Mueller looking at NRA now

You know - you liberals are really quite tedious. You believe everything the left biased media reports without question - even though time after time they’ve been proven wrong or used bad sources. I choose to wait and see what the greatly touted Mueller comes up with - though I believe he will keep this investigation going through the 2020 election if he possibly can. Trying to have any kind of intelligent discourse with liberals is like trying to piss into a full gale while shoveling shite against the tide. Soooooooooooooo sick of your incessant whining about our president - you people are without any doubt the greatest example of SORE LOSERS - in the history of the world.
Yes the Mueller investigation has turned up nothing apart from the highest number of criminal indictments yet. Also 100 international charges .
More Russians assets frozen except one Russian who is closely friends to Putin. All of this plus more from the all your intelligence agencies but Trump know better right ? With what evidence does he base his evidence on? Nothing ! just as he says his very large brain
Seriously debating you is just mind numbing
Like the Republicans did with Hillary & Benghazi? Or her so-called illegal e-mails? Give give us a break!

Benghazi investigation stretched 4 years = zero indictments
Hillary’s emails stretched 2 years = zero indictments
Mueller investigation 18 months = 34 indictments.
Cohen jailed , named Trump as a co conspirator
You KNOW nothing - you only know what you WANT to believe - used to be in this country innocent til proven guilty - now liberals cry and whine - guilty - simply because they want Trump to be guilty - why don’t you just wait and see WTF instead of convicting people based on biased beliefs and reporting.

I think you are a moron. Just sit down because you are an embarrassment to idiots around the world
Why do you think that is? Is Trump simply "Trans-phobic" or could there be more pressing issues at play?

Well, I guess it's a good thing we are not a Democracy. ;)

I do understand your theoretical retort . In political science you are known as a representative democracy or a (federal) republic depding on which theory you subscribe to.
Why do you think that is? Is Trump simply "Trans-phobic" or could there be more pressing issues at play?

I’d like to think he was clever. There is a theory that ppl join the services to get Govt to pay for gender reassignment. The real question is why is you health system so ******* and what happen to the trump promise of that great health care- file that under the already LIE folder

Well, I guess it's a good thing we are not a Democracy. ;)
I’d like to think he was clever. There is a theory that ppl join the services to get Govt to pay for gender reassignment.

Well there is a huge cost, but No, people joining simply to get surgery is just rhetoric. Do some research, learn the real reason instead of just believing the media that Trump hates LGBT. Now Mike Pence on the other hand is another story.

The real question is why is you health system so ******* and what happen to the trump promise of that great health care- file that under the already LIE folder
This is just a sad attempt at a re-direct, but I'll bite. Truth be told, The Republicans never intended to "replace" it. You really think McCain suddenly got a conscience and voted NO on the repeal? lol. Repeal is just a Republican speaking point to try and keep their supporters. ObamaCare is nothing more than an imposed tax on the middle class and it was lobbied for by the Insurance corporations. Our government sold out once again. Neither party intends to fix the problems, the insurance companies and big Farma are the NRA of health care.

I do understand your theoretical retort
It's not a theory - we are a Constitutional Republic.
I just ask if you are going to comment on American politics, you at least understand what our government is and how it operates.
Well there is a huge cost, but No, people joining simply to get surgery is just rhetoric. Do some research, learn the real reason instead of just believing the media that Trump hates LGBT. Now Mike Pence on the other hand is another story.

This is just a sad attempt at a re-direct, but I'll bite. Truth be told, The Republicans never intended to "replace" it. You really think McCain suddenly got a conscience and voted NO on the repeal? lol. Repeal is just a Republican speaking point to try and keep their supporters. ObamaCare is nothing more than an imposed tax on the middle class and it was lobbied for by the Insurance corporations. Our government sold out once again. Neither party intends to fix the problems, the insurance companies and big Farma are the NRA of health care.

It's not a theory - we are a Constitutional Republic.
I just ask if you are going to comment on American politics, you at least understand what our government is and how it operates.
My quote is from a Harvard review on political science that was taught but you know better...
Well there is a huge cost, but No, people joining simply to get surgery is just rhetoric. Do some research, learn the real reason instead of just believing the media that Trump hates LGBT. Now Mike Pence on the other hand is another story.

This is just a sad attempt at a re-direct, but I'll bite. Truth be told, The Republicans never intended to "replace" it. You really think McCain suddenly got a conscience and voted NO on the repeal? lol. Repeal is just a Republican speaking point to try and keep their supporters. ObamaCare is nothing more than an imposed tax on the middle class and it was lobbied for by the Insurance corporations. Our government sold out once again. Neither party intends to fix the problems, the insurance companies and big Farma are the NRA of health care.

And you are wrong. Group life cover is what obama care ie the affordable care act was trying to achieve.
I’m happy to listen to others uninformed opinions on fields that I am working in

It's not a theory - we are a Constitutional Republic.
I just ask if you are going to comment on American politics, you at least understand what our government is and how it operates.
Why do you think that is? Is Trump simply "Trans-phobic" or could there be more pressing issues at play?
Well, I guess it's a good thing we are not a Democracy. ;)
Oh come on TwoBi ... here you go with that Republic BS again. Everytime you hear congressmen talk on tv they refer to our country's government as a democracy, not a republic. Now, WHY is that? All you're doing is being a smartass with Jane M ... give us a break, ok? This is what you idiots say when you have absolutely nothing to say ... we all know we're a republic, ok? And a democracy. Now if you're gonna CORRECT someone from another country, at least have the courtesy of explaining to them the difference and why its a republic and not a democracy. Its always heard that the US helps "spread democracy" NOT "spread a republic" ... at least explain WHY, ok?
Unlike some of your conservative friends, at least you sometimes project some pigment of being a gentleman ... don't ruin my image of you.

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Oh come on TwoBi ... here you go with that Republic BS again. Everytime you hear congressmen talk on tv they refer to our country's government as a democracy, not a republic. Now, WHY is that? All you're doing is being a smartass with Jane M ... give us a break, ok? This is what you idiots say when you have absolutely nothing to say ... we all know we're a republic, ok? And a democracy. Now if you're gonna CORRECT someone from another country, at least have the courtesy of explaining to them the difference and why its a republic and not a democracy. Its always heard that the US helps "spread democracy" NOT "spread a republic" ... at least explain WHY, ok?
Unlike some of your conservative friends, at least you sometimes project some pigment of being a gentleman ... don't ruin my image of you.

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If she had clicked the link I provided, it would have explained it. But instead Ms. M try to claim her "political Science" know it all like she is on the playground shouting "I know Karate!" - well my ******* happens to have her bachelors in PS and she works for the city - I assure you we are not a democracy. Democracy are the ideas we spread, but our form of government is a Republic.

It just blows me away how many of you think Trump will or even could change our government to a dictatorship over night - Thank God we are a Republic, because it doesn't work that way. I could understand your fear if we were a Democracy but we are not. Just look at most of Africa, how many dictators and how many claim to be a democracy.

Whats even more stunning is how many people don't know we are not a Democracy.
If she had clicked the link I provided, it would have explained it. But instead Ms. M try to claim her "political Science" know it all like she is on the playground shouting "I know Karate!" - well my ******* happens to have her bachelors in PS and she works for the city - I assure you we are not a democracy. Democracy are the ideas we spread, but our form of government is a Republic.

It just blows me away how many of you think Trump will or even could change our government to a dictatorship over night - Thank God we are a Republic, because it doesn't work that way. I could understand your fear if we were a Democracy but we are not. Just look at most of Africa, how many dictators and how many claim to be a democracy.

Whats even more stunning is how many people don't know we are not a Democracy.

I’m not sure you are paying attention. I’ll summerise. I teach this stuff. You are only partially right.
Mac is correct and so am I but you know best ..
Geez you’d think you could spell summarize if you were a teacher - you sure as shite are a know - it - all :}
G’day mate
I’m not sure you are paying attention. I’ll summerise. I teach this stuff. You are only partially right.
Mac is correct and so am I but you know best ..

Yeah - and according to you I’m the moron - at least I know how to spell.