transformation of the Germans

🤣🤣 Look at you crying, but not supporting your argument, and I'll reply to what i want to. Name one is Democrat policy that is pro America. You can't.
They claim they want to cut taxes, yet taxes increase when they win office. Have you been to the grocery store lately??
"Name one is (sic) Democrat policy that is pro America--You Can't." How in the hell do you know what I can name, what I'm thinking? And btw, you're on a site in which the vast majority of black men are Democrats. According to your theory, we must all be anti-American, even though we've fought and died for this country. That is an insult to us all. If you are genuinely a "Stag Husband," it must pain you to see your wife being pleasured by black anti-Americans.
"Name one is (sic) Democrat policy that is pro America--You Can't." How in the hell do you know what I can name, what I'm thinking? And btw, you're on a site in which the vast majority of black men are Democrats. According to your theory, we must all be anti-American, even though we've fought and died for this country. That is an insult to us all. If you are genuinely a "Stag Husband," it must pain you to see your wife being pleasured by black anti-Americans.
„The USA has approved possible arms sales to Israel with a total value of around 20 billion dollars. This was announced by the US State Department. In addition to missiles and ammunition, the United States also wants to supply combat aircraft.“

This is how the usa do the Most of his
Money / Exports. Weapons! Same in Ukraine war. First they provoke wars in Europe or the Middle East and then they offer weapons and loans to all sides. The loans then end up back in Israel as profit. Americans are just too stupid to realize that they don't have a democracy. You can only choose from Republicans and Democrats who will all do the same thing. In Germany, fake democracy needs a few more choices to screw people over. In America, on the other hand, they live almost like in a 2-class country where they can no longer afford food and people already live in caravans. If this guy would come to Europe, he would realize how badly off the citizens of the usa are compared to Europe, where universities are all free and nobody has to work if they don't want to. There are 80% new cars on the road and more new Tesla cars are bought here than in the entire usa. Nevertheless, the people of the usa still talk proudly about their country, even though all their money ends up somewhere else. Crazy world.
„The USA has approved possible arms sales to Israel with a total value of around 20 billion dollars. This was announced by the US State Department. In addition to missiles and ammunition, the United States also wants to supply combat aircraft.“

This is how the usa do the Most of his
Money / Exports. Weapons! Same in Ukraine war. First they provoke wars in Europe or the Middle East and then they offer weapons and loans to all sides. The loans then end up back in Israel as profit. Americans are just too stupid to realize that they don't have a democracy. You can only choose from Republicans and Democrats who will all do the same thing. In Germany, fake democracy needs a few more choices to screw people over. In America, on the other hand, they live almost like in a 2-class country where they can no longer afford food and people already live in caravans. If this guy would come to Europe, he would realize how badly off the citizens of the usa are compared to Europe, where universities are all free and nobody has to work if they don't want to. There are 80% new cars on the road and more new Tesla cars are bought here than in the entire usa. Nevertheless, the people of the usa still talk proudly about their country, even though all their money ends up somewhere else. Crazy world.
I agree that there is little difference between the two parties in America, and there is a vast wealth gap. But help me understand how the U.S. is provoking wars in Europe and the M.E. The U.S. didn't provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. The U.S. didn't provoke Hamas into attacking Israel. You seem to believe that we're the cause of all conflicts--to obtain the profit from arms sales. Our weapons are some of the best in the world. Who wouldn't want them to defend themselves?
I agree that there is little difference between the two parties in America, and there is a vast wealth gap. But help me understand how the U.S. is provoking wars in Europe and the M.E. The U.S. didn't provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. The U.S. didn't provoke Hamas into attacking Israel. You seem to believe that we're the cause of all conflicts--to obtain the profit from arms sales. Our weapons are some of the best in the world. Who wouldn't want them to defend themselves?
I can bring a Lot of examples. Irak. There Killed over 1,1 mio civilist. Never There Found any nuclear bombs. Syria. Yemen. What u Think Where all the refugees been now?
Provocation against Russia can also be explained quite clearly. The usa has the say in both the EU and NATO. Despite agreements not to get closer to Russia, the agreements have not been kept. NATO has been deliberately expanded ever closer to Russia and weapons have been stationed there. Don't you see any provocation in that? America is a country that does not keep its words! That's exactly how you see the usa in Russia and in many countries. And that's not fake news, it's reality. Russia has repeatedly warned the usa and NATO not to get any closer. They did it anyway. That is a provocation. I remember the scenario in Cuba when Cuba wanted Russia to station nuclear bombs in Cuba. Did the usa tolerate that? No. Why does Russia have to tolerate American nuclear weapons being stationed in Europe? On the subject of weapons. Do you really think you have the best weapons in everything? When it comes to tanks, nobody beats Germany's Leopard. Rheinmetall is also one of the leading manufacturers. The reason is, you say we need protection. But doesn't Germany allow its own nuclear bombs? How does that fit together? If Germany didn't have all the bans imposed by NATO, we wouldn't need the usa here at all. Germany and thus Europe are deliberately being kept dependent in order to provoke Russia. And we don't need to talk about Israel. Everyone knows that it is an artificially created state.
I agree that there is little difference between the two parties in America, and there is a vast wealth gap. But help me understand how the U.S. is provoking wars in Europe and the M.E. The U.S. didn't provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. The U.S. didn't provoke Hamas into attacking Israel. You seem to believe that we're the cause of all conflicts--to obtain the profit from arms sales. Our weapons are some of the best in the world. Who wouldn't want them to defend themselves?
And on top. Im from switzerland with Russian roots (*******). But im a liberal european and as swiss habitant we Always try to be neutral. We also didnt Allow any weapon deliverys to Ukraine. And we know why! For me we Need a neutral Europe Like switzerland is. And Trust me, Than u will See more Peace than wars. But we all know without the billions of weapon Exports usa will get a looooooooot of Problems !
I can bring a Lot of examples. Irak. There Killed over 1,1 mio civilist. Never There Found any nuclear bombs. Syria. Yemen. What u Think Where all the refugees been now?
Provocation against Russia can also be explained quite clearly. The usa has the say in both the EU and NATO. Despite agreements not to get closer to Russia, the agreements have not been kept. NATO has been deliberately expanded ever closer to Russia and weapons have been stationed there. Don't you see any provocation in that? America is a country that does not keep its words! That's exactly how you see the usa in Russia and in many countries. And that's not fake news, it's reality. Russia has repeatedly warned the usa and NATO not to get any closer. They did it anyway. That is a provocation. I remember the scenario in Cuba when Cuba wanted Russia to station nuclear bombs in Cuba. Did the usa tolerate that? No. Why does Russia have to tolerate American nuclear weapons being stationed in Europe? On the subject of weapons. Do you really think you have the best weapons in everything? When it comes to tanks, nobody beats Germany's Leopard. Rheinmetall is also one of the leading manufacturers. The reason is, you say we need protection. But doesn't Germany allow its own nuclear bombs? How does that fit together? If Germany didn't have all the bans imposed by NATO, we wouldn't need the usa here at all. Germany and thus Europe are deliberately being kept dependent in order to provoke Russia. And we don't need to talk about Israel. Everyone knows that it is an artificially created state.
First, try reading more closely. I said SOME of the best weapons in the world, not all. Regarding Cuba, both were communist countries and it was the USSR that wanted the weapons placed in Cuba. What the heck was Castro going to do with nuclear weapons? Did he expect the USSR to fire nukes into the U.S. to protect Cuba? In NATO, countries are begging to join due to the threat of Russian expansion. What country would want Russia on their border, especially when they see Russia trying to invade and bring countries that were formally in the Russian block, back under Russian control, by *******. Iraq...Point taken. We have no excuse for invading Iraq. Syria, Yemen...there is no way we were going to sit back and watch extremist groups sworn to attack the U.S. grow and thrive in those countries.
I agree that there is little difference between the two parties in America, and there is a vast wealth gap. But help me understand how the U.S. is provoking wars in Europe and the M.E. The U.S. didn't provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. The U.S. didn't provoke Hamas into attacking Israel. You seem to believe that we're the cause of all conflicts--to obtain the profit from arms sales. Our weapons are some of the best in the world. Who wouldn't want them to defend themselves?
I may have expressed myself incorrectly. The usa is really being thunderstormed. But I would like to make it clear that my criticism is not directed at the citizens of the usa. It's the politics. Just as I can criticize European politics, it is also my right to criticize American politics. I have nothing against the people of the usa. Just as I have nothing against Russians, Asians or people from Africa. The context was that I don't see Germany as the source of racism. Racism is everywhere! And there is too much wrong in this world. We civilians are the ones who suffer and pay for all the mistakes of politics! Often through wars with our lives. This world is not just black and white. There is also gray. We say we are tolerant. But we don't accept other political opinions. We complain about migration, but we are the source of this migration. We sanction Venezuela in the worst possible way and then the usa wonders why so many South Americans are fleeing? We bomb Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and many others and wonder about migration? Corrupt politicians are installed in Africa who sell the country to corporations so that the people starve. Equip both sides with weapons for civil wars and you wonder about refugees from Africa? That's double standards!
And on top. Im from switzerland with Russian roots (*******). But im a liberal european and as swiss habitant we Always try to be neutral. We also didnt Allow any weapon deliverys to Ukraine. And we know why! For me we Need a neutral Europe Like switzerland is. And Trust me, Than u will See more Peace than wars. But we all know without the billions of weapon Exports usa will get a looooooooot of Problems !
After the atrocities that took place throughout Europe in WWI and WWII, it is a non-starter to think that ANY country is going to rid themselves of weapons. Every country has vastly expanded its weapons purchases and need the safety that alliances offer, primarily due to fear of Russia.
Sorry, my friend. I, too, love peace. However, we have seen that worldwide peace will never happen. Therefore, we must protect ourselves, for without protection, you become subject to being taken over by countries who don't give a damn about peace. Just read that public opinion for joining NATO is at its highest level in history. It's still below 50%, but growing.
First, try reading more closely. I said SOME of the best weapons in the world, not all. Regarding Cuba, both were communist countries and it was the USSR that wanted the weapons placed in Cuba. What the heck was Castro going to do with nuclear weapons? Did he expect the USSR to fire nukes into the U.S. to protect Cuba? In NATO, countries are begging to join due to the threat of Russian expansion. What country would want Russia on their border, especially when they see Russia trying to invade and bring countries that were formally in the Russian block, back under Russian control, by *******. Iraq...Point taken. We have no excuse for invading Iraq. Syria, Yemen...there is no way we were going to sit back and watch extremist groups sworn to attack the U.S. grow and thrive in those countries.

After the atrocities that took place throughout Europe in WWI and WWII, it is a non-starter to think that ANY country is going to rid themselves of weapons. Every country has vastly expanded its weapons purchases and need the safety that alliances offer, primarily due to fear of Russia.
Sorry, my friend. I, too, love peace. However, we have seen that worldwide peace will never happen. Therefore, we must protect ourselves, for without protection, you become subject to being taken over by countries who don't give a damn about peace. Just read that public opinion for joining NATO is at its highest level in history. It's still below 50%, but growing.
We establish a state of Israel where 80% of the population are migrants from all over the world. Easy to recognize by the skin colors and names in Israel. Palestinians have never been asked and have been expelled from their land where they have lived for centuries. Although the population is significantly smaller, more than 15 times as many Palestinians have died in the last 10 years. 95% of them civilians. And we wonder about terrorists carrying out attacks? Some 250,000-300,000 Palestinians fled or were displaced during the civil war in Palestine in 1947-1948, even before the end of the British Mandate on May 14, 1948. 33,000 Palestinians have already died in the war alone. Since 1984, 184,000 Palestinians have been killed. 14,000 Israelis. Without the 33,000 dead this year! Of course terror arises when a population group cannot maintain itself on an equal footing!
After the atrocities that took place throughout Europe in WWI and WWII, it is a non-starter to think that ANY country is going to rid themselves of weapons. Every country has vastly expanded its weapons purchases and need the safety that alliances offer, primarily due to fear of Russia.
Sorry, my friend. I, too, love peace. However, we have seen that worldwide peace will never happen. Therefore, we must protect ourselves, for without protection, you become subject to being taken over by countries who don't give a damn about peace. Just read that public opinion for joining NATO is at its highest level in history. It's still below 50%, but growing.
Brother look the Brics. U realize that There have already 4 times more people Than whole usa incl Europe together? And another 11 countrys will join them too in Future. U realize that ? Even in South America some countrys will join them! Africa too. If we really Think that there scared, than we are stupid. Sorry. China is already the Leading country in the world! If we want Or Not! And in Africa Russia and China is already the no 1. usa and Europe steal. And China invest! That is the Big difference. We Need to be Carefull! Otherwise we will get a real world war this time! Not Like the second world war who we speak about a european war! This time we will get a real world war if we are Not realize what is the fact Right now. And also COVID would ne a lession. U saw how fast China Handeled the Pandemie. It was a Demonstration. U Think China would be going into a war? There will do it with another things. A virus and Russia with cyber attacks. Trust me, we would Not win!
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I may have expressed myself incorrectly. The usa is really being thunderstormed. But I would like to make it clear that my criticism is not directed at the citizens of the usa. It's the politics. Just as I can criticize European politics, it is also my right to criticize American politics. I have nothing against the people of the usa. Just as I have nothing against Russians, Asians or people from Africa. The context was that I don't see Germany as the source of racism. Racism is everywhere! And there is too much wrong in this world. We civilians are the ones who suffer and pay for all the mistakes of politics! Often through wars with our lives. This world is not just black and white. There is also gray. We say we are tolerant. But we don't accept other political opinions. We complain about migration, but we are the source of this migration. We sanction Venezuela in the worst possible way and then the usa wonders why so many South Americans are fleeing? We bomb Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and many others and wonder about migration? Corrupt politicians are installed in Africa who sell the country to corporations so that the people starve. Equip both sides with weapons for civil wars and you wonder about refugees from Africa? That's double standards!
I agree with much of what you have written. No one country is the source of racism. Unfortunately, hatred and racism towards others who are different has been the norm for thousands of years, and is not going to change. It is the largest barrier to the world being able to unite and expect each other, but we still tend to gather and bond with people who are "like minded." Imagine how great this world could be if we could break this habit, which I fear we will never do. Unfortunately, we do not have it in ourselves to strive for that. We must always be better, stronger, brighter, and more wealthy than the next man/woman. Hey, I've enjoyed the conversation. We agree on some things and disagree on others. However, I truly respect your opinion! Gotta run...
Brother look the Brics. U realize that There have already 4 times more people Than whole usa incl Europe together? And another 11 countrys will join them too in Future. U realize that ? Even in South America some countrys will join them! Africa too. If we really Think that there scared, than we are stupid. Sorry. China is already the Leading country in the world! If we want Or Not! And in Africa Russia and China is already the no 1. usa and Europe steal. And China invest! That is the Big difference. We Need to be Carefull! Otherwise we will get a real world war this time! Not Like the second world war who we speak about a european war! This time we will get a real world war if we are Not realize what is the fact Right now.
Yes, the BRIC nations have far greater populations. However, for the most part, those nations are decades away from being powerhouses. Much of Brazil and India is mired in poverty, uneducated, and their leaders are worse than ours. Russia is not far behind. The U.S. State of California has greater GDP than India, Russia or Brazil. That's one state, not a country! That's how far behind they are. China is the powerhouse, but its largest advantage is cheap wages, which will slowly evaporate as the middle class rises and as other countries get their acts together to make products even more cheaply and efficiently than China.
Yes, the BRIC nations have far greater populations. However, for the most part, those nations are decades away from being powerhouses. Much of Brazil and India is mired in poverty, uneducated, and their leaders are worse than ours. Russia is not far behind. The U.S. State of California has greater GDP than India, Russia or Brazil. That's one state, not a country! That's how far behind they are. China is the powerhouse, but its largest advantage is cheap wages, which will slowly evaporate as the middle class rises and as other countries get their acts together to make products even more cheaply and efficiently than China.
U Need to See the Future market! Not what is Right now! On China u See how fast There growing up. And don’t forget. Look the debts for example from Russia and compare with Russia. Also how many oil, gas and Other Material Russia have. Dont forget that usa is one of the countrys with the highest debts in the world. 120 % of the BIP. The biggest in history and day per day Its more and more. Russia have debts of 12,5 % of the BIP! Many people forget this! Means Russia Could be invest 28 Billion Dollar and would Even Not on the Same Debt Level Like usa Right now. This is what many people forgot. And what you also forgot is that China is the second largest creditor of the usa! The usa has 800 billion euros in debt to China! China owns 800 billion euros of usa government bonds! For this reason alone, the usa will keep its feet still when China takes Taiwan and Hong Kong and next Singapore. China is the largest state creditor for 32 African countries as Well. Russia for example has a Other Strategie. There mostly using Money There have. Usa for example using Money There don’t have. China has a Lot of bonds and also a Lot of impact in many us and european Companys! There already bought a Lot of shares of thousends of Companys. Dont forget this.
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"Name one is (sic) Democrat policy that is pro America--You Can't." How in the hell do you know what I can name, what I'm thinking? And btw, you're on a site in which the vast majority of black men are Democrats. According to your theory, we must all be anti-American, even though we've fought and died for this country. That is an insult to us all. If you are genuinely a "Stag Husband," it must pain you to see your wife being pleasured by black anti-Americans.

You still didn't answer the question. No big surprise there, though.

You ask me how I can know what you're thinking. It's easy. You're a liberal Democrat and you're told what to think by the mainstream media!

So, you speak for all black men and have determined that most are Democrat? I know plenty of black people who are conservative Republicans. I see you're a serial hypocrite.
It doesn't pain me at all to see her being pleasured by a black man. That's the whole point of this! 🤣
You still didn't answer the question. No big surprise there, though.

You ask me how I can know what you're thinking. It's easy. You're a liberal Democrat and you're told what to think by the mainstream media!

So, you speak for all black men and have determined that most are Democrat? I know plenty of black people who are conservative Republicans. I see you're a serial hypocrite.
It doesn't pain me at all to see her being pleasured by a black man. That's the whole point of this! 🤣
Cool. We agree to disagree. After all, you're a free thinker, and I, according to you, do not think. I do as told. Nothing will change your opinion if that idiotic vision is how you look at this world. Proceed with your belief that you are wise, and I am not.
Cool. We agree to disagree. After all, you're a free thinker, and I, according to you, do not think. I do as told. Nothing will change your opinion if that idiotic vision is how you look at this world. Proceed with your belief that you are wise, and I am not.
You've had two chances to answer what pro-American policies the democrats have implemented, but have failed to do so. Why is that? 🤔
You've had two chances to answer what pro-American policies the democrats have implemented, but have failed to do so. Why is that? 🤔
Again u? Brother u living in a Dream world. U realize that your ass belongs China? The USA has 125 % debts of the whole BIP. You speak all the time that your might is high. Damn it isnt. China is already the second biggest owner of the usa. And the plan is clear. China will Build Africa as them Future costumer. Same brazil. If There Done it, There will destroy the usa. There don’t Need Weapons or war! There will use the economic that the Dollar will broke! How? There will Sell all the debts in one time and this will ne the Game over! Let us speak in 15 years :). Than u will what will Happen ;). The usa isnt the world might anymore. Accept it! Go in your Supermarkt and See your prices! No one can Change it. Not Trump, Not biden. No one! And this is the begining ;)


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Again u? Brother u living in a Dream world. U realize that your ass belongs China? The USA has 125 % debts of the whole BIP. You speak all the time that your might is high. Damn it isnt. China is already the second biggest owner of the usa. And the plan is clear. China will Build Africa as them Future costumer. Same brazil. If There Done it, There will destroy the usa. There don’t Need Weapons or war! There will use the economic that the Dollar will broke! How? There will Sell all the debts in one time and this will ne the Game over! Let us speak in 15 years :). Than u will what will Happen ;). The usa isnt the world might anymore. Accept it! Go in your Supermarkt and See your prices! No one can Change it. Not Trump, Not biden. No one! And this is the begining ;)
Dude, GFY. You've already been exposed as an idiot.
15 years?? You probably said the same BS 15 years ago and we're still here.
Dude, GFY. You've already been exposed as an idiot.
15 years?? You probably said the same BS 15 years ago and we're still here.
Read the faces and stop to speak about your opinions. China is the second biggest owner of the usa, that is the fact. fact is also u are one of the Country with the Most debts in the world. All u have isnt payed, Only Build by debts. And this is the Main Factor and the Main Point. Now compare to Germany, switzerland or Russia. And u will See, your Country isnt Leading. The construct is easy to Break! And Thats the Point i wanna show u. A country full of debts is Never a good Basement. The only reason why u are Leading Right now is Only the fact, that Everything isnt payed. U can Call me idiot, But facts Never lie :)
Dude, GFY. You've already been exposed as an idiot.
15 years?? You probably said the same BS 15 years ago and we're still here.
U are still here but to in your Supermarkt :). Compare the prices. Your Food is 85% more expensive than in Germany Right now. But your salery is Not Even on the Same Level. Is it a lie or the Truth? Ask yourself why :).