Having read that Donald Trump thread

nanci whiteboy said:
gidee-yup thar gopher! Yee Haw!

Actually, it's a pretty accurate image. He'll like it.

subster hubster, the internet warrior -- charging into cyber battle on his galumphing gopher -- slinging feverishly copied links of death at his enemies -- and waving his gopher-boy hat like Slim Pickens riding the bomb down.
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gidee-yup thar gopher! Yee Haw!

Actually, it's a pretty accurate image. He'll like it.

subster hubster, the internet warrior -- charging into cyber battle on his galumphing gopher -- slinging feverishly copied links of death at his enemies -- and waving his gopher-boy hat like Slim Pickens riding the bomb down.
Preface: I'm jumping in here, but not to defend Mac's position. I am quite sure he can handle that himself. These are my own concerns.

Near half of the US population, who are right leaning, don’t agree with abortion and don’t agree with paying for the consequences of the woman/couple’s poor choices.

In that Mac and I arrived at an acceptable compromise, this then represents the hard Right's intransigence. The Right cannot negotiate into this position -- it can only be realized by political ******* -- and the exact same is true of the Left's unlimited abortion.

I gave you a solution- Accountability.

To be clear, women are the provisioners of sex. Make it clear society won’t let them escape accountability nor give them an out at the cost of taxpayers (social services) and I bet abortions go down by 95%

And the mayhem committed by highly at-risk youth will render poverty stricken communities into near war-zones. It has been demonstrated beyond any doubt that Accountability does not work. Look literally anywhere in the world where at-risk populations, lacking social investment, result in dangerous, failed systems, joblessness and despair.

And don’t be dumb and try the false strawman- what about *******, mom’s health and ******* victims. I am addressing the convenience abortion that make up about 97% to 99% of all abortions.

The argument that ******* and childhood ******* (the Biden effect) can be treated differently due the heinousness of the acts, is a complete failure in arguing for limiting abortions. We cannot devalue the ******* pregnancy as undesirable and then tell Polly Poli-Sci Major that she may not abort her drunken hookup. It's either a Life or it is not.

The same trap catches the pro-abortion Left. They cannot righteously demand maternal and baby social investment, while leaving a third-trimester aborted baby to die on a stainless table.

By this I mean, the Pro Life/Abortion debate CANNOT be conducted on moral grounds. There is NO moral middle. We are ALL hypocrites. The only compromise possible comes from pragmatic political deal-making. As driven by the desire to reduce polarization and have functional government.
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the first line of the thread...….and yet the trumptards jump right in telling you what is ……..

Having read that Donald Trump thread I've updated my profile, starting off by saying in bold:

DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. If we are already chatting and you support him and I never knew, please block "ignore" me by using the ignore button because I don't want to have anything to do with you going forward.

Getting laid isn't everything, and if you ask me it's not worth getting involved with anyone who would support someone as vile as Trump, not that I support the Democrats and whoever their current flavor of the day is either. Some things call for taking a firm stand, letting people know what you are about. If they don't like it, fine. They can go their merry way.

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guess a simple statement like that went way over their head.....so instead they have to show their ass.....which explains why most do not like trump supporters...….see anything on these 5 pages where they had an intelligent conversation about anything!
My attitude, regarding Trump, is pretty much along your line, however, I suggest WE ALL make efforts to un-polarize the parties and try to reach some middle ground so the country can actually "function" again. The only ones benefiting from today's political climate are our adversaries who choose to intensify the conflict we're having. We must realize that much of what's going on today is due to outside influences encouraging it.
So, we talk about "middle ground" ... here's an example of what I see is middle ground regarding the issue of Right To Life, a topic that draws the religious right to Trump like a magnet, for example.
• trying to overturn Roe vs Wade, but neglecting the support poor children need to survive in the US ... food, healthcare, etc. I see what they really stand for as "Right To Birth" and no more, which is a ridiculous position to represent. Either one is totally for the entire Right To Life or they are NOT. And taking the position that no one asked the woman to get pregnant is NOT the response, as the children concieved of these pregnancies had nothing to do with the conception ... we're talking about the LIFE, not just the BIRTH.​
That, to me, is MIDDLE GROUND ... get IN for it ALL or get OUT of the discussion. I'm amazed at how the religious right can feel comfortable taking a partial stance on such a traumatic issue.
We can do that for EVERYTHING we have issues about ... if we'll TRY. So, B Brown, don't give up on the righties, some actually have that desire to come to the middle, even if they are supporting Trump. Think about it, its ALL they have other than supporting extreme Lefties.

I like it...except I noticed you couldn't let it pass without throwing a couple of jabs to the right! LOL!
You and I know that there isn't a politician alive that wants to solve these "big ticket" issues. They are political leverage they can use every time an election comes around.
BUT - If we would all stop participating and fight our way out of that trick bag... I think we could all use some safe middle ground, right now.
the first line of the thread...….and yet the trumptards jump right in telling you what is ……..

Having read that Donald Trump thread I've updated my profile, starting off by saying in bold:

DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. If we are already chatting and you support him and I never knew, please block "ignore" me by using the ignore button because I don't want to have anything to do with you going forward.

Getting laid isn't everything, and if you ask me it's not worth getting involved with anyone who would support someone as vile as Trump, not that I support the Democrats and whoever their current flavor of the day is either. Some things call for taking a firm stand, letting people know what you are about. If they don't like it, fine. They can go their merry way.

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guess a simple statement like that went way over their head.....so instead they have to show their ass.....which explains why most do not like trump supporters...….see anything on these 5 pages where they had an intelligent conversation about anything!

Quit crying and calling people names, Ad hominem! LOL!
I think we could all use some safe middle ground, right now

we could...….but there isn't any...….......(actually Gingrich and his contract with America started it)…...….it was going downhill BEFORE trump...……..he went ahead and kicked it off the cliff....take something drastic to wake people up and get back to taking care of the country instead of the party
I disliked George Bush but I didn't hate him.
That's because George W wasn't REALLY the President, Dick Chaney was! He was the one who would inform the President of what he NEEDED TO KNOW, remember? He started the Iraq was with WMD's, not George. Yes, I hated Chaney, and still do. I never thought, however, I could ever dislike anyone in politics as much, until Orange Man came along. Now, it isn't even close ... hands DOWN ... its Orange Man.
That's because George W wasn't REALLY the President, Dick Chaney was! He was the one who would inform the President of what he NEEDED TO KNOW, remember? He started the Iraq was with WMD's, not George.
That Chaney (sic) sure was a clever SOB. Amazing how he brought in Doctor Who to take him back to December 1998 in order to convince ole Bubba Blow Jobs From Interns Clinton to bomb Iraq over their WMDs before George even ran for president. And here I thought all along that Clinton was just starting his little war to distract from his impending impeachment for perjury.

here I thought all along that Clinton was just starting his little war to distract from his impending impeachment for perjury.
Amazing, isn't it when a perjury charge is a more powerful impeachment incentive than fraternizing with the enemy, sharing highly classified info with the enemy, taking sides with the enemy against his own intelligents info, obstruction justice, etc. Only reason the Orange man didn't have a perjury charge as well, is because he wouldn't allow himself to testify under oath. It wasn't like he didn't want to ... his lawyers just a bit "smarter" than the Orange Man, though, as they knew what a chronic liar he is.
As far as the WMDs, Clinton was referencing chemical weapons, which did exist and were being used on the citizens of Iraq. Not one word reference to nuclear weapons, however. BUT, Old Georgie Boy was much more expansive in his definition of WMD. Recall his 9-14, 2020 radio announcement that Iraq "now had scientists & infrastructure for a nuclear weapons program, was seeking enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, and if allowed to progress, would HAVE nuclear weapons within the year" ... unquote. You recall that, right? And who do you suppose provided him that false information? Come on now ... starts with C and ends in Y ... and lets not forget Donald Rumsfeld's part in all that. He and Cheney were "butthole buddies" ... remember? Wonder what's happened to those guys ... haven't heard from them in a few years. I know they took Tony Blair down with Bush on all the WMD bullshit. Gotta love those lying Republicans. If there's no evidence, no problem, just manufacture a big LIE, then tell everyone "Trust ME!" ... right?
Give me a break!
As far as the WMDs, Clinton was referencing chemical weapons, which did exist and were being used on the citizens of Iraq. Not one word reference to nuclear weapons
Jesus fucking christ Mac....I guess I should forgive you.....ole Bubba Clinton didn't mention nuclear until......wayyyy into the THIRD SENTENCE of the speech. That's clearly too far in for you to still be paying attention.

Bubba actually mentioned nuclear before he mentioned chemical... "Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors."

And he mentioned them again...."Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons."

And again....."Iraq would be free to retain and begin to rebuild its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs in months, not years."

Transcript from your buddies at the Clinton News Network...

Recall his 9-14, 2020 radio announcement that Iraq "now had scientists & infrastructure for a nuclear weapons program, was seeking enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, and if allowed to progress, would HAVE nuclear weapons within the year"
Well, no....I admit I have trouble recalling things that won't happen until 7 months from now. Thanks for the heads up... Will be sure to tune in....
Were you riding in the Tardis with Cheney when you heard this????
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Jesus fucking christ Mac....I guess I should forgive you.....ole Bubba Clinton didn't mention nuclear until......wayyyy into the THIRD SENTENCE of the speech. That's clearly too far in for you to still be paying attention.

Bubba actually mentioned nuclear before he mentioned chemical... "Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors."

And he mentioned them again...."Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons."

And again....."Iraq would be free to retain and begin to rebuild its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs in months, not years."

Transcript from your buddies at the Clinton News Network...

Well, no....I admit I have trouble recalling things that won't happen until 7 months from now. Thanks for the heads up... Will be sure to tune in....
Were you riding in the Tardis with Cheney when you heard this????

nukes never came into mention......it was always the gas...…….Powell went in front of the UN and convinced the world that our republican party was not to be trusted...….see powell having anything more to do with the right......once a highly respected general
I admit I have trouble recalling things that won't happen until 7 months from now.
See, this is exactly WHY you're a waste to have any conversation with. YOU KNOW the year, so I accidentally typed in an extra "2" big fucking deal ... at least to YOU it is. Such an insignificant error compared to the rest of the post ... again, when you gonna start checking my spelling, fool?
You know I can't resist ....
..................................................... yellowball-holdingFuckOffsign.jpg

PS ... have you found a job yet? They say there are plenty of unfilled jobs out there now, even for washed up old guys like you. Don't give up!
See, this is exactly WHY you're a waste to have any conversation with. YOU KNOW the year, so I accidentally typed in an extra "2" big fucking deal ... at least to YOU it is. Such an insignificant error compared to the rest of the post ... again, when you gonna start checking my spelling, fool?
You know I can't resist ....
..................................................... View attachment 3173524

PS ... have you found a job yet? They say there are plenty of unfilled jobs out there now, even for washed up old guys like you. Don't give up!
And your post is a prime example of you doing exactly what you so often whine about others doing. You're picking on a minor point made at the end of my post while ignoring the 3/4 of my post which focused on yet another documented lie from you.

I actually stuck that joke about your date blunder at the end just knowing you'd likely comment on that and ignore the substance of my post....i.e. your BullShit claim that in Clinton's speech:
Clinton was referencing chemical weapons, which did exist and were being used on the citizens of Iraq. Not one word reference to nuclear weapons
....when in fact Bubba actually speaks of Iraq's nuclear weapon program BEFORE he talked about chemical weapons and went on to mention nuclear weapons multiple additional times in the speech.

Good ole double standards MacnLies sure didn't let me down! You didn't want to address the fact you obviously didn't even attempt to listen to what Bubba said. Instead you just pulled a BS claim out of your ass and threw it out as if it were true.

Of course there's plenty of your fellow BubbleHeads on here that will lap your lie up and believe it.....despite the fact they could listen to Clinton say nuclear himself in just the 3rd sentence of the speech.
Bubbleheads support bubbleheads no matter what - they’ll soon fall in line and say Bernie is the best thing since sliced bread : |

kind of like the bubbleheads did with trump?

major difference....Dems have facts and listen to the news...……..and...…..don't live in a cult cave....awaiting the next glass of kool Aid.....or prerecorded message to answer any talking points that might arise...…….kind of like comparing humans...…..to zombies.....but then with trump not only being a fucking crook...….is also a blooming fucking idiot...….notice his orange color...….so naturally he would draw like minded individuals