Interesting thread about Sweden

Not sure what im supposed to be guilty about😂
No one say YOU have to be guilty.

Some people are guilty because of what their ancestors did to blacks across history. some realize that they live on white privilege to the detriment of blacks and find it unjust and regret the continued suffering of blacks given the above.

They are guilty and tired of the continued racism conscious or not and they are guilty about their contribution to the white supremacy dynamic that wreaks this world... if you have emotional intelligence, you will understand what they are guilty about.
No one say YOU have to be guilty.

Some people are guilty because of what their ancestors did to blacks across history. some realize that they live on white privilege to the detriment of blacks and find it unjust and regret the continued suffering of blacks given the above.

They are guilty and tired of the continued racism conscious or not and they are guilty about their contribution to the white supremacy dynamic that wreaks this world... if you have emotional intelligence, you will understand what they are guilty about.
But why should they be guilty about what their ancestors may or may not have done? That's like me feeling guilty about a crime my sister committed, it doesn't make any sense. Also, Blacks in the United States have been given more opportunities than any other minority. How many more Black people do you see in important roles compared to, let's say, Native Americans? I swear, some Black people are starting to sound like crybabies.
No one say YOU have to be guilty.

Some people are guilty because of what their ancestors did to blacks across history. some realize that they live on white privilege to the detriment of blacks and find it unjust and regret the continued suffering of blacks given the above.

They are guilty and tired of the continued racism conscious or not and they are guilty about their contribution to the white supremacy dynamic that wreaks this world... if you have emotional intelligence, you will understand what they are guilty about.
Children are not responsible for the crimes of their parents, grandparents, etc. If that were true people worldwide could cry "REPARATIONS!"
OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! How did this turn into a discussion board about crime rate and immigration? These are important discussions to be had, especially for us swedes, but I couldn't possibly be less interested in reading about it here.

For the record: Yes, many of the black guys in Sweden are from north eastern Africa (Somalia) and they have a serious problem with crime. These guys are NOT popular.

HOWEVER, we also have quite a few immigrants from west Africa, as well as afro americans and afro europeans. These guys ARE popular in general.

As a member of the interracial cuckolding community I can say that it is growing but not exploding. However, the part about about black guys being popular among young girls is true.

And for the record, I saw another QoS tattoo in public this summer so they do exist for sure.
But why should they be guilty about what their ancestors may or may not have done? That's like me feeling guilty about a crime my sister committed, it doesn't make any sense. Also, Blacks in the United States have been given more opportunities than any other minority. How many more Black people do you see in important roles compared to, let's say, Native Americans? I swear, some Black people are starting to sound like crybabies.
Classic reply informed by racism: that cannot see the privilege and the detriment, and the material benefits they derive from the world's ugliest crime over centuries. The same "mentalset" demands black forgetting this CONTINUING CRIME and suggest we forget all the material human and cultural resources they enslaved us for collected transported and built. We should continue to survive with deprivation across all areas of human activity and SMILE...forget it peace and love...................That's a dream world scenario... We take back what is ours mate. and cancelling your credits and accounts.
Classic reply informed by racism: that cannot see the privilege and the detriment, and the material benefits they derive from the world's ugliest crime over centuries. The same "mentalset" demands black forgetting this CONTINUING CRIME and suggest we forget all the material human and cultural resources they enslaved us for collected transported and built. We should continue to survive with deprivation across all areas of human activity and SMILE...forget it peace and love...................That's a dream world scenario... We take back what is ours mate. and cancelling your credits and accounts.
To be fair, the white colonialists didn't invent slavery. Nor was it the worst example of it in history. Slavery has existed everywhere and in all eras. The arab and persian empires had many slaves, both black, white and brown. The African slaves that were taken to America were often sold by black slave owners. And there is still slavery in the world today, both in Africa and Asia. In fact, the white colonialists were among the very first to forbid slavery. Of course the Atlantic slave trade was a terrible crime against humanity, no question about it. But the idea that people today should be held responsible for what someone else did is ridiculous, especially since more or less EVERYONE can trace their roots back to both people who were slaves and people who owned slaves at some point. And for the record, the word "slave", comes from the slavic region in eastern Europe, where there were white slaves not so long ago. Those are partly my ancestors. What "reparations" do I get for that?
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To be fair, the white colonialists didn't invent slavery. Nor was it the worst example of it in history. Slavery has existed everywhere and in all eras. The arab and persian empires had many slaves, both black, white and brown. The African slaves that were taken to America were often sold by black slave owners. And there is still slavery in the world today, both in Africa and Asia. In fact, the white colonialists were among the very first to forbid slavery. Of course the Atlantic slave trade was a terrible crime against humanity, no question about it. But the idea that people today should be held responsible for what someone else did is ridiculous, especially since more or less EVERYONE can trace their roots back to both people who were slaves and people who owned slaves at some point. And for the record, the word "slave", comes from the slavic region in eastern Europe, where there were white slaves not so long ago. Those are partly my ancestors. What "reparations" do I get for that?
Nothing fair about slavery. anywhere any time. Slavery in the transatlantic slave trade was different, it was INDUSTRIALISED. as psychology and as technology.. in laws and in practice. ******* processes like "seasoning" and "breeding farms." and psychological *******. whatever the format was does not make it right.

In contemporary terms the privilege of material resources is held up and enforced for the benefit of whites alone. A people with minimal resources historically controlling the bulk of it for themselves and they expect other peoples to be comfortable with this expecially when it was their own human material and cultural resources that CONTINUE to be stolen misused and abused. I speak of the white supremacy dynamic whose ethos is to stay hidden and not recognized for what it is....
You are here telling me I have no cause or right or morality to object... crybaby... put it in the past he says. your experience is no more relevant than mine...................

You are a racist sir and I wish to waste no more time with your mentalset that will NEVER understand what I speak of... it is too invested in fantasy.
Nothing fair about slavery. anywhere any time. Slavery in the transatlantic slave trade was different, it was INDUSTRIALISED. as psychology and as technology.. in laws and in practice. ******* processes like "seasoning" and "breeding farms." and psychological *******. whatever the format was does not make it right.

In contemporary terms the privilege of material resources is held up and enforced for the benefit of whites alone. A people with minimal resources historically controlling the bulk of it for themselves and they expect other peoples to be comfortable with this expecially when it was their own human material and cultural resources that CONTINUE to be stolen misused and abused. I speak of the white supremacy dynamic whose ethos is to stay hidden and not recognized for what it is....
You are here telling me I have no cause or right or morality to object... crybaby... put it in the past he says. your experience is no more relevant than mine...................

You are a racist sir and I wish to waste no more time with your mentalset that will NEVER understand what I speak of... it is too invested in fantasy.
No I am not. I am being constructive and you are not. You are also taking a very American perspective and applying it to all white people which is simply a lie. The belief in collective guilt by race is the definition of racism.

You seem to be stuck in a collectivist mindset that leads nowhere. No one can possibly take responsibility for another person's actions, especially someone they haven't even met.

Try to be an individualist for a second. That means you have the freedom not to take responsibility for other idiots, only for what you do and what you actually have the power to control. But it also means you are required to take that responsibility and not blame anyone else for your own actions. This is the mindset behind every successful person or society EVER. It frees you from things that you can't do anything about and forces you to take charge of what you CAN control. When people do this, they grow. They become more successful and a lot happier.

Collectivism will get you stuck in an endless circle of blame games and there is not one historic example of that leading to anything constructive. In the best case scenario, it leads to ambivalence. In the worst case scenario, it leads to complete evil.

Look at all the worst dictatorships and terror organisations in history. The nazis, the communists, the fascists, the islamist jihadists. What do they have in common? They were and are all hardcore collectivists.

Looking forward is not the same as forgetting. You have to remember the past to learn from it, but you also have to choose to move on in order to get anywhere. As long we are stuck in"we" and "them", there is no possibility of breaking free and we are just reproducing the same stereotypes and the same conflicts when we should be dismantling them and start building something better for all of us.

Free your mind from this circle of hatred and blame, my friend. In the end we are all just a bunch of knuckleheads in space, trying to survive the day. There are people of all colors, religions and genders who are suffering around the globe. And America is not everything. I was born in a white working class home in Sweden, with a single mom and bunch of drunks in my family. By far the poorest kid around. Most of the African and Middle Eastern immigrants in my school had it better than I did, I can assure you that. But it is what it is.

Your struggles are real, but they are not unique and the only one who can change your life is you.
No I am not. I am being constructive and you are not. You are also taking a very American perspective and applying it to all white people which is simply a lie. The belief in collective guilt by race is the definition of racism.

You seem to be stuck in a collectivist mindset that leads nowhere. No one can possibly take responsibility for another person's actions, especially someone they haven't even met.

Try to be an individualist for a second. That means you have the freedom not to take responsibility for other idiots, only for what you do and what you actually have the power to control. But it also means you are required to take that responsibility and not blame anyone else for your own actions. This is the mindset behind every successful person or society EVER. It frees you from things that you can't do anything about and forces you to take charge of what you CAN control. When people do this, they grow. They become more successful and a lot happier.

Collectivism will get you stuck in an endless circle of blame games and there is not one historic example of that leading to anything constructive. In the best case scenario, it leads to ambivalence. In the worst case scenario, it leads to complete evil.

Look at all the worst dictatorships and terror organisations in history. The nazis, the communists, the fascists, the islamist jihadists. What do they have in common? They were and are all hardcore collectivists.

Looking forward is not the same as forgetting. You have to remember the past to learn from it, but you also have to choose to move on in order to get anywhere. As long we are stuck in"we" and "them", there is no possibility of breaking free and we are just reproducing the same stereotypes and the same conflicts when we should be dismantling them and start building something better for all of us.

Free your mind from this circle of hatred and blame, my friend. In the end we are all just a bunch of knuckleheads in space, trying to survive the day. There are people of all colors, religions and genders who are suffering around the globe. And America is not everything. I was born in a white working class home in Sweden, with a single mom and bunch of drunks in my family. By far the poorest kid around. Most of the African and Middle Eastern immigrants in my school had it better than I did, I can assure you that. But it is what it is.

Your struggles are real, but they are not unique and the only one who can change your life is you.
Like.. what part of FUCK OFF don't you understand. I am a Blackman you are a cuck who's "wife " is hungry for black cock and fucks them as she likes............... and you trying to talk down to me dude and tell me what to think............... enough already! I don't like to be rude.
Like.. what part of FUCK OFF don't you understand. I am a Blackman you are a cuck who's "wife " is hungry for black cock and fucks them as she likes............... and you trying to talk down to me dude and tell me what to think............... enough already! I don't like to be rude.
There is a difference between sexual preferences and bowing down to an idiot. Don't engage in political discussion if you can't handle different opinions. Besides, I started this thread so fuck off yourself.