The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Seems to me Mac we ALREADY lost our Democracy - look what ole Debacle Joe is doing - using the DOJ to remove his political opposition - doesn’t get more losing your Democracy than that !!!

I think you need to educate yourself, blkdlaur ... lot of difference between a democracy & autocracy that Trump wants. Deny all you want, but you haven't seen CHANGE to your freedoms & rights until HE takes office. Why not at LEAST research the differences.

Under an autocracy, significant changes would occur in how a society is governed. Here’s what you might expect:
  1. Concentration of Power: Autocracy centralizes power in a single individual (a dictator) or a small group (such as a committee or party leadership). This concentration of authority allows for swift decision-making but often suppresses opposition and limits social progress1.
  2. No Checks and Balances: Unlike democratic systems, autocratic rulers are not held accountable by checks and balances. There’s no constitutional limit on their power, and dissent is not tolerated. They can make decisions without oversight from advisors, courts, or the press2.
  3. Selective Treatment: Life experiences would vary based on political alignment. If you were identified as a supporter of the ruling autocrat, you might receive preferential treatment in areas like government jobs, permits, and benefits. Conversely, perceived opponents might face discrimination, tax audits, and even imprisonment3.
  4. Control Over Information: Autocrats manipulate information. Science, history, and education may be altered to suit their narrative. Dissenting voices could be suppressed, and LGBTQ rights might regress3.
  5. Social and Environmental Impact: Autocracies may neglect environmental concerns, leading to air and water quality issues. Climate change might go unaddressed, and public education funding could decline3.
These changes wouldn’t happen instantly, but over time as autocratic regimes tend to follow this roadmap. Democracy, while not perfect, provides a more distributed and accountable system of governance4. 🌟
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Get out of here, fool ... try to do what you agreed on doing ... LEAVE ME ALONE & QUIT ADDRESSING ME>
I asked you to stop addressing me in private messages. I have zero desire to talk to you in private or meat you for secret rendezvous. I didn't say a word about the forum. You do realize this is an open forum where you are posting, open for any and all to comment....don't you???

If you don't want feedback, you can always not post. You could start with not posting lies about being a Gold Star family...
That's because WE aren't the ones pushing militias' & AW's to maintain martial law. You obviously don't undertand the recent Supreme Court's passing of the relaxation on the return of bumper stocks for military weapons, do you? You don't SEE THE STAGE being set for an internal war of which our country hasn't had since the 1860's, do you? How could you be so BLIND to this, blkdlaur?
BUMPER STOCKS are not one of our RIGHTS ... and don't belong on those military style weaponries. Now naive are you that this will come home to bite Americans in the ass if its allowed to continue?
You should know when Trump turns the military on its PEOPLE not all will follow his orders and there possibly could be WILL BE A WAR much more ******* & devistating in the USA due to the technologies of weaponry advances, mobility of people, and communications. Our cities would be torn apart and innocent civilians kil.led over the likes of Trump.

I believe in accuracy over volume of fire - could care less about bump stocks.
So you support Donald Trump's ban on bump stocks. Excellent! You're starting to see the light!
I believe YOU need to bring yourself UP TO DATE on Trump's opinion of bumper stocks ... his head winds on this have changed due to scotus opinion.

I think you need to educate yourself, blkdlaur ... lot of difference between a democracy & autocracy that Trump wants. Deny all you want, but you haven't seen CHANGE to your freedoms & rights until HE takes office. Why not at LEAST research the differences.

Under an autocracy, significant changes would occur in how a society is governed. Here’s what you might expect:
  1. Concentration of Power: Autocracy centralizes power in a single individual (a dictator) or a small group (such as a committee or party leadership). This concentration of authority allows for swift decision-making but often suppresses opposition and limits social progress1.
  2. No Checks and Balances: Unlike democratic systems, autocratic rulers are not held accountable by checks and balances. There’s no constitutional limit on their power, and dissent is not tolerated. They can make decisions without oversight from advisors, courts, or the press2.
  3. Selective Treatment: Life experiences would vary based on political alignment. If you were identified as a supporter of the ruling autocrat, you might receive preferential treatment in areas like government jobs, permits, and benefits. Conversely, perceived opponents might face discrimination, tax audits, and even imprisonment3.
  4. Control Over Information: Autocrats manipulate information. Science, history, and education may be altered to suit their narrative. Dissenting voices could be suppressed, and LGBTQ rights might regress3.
  5. Social and Environmental Impact: Autocracies may neglect environmental concerns, leading to air and water quality issues. Climate change might go unaddressed, and public education funding could decline3.
These changes wouldn’t happen instantly, but over time as autocratic regimes tend to follow this roadmap. Democracy, while not perfect, provides a more distributed and accountable system of governance4. 🌟

I liked it when he was President and put the good ole USA first instead of last !!!
I believe in accuracy over volume of fire - could care less about bump stocks.
So it sounds like you support banning bumper stocks, then because "spraying bullets" is exactly what it does. Could be your family caught in the crossfire when these guns start spraying bullets across the crowd. Be real and think logically, blkdlaur.
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So it sounds like you support banning bumer stocks, then because "spraying bullets" is exactly what it does. Could be your family caught in the crossfire when these guns start spraying bullets across the crowd. Be real, blkdlaur.

I have no opinion on bump stocks other than I think they are a waste of ammunition. Don’t care whether they’re legal or not.
I asked you to stop addressing me in private messages. I didn't say a word about the forum. You do realize this is an open forum where you are posting, open for any and all to comment....don't you???

If you don't want feedback, you can always not post. You could start with not posting lies about being a Gold Star family...
The correct "conservative word" is EMBELLISHMENTS ... remember that, fool. What's right for the goose is right for the gander.
You better be getting one BEFORE the Presidential Election, my dear friend.

Would never use one - told ya it’s about accuracy not volume of fire. Unless of course ya have ya self a mini-gun and an unlimited amount of ammo stockpiled. I’m not concerned at all about the upcoming election.
So it sounds like you support banning bumer stocks, then because "spraying bullets" is exactly what it does. Could be your family caught in the crossfire when these guns start spraying bullets across the crowd. Be real and think logically, blkdlaur.
Is that how the Nazi's killed your grandfather and two uncles...with their bump stock Mausers?

Is that what they told you when you were sitting on their knee?
Would never use one - told ya it’s about accuracy not volume of fire. Unless of course ya have ya self a mini-gun and an unlimited amount of ammo stockpiled. I’m not concerned at all about the upcoming election.
What if you had a bump stock pellet gun that could shoot for 1,000 yards????
Welfare state? So you prefer for someone to choose between food and medicine?
Also I was providing an example.

You lot seem to complain that nothing is changing but not realising YOU actually have to push the change 🤦‍♀️.

Isn’t it amazing that as someone who is vaccinated I based my opinion on the gathering of evidence from the world best scientist, the distilling of the data, testing it, peer reviewing it and yes scientists don’t always get it right but what do you base your decision on - what you googled? 🤦‍♀️

I love your question about Chemo and insulin being free.
Many years ago in Australia progressives pushed for change in the healthcare system. Today
Insulin = $0
My friends ******* is on 15 tablets a day as an 87 year old man . Cost $7/ month. Now that’s is a win. My neighbour baby in ICU for 133 days, cost $115 admission fee, that’s it.
Understand yet?
Understand what? That you want to eat poorly and then expect the government to take care of you? Or MAYBE grow up and take some responsibility for your life...

Who said anything about having to choose?

As for what you seem to be confusing as evidence- that's called scientism babygirl- it's the newest religion. REAL science is looking for proof through disproving- not trying to prove a theory😁... You likely went to public school too... I hope one day the wool falls off the sheep body you use...

I suppose you've missed the THOUSANDS of vaccine-injured people who are confessing that it ruined their lives or killed people they loved... keep trusting the science! 😲

As for change- could it be the only real change you can push for is you? (Being the change you wish to see)

Why push others to believe as you do? Might that be religious af?

Nice to hear about your Australian daddy government giving benefits... Is this the same Australia that locked people down and made them ask permission to walk the dog? You can keep your benefits to yourself and your gun-free, government-controlled country!

P.S.- You didn't have to tell me you were vaccinated- I already knew 😘

P.S.S. It seems as tho someone else debunked your claim of cheaper insulin (in the comments above)... although I would have to read deeper into it to know for sure...
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Tell her again because she has a hard time understanding when mutable people tell her the same thing
The ones who are dogmatic toward scientism, much like religion, are seemingly closed off to logically questioning their beliefs... Sad but the path lots must take... everyone is at a different part of their journey- some choose to be the sheep and take experimental vaccines and quote the TV like it's real science...

How could reasonable people miss the THOUSANDS of doctors who have been screaming to the top of their lungs about the damage it causes?

This is just an example of extreme cognitive dissonance exhibited by the sheep/easily-sold...

WHY is public school so effective at creating brainless order followers?!?!?!? They really borrowed a great model from the Prussians!!
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Seems to me Mac we ALREADY lost our Democracy - look what ole Debacle Joe is doing - using the DOJ to remove his political opposition - doesn’t get more losing your Democracy than that !!! Remember folks Dems ALWAYS accuse their opposition of exactly what they ARE doing.
When were we ever supposed to have a democracy?

What do the founding documents say this is supposed to be?

Could it be that even thinking we are supposed to have a democracy- is evidence of how crazy out of line this place is?360639-Alexis-de-Tocqueville-Quote-The-American-Republic-will-endure-2049466767.jpg

That time has come and gone... and is still happening...

Let´s see how long this thread last... ;)

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Another one who doesn't get a vote republican friend told me the other day .." ya know 50 cent is conservative, so is lil wayne " I told him impossible, they are both felons lol

some of yall are influenced by people the wrong people .
Your combined IQs wouldn't add up to 10 ... why should Jane wish to listen to the likes of you?
She don't. Nobody was talking to you
The ones who are dogmatic toward scientism, much like religion, are seemingly closed off to logically questioning their beliefs... Sad but the path lots must take... everyone is at a different part of their journey- some choose to be the sheep and take experimental vaccines and quote the TV like it's real science...

How could reasonable people miss the THOUSANDS of doctors who have been screaming to the top of their lungs about the damage it causes?

This is just an example of extreme cognitive dissonance exhibited by the sheep/easily-sold...

WHY is public school so effective at creating brainless order followers?!?!?!? They really borrowed a great model from the Prussians!!
I agree with you except about the whole "vaxx" thing ..I just find it pointless still debating about a vaxx that 5 years old now .people on own their on journey and on that journey they make their own choices are correct
The good ole USA sets an example.
That some foreigners think.
Gives them license to come over here and act real funky 🙄.
Um it’s more than an example.
What the government policy does creates financial success or failure.
Many investment managers and pension funds own a heap of American assets.
In the financial world trump is seen as a failure (because he knows nothing about finances) and Biden a success (because he listens to all stakeholders)
You should know (broadly speaking) the democrats try to keep the assets in American hands/government .
The republicans sell it to anyone.
When you sell it to anyone , they just keep increasing the prices and you pay for it.
Oh, they understand, alright ... they just don't believe our democracy is fallible to the likes of Trump ... they think Trump will make it better. Easy to understand where Trump comes from, he openly announces his intentions daily with his MAGA disciples. He wants a complete government takeover under the cover of his personally appointed Supreme Court morons.
It’s amazing how cult like they’ve become
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