Mueller looking at NRA now

Russia was sending money to the Trump campaign through the NRA since it is against federal law for candidates to accept money from foreign countries. Obviously the NRA knew what it was doing. Not too much different from regular money laundering. So do you think the Trump campaign, and more specifically Trump himself, did not know where that money was coming from? This is one of the things Mueller will lay out when he reveals all his findings. At this point we know Russia funneled money through the NRA ... the Trump campaign simply denies it.

MacNFries I would bother with him.
Trump supporters are simply morons. There is no other way to put it. That $5 billion dollars Trump is begging for needs to be invested into public education to ensure that this ******* never happens again.
Blkdlaur is either a troll or an idiot and neither is worth reasoning with. Like Trump He has no facts and easily can see how ppl like these unfortunately Trump can con easily .
Your education system is the key !
That $5 billion dollars Trump is begging for needs to be invested into public education to ensure that this ******* never happens again.
I still say the Congress should give Trump his $5.6 billion for his dumb fence conditional on his providing them 10 years of tax records and sitting "under oath" to 2-3 hours of Mueller questioning. Obviously Trump would decline that offer, but the public would once again see just how FAKE this President is. After all, he did agree to do BOTH, and now won't.
Liberals - all you can do is insult and call names when people have a different point of view - least you haven’t called me a racist yet - but that is generally the liberal’s final point of attack when all else fails - you people are so predictable and frankly boring.
Liberals - all you can do is insult and call names when people have a different point of view - least you haven’t called me a racist yet - but that is generally the liberal’s final point of attack when all else fails - you people are so predictable and frankly boring.

ok you are a racists!
does that complete your fantasy?
I still say the Congress should give Trump his $5.6 billion for his dumb fence conditional on his providing them 10 years of tax records and sitting "under oath" to 2-3 hours of Mueller questioning. Obviously Trump would decline that offer, but the public would once again see just how FAKE this President is. After all, he did agree to do BOTH, and now won't.

the wall is nothing more than beating Pelosi!
Liberals - all you can do is insult and call names when people have a different point of view
I haven't called you names, blkdlaur, have I? I have asked you several questions and you've conveniently elected to ignore them. I don't mind asking again. This thread is regarding the NRA & the money they received from Russians ... what is YOUR VIEW? The issue regarding the money the NRA received from Russia is fact ... or do you think ALL this is media lies?
Do you think the NRA received money from Russia? I've provided you a few of my sources of information. What do YOU have?​
Do you think the NRA forwarded money, that they received from Russians, to the Trump campaign in 2016?​
Do you think Trump knew about the Russian money that the NRA forwarded to the Trump campaign?​
Do you know that its illegal for campaigns to accept money from foreign agents/countries?​
Do you even agree that the Russians meddled in the 2016 Presidential elections?​
Would you just prefer I call you a racist to fulfill your skewed observations and leave you alone? I can do that if you like!​
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Again you prove me right
Good one, its pathetic how much of a simpleton you are

Mmmm sticks and stones...….and blkdlaur accuse us of name calling

but your name calling really is the pot calling the kettle black!

guess you haven't been paying attention to the news lately...of course would not have been on Fox

but the gal we are holding and has admitted to being a spy.....she set up the trip for all the high ups in the NRA to visit Russia.....and most were given free plane tickets...others were re-imbursed the why would Russia want their fingers in the NRA?...give money to trump?
buy elections?

back in the 60's krushchev called it right.....said they would control our country without ever firing a shot

how true it is......greed and money gives them access to a lot...and in your case and several others..just plain blind stupidity!
The fake dossier?

the fake dossier?...the part everyone keeps forgetting was started by a few republicans running against trump in the primary!....when those people lost to trump.....he still wanted paid and Hillary took it over!
but everything has been checked and rechecked to see what is accurate and what is want to defend this asshole...that is your call...but get the facts straight will you

Halloween has been over for a while now...time to throw out that fat old pumpkin!
Don't read this.....go ahead and remain stupid......Russia is counting on it

NRA ties to Russia and alleged spy Maria Butina run deep ...
4 days ago · For the first time since the National Rifle Association’s links to Russia became a matter of public interest, the gun advocacy organization released a statement about a trip high-ranking members ...

Why has the NRA been cozying up to Russia? - ThinkProgress
The same article noted that, early on, Butina “gained a powerful ally”— Alexander Torshin, who is an NRA Life Member, a “high-ranking member” of Putin’s United Russia and, at the time ...
I wouldn’t be nice to trump supporters.
This isn’t an argument about politics . Politics is simply an ideology right vs left.
Trump supporters and Trump lack the ability to have empathy for others. They lack decency . Its plain and simple bigotry wrapped up as nationalism. Trump’s supporters are either educated, and know this is wrong
ie sprouting that God choose Trump( Sarah Saunders) , Kelly Ann Conway - alternative facts ( I mean WTF), banning trans gender ppl from the army and are using all the language to fan hate...
And his other supporters are uneducated, have little coherent arguments and cry saying “mommy liberals are being mean to blkdlaur”

They don’t realise that ALL America intelligence agencies have said Russian interference. They haven’t read my the bipartisan Magninski Act. I’d be surprised if most of them could reas
This isn’t a fight against liberals or democrats.
This is a fight for your democracy!
Put that orange turd in jail!
I wouldn’t be nice to trump supporters.
This isn’t an argument about politics . Politics is simply an ideology right vs left.
Trump supporters and Trump lack the ability to have empathy for others. They lack decency . Its plain and simple bigotry wrapped up as nationalism. Trump’s supporters are either educated, and know this is wrong
ie sprouting that God choose Trump( Sarah Saunders) , Kelly Ann Conway - alternative facts ( I mean WTF), banning trans gender ppl from the army and are using all the language to fan hate...
And his other supporters are uneducated, have little coherent arguments and cry saying “mommy liberals are being mean to blkdlaur”

They don’t realise that ALL America intelligence agencies have said Russian interference. They haven’t read my the bipartisan Magninski Act. I’d be surprised if most of them could reas
This isn’t a fight against liberals or democrats.
This is a fight for your democracy!
Put that orange turd in jail!

that is information trump doesn't want people to know about so he started this fake news *******....and these trumpies who are just mindless fucking zombies buy anything the guy says
MacNFries I would bother with him.
Trump supporters are simply morons. There is no other way to put it. That $5 billion dollars Trump is begging for needs to be invested into public education to ensure that this ******* never happens again.
Blkdlaur is either a troll or an idiot and neither is worth reasoning with. Like Trump He has no facts and easily can see how ppl like these unfortunately Trump can con easily .
Your education system is the key !

that 5 billion is a fucking joke anyway......they have already said that is just for next will take over 25 billion to get it done....on top of that he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer many times did he go bankrupt?

lets see he gave the top percent a nice healthy tax cut....that no one has any idea how it will be paid for yet....except to take away from those that need it most....and with his big tariff blunder...that will cost farmers for years to come......he gave them a bunch of money to make up for what they didn't sell......who is paying for that? and where is it coming from

I have an idea....let the NRA payfor it....they get all that free Russian money and have more than they need
You know - you liberals are really quite tedious. You believe everything the left biased media reports without question - even though time after time they’ve been proven wrong or used bad sources. I choose to wait and see what the greatly touted Mueller comes up with - though I believe he will keep this investigation going through the 2020 election if he possibly can. Trying to have any kind of intelligent discourse with liberals is like trying to piss into a full gale while shoveling shite against the tide. Soooooooooooooo sick of your incessant whining about our president - you people are without any doubt the greatest example of SORE LOSERS - in the history of the world.
You know - you liberals are really quite tedious. You believe everything the left biased media reports without question - even though time after time they’ve been proven wrong or used bad sources. I choose to wait and see what the greatly touted Mueller comes up with - though I believe he will keep this investigation going through the 2020 election if he possibly can. Trying to have any kind of intelligent discourse with liberals is like trying to piss into a full gale while shoveling shite against the tide. Soooooooooooooo sick of your incessant whining about our president - you people are without any doubt the greatest example of SORE LOSERS - in the history of the world.

there you go with more of your rash and biased statements again

you don't believe everything your god and master tells you?....and who will pay for the wall?
and you rely on Fox news for your hard facts....when in most countries they are not allowed to call them selves a news station

with or without Mueller we already know he is cahoots with Russia and LIEDE about it...and is guilty of obstruction.....Nixon was impeached on a lot less....the difference is...….wait for it......drum roll...…..Russia has so much money invested in this country and in politics....they pretty much control everything....go ahead...turn a blind eye to that also

I think it need to keep going....right on through the NRA...McConnell...Ryan....Cruz....Rubio...and a bunch of others

I swear dealing with you is like pissing in the wind!...isn't that what you were trying to say?


as for your sore loser that like

You KNOW nothing - you only know what you WANT to believe - used to be in this country innocent til proven guilty - now liberals cry and whine - guilty - simply because they want Trump to be guilty - why don’t you just wait and see WTF instead of convicting people based on biased beliefs and reporting.
You KNOW nothing - you only know what you WANT to believe - used to be in this country innocent til proven guilty - now liberals cry and whine - guilty - simply because they want Trump to be guilty - why don’t you just wait and see WTF instead of convicting people based on biased beliefs and reporting.
Like the Republicans did with Hillary & Benghazi? Or her so-called illegal e-mails? Give give us a break!