A happy modern white couple follow the natural laws of sexual mating. REAL MEN - BLACK MEN - have sex with white wives. Whiteboi husbands with tiny penises are happy when their wives are happy and stop having penetration sex.

The sooner it start the more harmony. We had the talk after two years and my wife now have a black lover and also know she is can act out whenever she feel like it. She is sexually satisfied and I am happier when I don’t have to pretend to be a macho guy, but can be the sensitive, nice, supporting, androgyn whiteboi I am.

This is the ultimate happy-marriage -formula for young white couples
My bitter-sweet experience too. Exactly. See my numerous posts on it on this forum.
Just a guess based upon the b.s. I read in this site. Fantasists and wankers run amok. Then again, like many conservatives you may be yet another example of not practicing what you preach.
It must be satisfying to know you are always right