I finally did it. I cheated on my husband to get some big black cock

Are you saying that he should accept your cheating and that it's his fault you cheated? Sounds you feel justified. But if it got that bad, why not leave?
All I'm saying is cheating, happens naturally, especially in the vanilla world, where unlike LS, communicating sexual needs and fantasies openly is rare for most couples. Everyone has been cheated at some point in their life, for different reasons and under different circumstances. I strongly believe that monogamy is against our inherent human instincts and when a couple's sexual relationship begins to suffer out of imagination or variety, the marriage starts suffering to the point that infidelity seems the only "medicine" that temporary heals our deep sexual urges, and keeps people mentally stable.

Just imagine how many divorces would have been prevented if having sex outside marriage was our society's norm instead the "forbitten fruit". All of a sudden, the "behind your back" concept that defines infidelity as deceitful would have eliminated in the name of sexual freedom and open communication as it happens to most LS relationships.

I hope society will slowly evolve towards this model, but until then, then yes, cheating is fully justified for both men & women as hurtful as may be and with all the consequences, purely because there is no logic behind sacrificing our primal needs for the traditional marriage notion that wants us intentionally sexually supressed.

We ought to accept though, that the great percentage of people who commit adultery is not necessarily bad people without respect towards their life-partner, but vulnerable, over-sexual creatures who can't resist temptation. They are obviously not emotionally ready to take the leap and join the ethical non-monogamy movement, so inevitably cheating becomes a sinful habit to sexually recharge themselves and get the extra care and validation they need.

For a dominant alpha male like you who feels entitled to fuck quality white pussy alongside your black queen, my point of view might feel absurd, but take a step back and imagine if you had to stick with her sexually for your entire life. Would you cope such commitment?

Yes, our choices in life matter and kudos to both of you for the honest, pathway you guys took to explore your sexuality inside your polyamorous relationship. But regardless were each one of us stand on infidelity, who are we to judge a rich 60yo man who has a romantic affair with his hot secretary or a 40yo married woman who gets lured on a one-night-stand encounter on a business trip by an attractive young man?

Is it fair blaming cheaters blindly without looking the bigger picture and the way our conservative society nurtured us against it?
All I'm saying is cheating, happens naturally, especially in the vanilla world, where unlike LS, communicating sexual needs and fantasies openly is rare for most couples. Everyone has been cheated at some point in their life, for different reasons and under different circumstances. I strongly believe that monogamy is against our inherent human instincts and when a couple's sexual relationship begins to suffer out of imagination or variety, the marriage starts suffering to the point that infidelity seems the only "medicine" that temporary heals our deep sexual urges, and keeps people mentally stable.

Just imagine how many divorces would have been prevented if having sex outside marriage was our society's norm instead the "forbitten fruit". All of a sudden, the "behind your back" concept that defines infidelity as deceitful would have eliminated in the name of sexual freedom and open communication as it happens to most LS relationships.

I hope society will slowly evolve towards this model, but until then, then yes, cheating is fully justified for both men & women as hurtful as may be and with all the consequences, purely because there is no logic behind sacrificing our primal needs for the traditional marriage notion that wants us intentionally sexually supressed.

We ought to accept though, that the great percentage of people who commit adultery is not necessarily bad people without respect towards their life-partner, but vulnerable, over-sexual creatures who can't resist temptation. They are obviously not emotionally ready to take the leap and join the ethical non-monogamy movement, so inevitably cheating becomes a sinful habit to sexually recharge themselves and get the extra care and validation they need.

For a dominant alpha male like you who feels entitled to fuck quality white pussy alongside your black queen, my point of view might feel absurd, but take a step back and imagine if you had to stick with her sexually for your entire life. Would you cope such commitment?

Yes, our choices in life matter and kudos to both of you for the honest, pathway you guys took to explore your sexuality inside your polyamorous relationship. But regardless were each one of us stand on infidelity, who are we to judge a rich 60yo man who has a romantic affair with his hot secretary or a 40yo married woman who gets lured on a one-night-stand encounter on a business trip by an attractive young man?

Is it fair blaming cheaters blindly without looking the bigger picture and the way our conservative society nurtured us against it?
To each his or her own, but keep in mind, cheating is a choice and it does not happen in an instant, there is time to think. I don't buy the I was dru.nk or it just happened excuse. Even if you are dru.nk, you already had the mindset to do it. I believe cheating starts in the mind so even if you have not acted on it physically, emotionally and mentally you already cheated. And while my dynamic is different due to the type of relationship I'm in, cheating can still happen, but I value her and what we have not to fuck it up. Before her I was in traditional relationships where I didn't feel sexually fulfilled, but I never cheated, I tried to fix it, and when it did not work, I left. Please understand and while I may seem judgmental, I'm really not cause I don't care, I'm just offering my own perspective and insights. But if it's one thing I know, it's harder to start, but once you do, it's gets easier. This is not a one time thing.
Great. Someone cheats. Posts it here and everyone thinks its ok to do so. Remember people. Once a cheater always a cheater. There is no going back to before. There can never be trust between a partner who cheats and the other spouse. The fact that cheating was involved means that marriage relationship is done. Finished. Over.

Also mentioned was a past history of interracial sexual partners and lifestyle that continues to be hidden from the spouse. Zero respect for the other party in the marriage also comes to mind. And no one cannot claim any level of respect for the other spouse if a partner cheats.
  1. Cheating (red flag) 1719820350118.jpeg
  2. Hiding past sexual partners and experience1719820370634.jpeg
  3. Zero respect for the partner1719820398808.jpeg
  4. Seeking validation from the internet.1719821002572.jpeg
  5. No communication1719821011700.jpeg
People. This raise so many red flags. And you all calmly say its great. Wonder how great it would all still be if suddenly your partner did exactly the same thing to you.

The notion of making sexual relationships out side of marriage societies norm ( as was mentioned in a reply to the OP) is the way to make marriage a thing of the past. Why enter into a relationship called marriage if you want to go outside that marriage still for your sexual gratification. Its makes zero sense.

One last thing before you reply. This lifestyle requires trust, communication and the support of each partner no matter how deep in the lifestyle you are. You need the respect of your partner and those you allow into the relationship. Dis-respecting a partner by cheating lowers the value of ones self as your morals say who and what you are! Yes it is their life to live as they want. But. Once you put it out there that you are more important than your partner why remain in the relationship? Unless of course its to dis-respect your partner further.

My two pennies worth.


  • 1719820408513.jpeg
    3.1 KB · Views: 4
Great. Someone cheats. Posts it here and everyone thinks its ok to do so. Remember people. Once a cheater always a cheater. There is no going back to before. There can never be trust between a partner who cheats and the other spouse. The fact that cheating was involved means that marriage relationship is done. Finished. Over.

Also mentioned was a past history of interracial sexual partners and lifestyle that continues to be hidden from the spouse. Zero respect for the other party in the marriage also comes to mind. And no one cannot claim any level of respect for the other spouse if a partner cheats.
  1. Cheating (red flag) View attachment 7290145
  2. Hiding past sexual partners and experienceView attachment 7290146
  3. Zero respect for the partnerView attachment 7290147
  4. Seeking validation from the internet.View attachment 7290165
  5. No communicationView attachment 7290166
People. This raise so many red flags. And you all calmly say its great. Wonder how great it would all still be if suddenly your partner did exactly the same thing to you.

The notion of making sexual relationships out side of marriage societies norm ( as was mentioned in a reply to the OP) is the way to make marriage a thing of the past. Why enter into a relationship called marriage if you want to go outside that marriage still for your sexual gratification. Its makes zero sense.

One last thing before you reply. This lifestyle requires trust, communication and the support of each partner no matter how deep in the lifestyle you are. You need the respect of your partner and those you allow into the relationship. Dis-respecting a partner by cheating lowers the value of ones self as your morals say who and what you are! Yes it is their life to live as they want. But. Once you put it out there that you are more important than your partner why remain in the relationship? Unless of course its to dis-respect your partner further.

My two pennies worth.
Players Association Yes GIF by NBPA
It was a totally random occurrence. He was an old friend and lover from back in my active days, before my current marriage. He contacted me out of the blue just before my husband was going out of town for a few days. Of course I hesitated at first, since I’ve been adamant about not cheating in this marriage, but then I realized that this was a rare opportunity where everything came together at the right time. Besides, I knew this guy well and remembered how good he was, and there was no way my husband would know, so I took the plunge. I have a little guilt but absolutely no regrets! It was amazing and intense. We fucked for over three hours in his hotel room and did everything you can imagine. Then I spent the night and we fucked some more in the morning. I’m still reliving the experience in my head.😍
When I read your very first message about you finally cheated o. Your husband with a black guy, I thought it was your very first black experience also but after reading this message, it sounds as if you were sexually active with this black lover in the past. Either way, I'm very happy for you have g such a great experience .
My first cheating experience I had with a black guy was while my husband was out of tow also but for me, it was also the first ti.e I was ever with a black guy and like you, it was the most amazing experience I'd ever had to that point and lead to many, many more..
I haven’t been on here much lately, as I’ve been debating whether or not to share this news with the B2W community, but I’m absolutely bursting to tell someone about it, so here it is - I finally ended my years-long bbc-celibacy. Meaning, I broke my marriage vows and got gloriously fucked by a bbc. Feeling a little guilty now, but still, I don’t regret my decision one bit. It was wonderful!

I won’t go into the details here, but suffice it to say that all the stars alligned and the perfect opportunity arose, under the ideal circumstances, and I just couldn’t resist. I gave into my urges. Note, this does not mean that I’m back in the lifestyle and ”open for business “. It just means that a perfect opportunity arose and I enjoyed it thoroughly! Hahaha.

(Not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but if not, I can move it.)
Beautiful and great for you and so fucking hot. Love that you took the opportunity.
I haven’t been on here much lately, as I’ve been debating whether or not to share this news with the B2W community, but I’m absolutely bursting to tell someone about it, so here it is - I finally ended my years-long bbc-celibacy. Meaning, I broke my marriage vows and got gloriously fucked by a bbc. Feeling a little guilty now, but still, I don’t regret my decision one bit. It was wonderful!

I won’t go into the details here, but suffice it to say that all the stars alligned and the perfect opportunity arose, under the ideal circumstances, and I just couldn’t resist. I gave into my urges. Note, this does not mean that I’m back in the lifestyle and ”open for business “. It just means that a perfect opportunity arose and I enjoyed it thoroughly! Hahaha.

(Not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but if not, I can move it.)
So happy for you. Continue your bbc journey and explore.
When I read your very first message about you finally cheated o. Your husband with a black guy, I thought it was your very first black experience also but after reading this message, it sounds as if you were sexually active with this black lover in the past. Either way, I'm very happy for you have g such a great experience .
My first cheating experience I had with a black guy was while my husband was out of tow also but for me, it was also the first ti.e I was ever with a black guy and like you, it was the most amazing experience I'd ever had to that point and lead to many, many more..
Extremely hot experience... My wife is becoming more of a slut...
I haven’t been on here much lately, as I’ve been debating whether or not to share this news with the B2W community, but I’m absolutely bursting to tell someone about it, so here it is - I finally ended my years-long bbc-celibacy. Meaning, I broke my marriage vows and got gloriously fucked by a bbc. Feeling a little guilty now, but still, I don’t regret my decision one bit. It was wonderful!

I won’t go into the details here, but suffice it to say that all the stars alligned and the perfect opportunity arose, under the ideal circumstances, and I just couldn’t resist. I gave into my urges. Note, this does not mean that I’m back in the lifestyle and ”open for business “. It just means that a perfect opportunity arose and I enjoyed it thoroughly! Hahaha.

(Not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but if not, I can move it.)
I bet
I haven’t been on here much lately, as I’ve been debating whether or not to share this news with the B2W community, but I’m absolutely bursting to tell someone about it, so here it is - I finally ended my years-long bbc-celibacy. Meaning, I broke my marriage vows and got gloriously fucked by a bbc. Feeling a little guilty now, but still, I don’t regret my decision one bit. It was wonderful!

I won’t go into the details here, but suffice it to say that all the stars alligned and the perfect opportunity arose, under the ideal circumstances, and I just couldn’t resist. I gave into my urges. Note, this does not mean that I’m back in the lifestyle and ”open for business “. It just means that a perfect opportunity arose and I enjoyed it thoroughly! Hahaha.

(Not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but if not, I can move it.)
Glad you got to cut loose and have some fun!!