Kevin Samuels has passed away. Are Black Men ready to Evolve ?

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Kevin Samuels, the bane of the Black Community has passed away. He told Black Men to put away their toys and infantile behavior and become World Class Men. He told Black Women to cooperate with the Black Men that are trying to become The Best Versions of Themselves.

He was hated by a lot of infantile Black Males. But the World Class Men of other Races understood his Message. Black Women on the other hand. Totally misunderstood his meanings and ostracized him. It’s very disgusting, disheartening and distasteful to see a myriad of black women praising and celebrating the death of this man. A Man that was trying to build a bridge between Black Men and Black Women.

Thus, I ask Black Men. Are you ready to evolve past your natural counterpart and take your place upon the World Stage with World Class
Women of other Races?

There is no place in this World Class for “swag, game and mouthpiece”. This Evolved Black Man has to perform beyond the bedroom.

He has to have his Life in Order to perform in the highest levels of Masculinity. Remember Gentlemen, a Woman is Loyal to Power.
From what I have read on this site. To answer this question. No they are not. However what I see in the real world they already have.
From what I have read on this site. To answer this question. No they are not. However what I see in the real world they already have.
I have as well. I’m now going through Separation with my Black ex-wife. She gave me everything except Peace. Peace is what every man needs. Submitting to an Agenda and Idea that We as Men set forth is what every Man needs.
It’s been said years ago that White Women know how to Submit to Black Men that have an agenda. They know how to be proper Help Mates and take a Back Seat to a Man’s Purpose. This is why I’ve seen many Black Men that have become above average mated with White and Non Black Women.

My Evolution is now the same.
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Kevin Samuels, the bane of the Black Community has passed away. He told Black Men to put away their toys and infantile behavior and become World Class Men. He told Black Women to cooperate with the Black Men that are trying to become The Best Versions of Themselves.

He was hated by a lot of infantile Black Males. But the World Class Men of other Races understood his Message. Black Women on the other hand. Totally misunderstood his meanings and ostracized him. It’s very disgusting, disheartening and distasteful to see a myriad of black women praising and celebrating the death of this man. A Man that was trying to build a bridge between Black Men and Black Women.

Thus, I ask Black Men. Are you ready to evolve past your natural counterpart and take your place upon the World Stage with World Class
Women of other Races?

There is no place in this World Class for “swag, game and mouthpiece”. This Evolved Black Man has to perform beyond the bedroom.

He has to have his Life in Order to perform in the highest levels of Masculinity. Remember Gentlemen, a Woman is Loyal to Power.
I bet he busted a lot of White Ass!
I'm going to say it again. 90% of so called black men on this site would spit in their own mom's face. To get to a white woman. So don't get mad when a black woman makes a comment you my not like. Point being you don't like your own kind.
Damn... 90%🤔. I don't know anyone on this site personally. The few Brothers I've corresponded with don't strike me as the type described. However, you never know...Not a conclusion I would draw though. Such a position is personally unthinkable. Hearing that directed at any Black man saddens me😟