOTING.
That remains to be seen. Ultimately, I don't care however.
Sure you CARE ... that's why when I post anything in a thread you're on, you take 6-8 posts to trash me & the posts, call me names, criticize me, bare false witness against me, and gather your friends to join you. You actually DO CARE, because I'm your fly in the ointment, which means I've DONE MY JOB with you. So, keep throwing those punches at me, maybe one will land, eventually. I have some more balloons; I can personalize them for you!?!?
gif_balloonPopping.gif Opps, one popped ... you'll have to take a RED or GREEN one.
I'm like Rocky in Rocky III, I'm gonna cover up and just let you punch yourself OUT to no avail.
How is it you used to claim you heard your grandfather and 2 uncles that served in Europe tell you war stories if you lost them over there?

View attachment 7259699
Why it's almost like your just on here spewing made up bullshit...
"Leave you alone" ... that's WHAT YOU SAID ... right? Its documented, would you like me to post THAT in this thread? So I have, so why can't YOU do what YOU said, you simple ass? God, you are so obsessed with me ... poor thang .... baby needs his pacifier, he misses Mac so much.
If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you. Now keep your WORD and leave me alone. Quit following me around.
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Sure you CARE ... that's why when I post anything in a thread you're on, you take 6-8 posts to trash me & the posts, call me names, criticize me, bare false witness against me, and gather your friends to join you. You actually DO CARE, because I'm your fly in the ointment, which means I've DONE MY JOB with you. So, keep throwing those punches at me, maybe one will land, eventually. I have some more balloons; I can personalize them for you!?!?
View attachment 7259723 Opps, one popped ... you'll have to take a RED or GREEN one.
I'm like Rocky in Rocky III, I'm gonna cover up and just let you punch yourself OUT to no avail.
Mate, you are of no importance.

Mind Your Own Business.jpg

Nothing that you say affects anyone from doing anything here. You're just a loudmouth, nutless racist who wouldn't dare to say any of this shite in public. And that's the truth about you. Kick rocks.
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