Which European women LOVES Black men the most !

Both of you are posting from un-verified accounts. So while you may actually be women, it's far more likely that you're men and thus, most black men here probably don't care if gay white men are attracted to them.

This is one of the instances that I hope that I'm wrong and it actually is a woman posting. 🤷‍♂️
What I have to do,I am opened this account few days ago and no need to explain dome jerk as you are who am I and what doing here! I have shared already to some guys my fbook and phone No,you can only dream on! Find someone else to abuse you impotent jerk!
What I have to do,I am opened this account few days ago and no need to explain dome jerk as you are who am I and what doing here! I have shared already to some guys my fbook and phone No,you can only dream on! Find someone else to abuse you impotent jerk!
Lebron James Reaction GIF