Its important to note that black people are very diverse and distinct within themselves. For instance, if one group of black people allow and agree, with the use of the N word, take it as an admission from that group, due to their own personal preference. Do not take it as the verification and justification to use the N word to ANY or ALL black people. For one group to say a word among each other and for another to say it with different effect and meaning, is normal and matters in language in general. For instance if you and your friends call each other bitch or something disrespectful in general, but respectful specifically between you, and then your friend sees your mom and says "hey bitch youre my bitch" and then your mom says "i dont want to be called that" and then your friend says "well i say it to my friends so whats the big deal" so they keep calling your mom bitch, will you defend your friend and tell your mom she needs to stop being offended haha? If words are just words or sounds, then do not ever get any emotional response from any word. Whether good or bad.Im sure someone has gotten an emotional response of some form from a word and it was more than just a sound, but a meaning. But to say "this word is just a sound and just a word" when it does not have any affect on you, is being bias.