Having read that Donald Trump thread

Any party that can get behind Bernie the Bolshevik has not an f’n thing to say :LOL:

more of that double standard again

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | Time
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia. People walk past a mural on a restaurant wall depicting U.S. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin greeting ...
nd your post is a prime example of you doing exactly what you so often whine about others doing. You're picking on a minor point made at the end of my post while ignoring the 3/4 of my post which focused on yet another documented lie from you.
You really ARE a lonely guy, aren't ya? Please, again, bother someone else, I haven't the time for the back & forth you so desire to fill your empty day of boredom & loneliness.
I don't call names......anymore than the others...….but I just call them like I see them...as for crying.....be a cold day in hell!......the worm ALWAYS makes a turn!
Okay, whimpering. But, anyway, do you see the hypocrisy of justifying your name calling, because others are doing it? I don't know if you had any children, but that's how they roll. But mine did it when they were 5. I laugh every time I see a politician use President Donald Trump as an excuse to act stupid. If all it takes is one person to get you to act like that, you were never being authentic in the first place.
Okay, whimpering. But, anyway, do you see the hypocrisy of justifying your name calling, because others are doing it? I don't know if you had any children, but that's how they roll. But mine did it when they were 5. I laugh every time I see a politician use President Donald Trump as an excuse to act stupid. If all it takes is one person to get you to act like that, you were never being authentic in the first place.

again....I don't name call....I just describe what I see.....and there are some on here that.....just plain don't have a lick of sense....only what they have been programmed to think and say......kind of like inbreeding?....only for republicans....after a while you are not getting the pick of the litter

and you may not have noticed......but on this board I am....sometimes....the only Democrat on here.....with a bunch of rednecked fools......one has a tendency to get just a little "testy"....and get the first thing that comes to mind....but hell I haven't said "*******" in a while

btw...haven't seen you on D*** W***** in a while
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We certainly aren't protesting and sign waving when they're buying their ******* a new pair of tits at 16, or paying for their mistress's abortion, or paying hush money to their porn stars.

Also, fuck the middle ground non-sense. There is no middle ground with Fascists, and a party that has literally resurrected Nazis on American soil. There is no "extreme left in America". The policies that Progressives want to enact are basic rights in every other industrialize nation. Progressive politicians like Sanders, Warren, AOC, etc. on any objective political spectrum are BARELY left of Center.

"Can we please not die because we cant afford medical care" isn't radical. Radical leftism would be calling for a culling of the 1%, kicking in their doors, hanging them on the lawn of their mansions like laundry, and redistribution of their wealth. Literally, nobody is calling for that.

You guys know what is radical? $300 inhalers. Going bankrupt and dying because you can't afford insulin, despite its creator giving the patent away because "insulin belongs to everyone". Tax breaks for the rich, because trickle down was a massive failure 40 years who but repulicans keep chugging along with that bullshit. Bailouts for Billionaires. Golden parachutes. It's all radically corrupt. You know what else is radical, claiming you "love and support the troops" sending them to die in droves, and then when they come back handicapped, insane, and crippled turning your back on them, refusing to look at them as you pass them on the sidewalk, then putting spikes places they might sleep because they're homeless, and you dont want them setting up camp outside of where you have to walk by.

I proudly have on my own bio, a message letting 45ers know they can fuck off. I'm not at all sorry.

As for the men here discussing abortion rights, how about this... if you dont have a uterus or ovaries, left or right, it's none of your business. AT ALL. Like, Never Ever. Then when the convo comes up, you can be like, "Well, I dont have an opinion on women's health because I'm not a woman. I dont have ovaries, or a uterus, so basically when this topic comes up, I have no opinion, because it's not my place.
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Okay, whimpering. But, anyway, do you see the hypocrisy of justifying your name calling, because others are doing it? I don't know if you had any children, but that's how they roll. But mine did it when they were 5. I laugh every time I see a politician use President Donald Trump as an excuse to act stupid. If all it takes is one person to get you to act like that, you were never being authentic in the first place.

would this fall into some kind of lecture category?...call them like I see them....as for trump....you are right....king of insults and pretty much opened the door for it....it's the norm now!

We certainly aren't protesting and sign waving when they're buying their ******* a new pair of tits at 16, or paying for their mistress's abortion, or paying hush money to their porn stars.

Also, fuck the middle ground non-sense. There is no middle ground with Fascists, and a party that has literally resurrected Nazis on American soil. There is no "extreme left in America". The policies that Progressives want to enact are basic rights in every other industrialize nation. Progressive politicians like Sanders, Warren, AOC, etc. on any objective political spectrum are BARELY left of Center.

"Can we please not die because we cant afford medical care" isn't radical. Radical leftism would be calling for a culling of the 1%, kicking in their doors, hanging them on the lawn of their mansions like laundry, and redistribution of their wealth. Literally, nobody is calling for that.

You guys know what is radical? $300 inhalers. Going bankrupt and dying because you can't afford insulin, despite its creator giving the patent away because "insulin belongs to everyone". Tax breaks for the rich, because trickle down was a massive failure 40 years who but repulicans keep chugging along with that bullshit. Bailouts for Billionaires. Golden parachutes. It's all radically corrupt. You know what else is radical, claiming you "love and support the troops" sending them to die in droves, and then when they come back handicapped, insane, and crippled turning your back on them, refusing to look at them as you pass them on the sidewalk, then putting spikes places they might sleep because they're homeless, and you dont want them setting up camp outside of where you have to walk by.

I proudly have on my own bio, a message letting 45ers know they can fuck off. I'm not at all sorry.

As for the men here discussing abortion rights, how about this... if you dont have a uterus or ovaries, left or right, it's none of your business. AT ALL. Like, Never Ever. Then when the convo comes up, you can be like, "Well, I dont have an opinion on women's health because I'm not a woman. I dont have ovaries, or a uterus, so basically when this topic comes up, I have no opinion, because it's not my place.

“As for the men here discussing abortion rights, how about this... if you dont have a uterus or ovaries, left or right, it's none of your business. AT ALL.”

No. Just no

Your reproductive organs don’t give you the right to make health or taxation policy for the rest of us. Your sexual organs don’t make you a better leader, a smarter leader, or a moral person.

Frankly, this is one of the dumbest arguments abortionist make. No single argument, on this topic, screams louder, “I am a spoiled baby so just give me what I want and pay for it.”

Really half the country does not have a say on public “health” policy, tax policy and whether you get to ******* a baby?

You said, “Also, fuck the middle ground non-sense. There is no middle ground with Fascists,”

You do realize Fascists and Nazis were and are Socialist/ Collectivist Statist right? What you are arguing is exactly what Hitler and Stalin argued. In fact, every genocidal tyrannical government in history has made these exact promises and arguments.

As far as: “You guys know what is radical? $300 inhalers. Going bankrupt and dying because you can't afford insulin”

This is a direct result of what you are arguing for. Government started regulating and controlling healthcare in the late 30s. Some studies show up to 60% of healthcare cost is due to government regulations. The average person pays in less then 20% of what they use in Medicare.

And no You don't have a right to medical care. You DO NOT have the right to ******* doctors to work for you or work for what price you want. That is slavery.
“As for the men here discussing abortion rights, how about this... if you dont have a uterus or ovaries, left or right, it's none of your business. AT ALL.”

No. Just no

Your reproductive organs don’t give you the right to make health or taxation policy for the rest of us. Your sexual organs don’t make you a better leader, a smarter leader, or a moral person.

Frankly, this is one of the dumbest arguments abortionist make. No single argument, on this topic, screams louder, “I am a spoiled baby so just give me what I want and pay for it.”

Really half the country does not have a say on public “health” policy, tax policy and whether you get to ******* a baby?

You said, “Also, fuck the middle ground non-sense. There is no middle ground with Fascists,”

You do realize Fascists and Nazis were and are Socialist/ Collectivist Statist right? What you are arguing is exactly what Hitler and Stalin argued. In fact, every genocidal tyrannical government in history has made these exact promises and arguments.

As far as: “You guys know what is radical? $300 inhalers. Going bankrupt and dying because you can't afford insulin”

This is a direct result of what you are arguing for. Government started regulating and controlling healthcare in the late 30s. Some studies show up to 60% of healthcare cost is due to government regulations. The average person pays in less then 20% of what they use in Medicare.

And no You don't have a right to medical care. You DO NOT have the right to ******* doctors to work for you or work for what price you want. That is slavery.


In short, fuck you.
“As for the men here discussing abortion rights, how about this... if you dont have a uterus or ovaries, left or right, it's none of your business. AT ALL.”
I can absolutely agree with this statement, cpl2010 ... except the Republicans can not. I assure you, if you left the decision of Roe vs Wade on the table of the women of the US ... the majority would side with a woman's right to choose. If you look at the panels currently discussing and deciding on this issue, however, you might find 5% of the panel female. Now why would you think that is the case? Could it be because Republicans know that women want the Right To Choose? Its a no-win situation if they have half females and half males on the panel.
You do realize Republicans make up about 1/3 of the population of the US. And right leaning people make up about half of the US Population. And all of those people have say.

MacNfries- If you believe your support of Abortion is so wide spread why are you so afraid of over turning Roe V Wade? Because you know over half the country does not support it or supports it after only a few weeks. That includes both Men and Women. You know, or you should know, the case law is wrong and was a liberal court jumping over it’s Constitutional authority. And if you are up on current event you should also know the case plaintiff was a fraud. The case predication is all made up by her.

If you are so confident in the support for abortion, why do you guys fight transparency around abortion? Why did you all fight so hard, using liberal judges, to prevent the legislation that requires women, wanting to ******* their babies, to watch a video or read a document showing the abortion before they can ******* the baby? I bet if high school ******* saw the procedure abortion support would drop to almost zero.

You support excluding male taxpayers because most abortionist know men will NOT support taxpayer funded baby killing and overly entitled women from escaping accountability for their behaviors. But strange how strong independent women and a billion dollar "charity" need taxpayers to cover the cost of their bad behavior or poor decisions.

It is telling how hard you all fight to place legal stops to prevent the “fathers” from having the right to not have to financially support the women if she decides not to ******* the baby. If the woman has the right to choose if the baby lives or dies and the ******* has no say, shouldn’t he have the right not to pay for the support?
Having read that Donald Trump thread I've updated my profile, starting off by saying in bold:

DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. If we are already chatting and you support him and I never knew, please block "ignore" me by using the ignore button because I don't want to have anything to do with you going forward.

Getting laid isn't everything, and if you ask me it's not worth getting involved with anyone who would support someone as vile as Trump, not that I support the Democrats and whoever their current flavor of the day is either. Some things call for taking a firm stand, letting people know what you are about. If they don't like it, fine. They can go their merry way.
i so agree with you, if you support Trump, that tells me we have nothing in common but fucking and even then i am suspect there. some people are willing to sell out for some pussy, that just goes to show you how little they think of themselves.
Let everyone know how you feel!!!

Your TDS - is truly - HUMONGOUS !!!!! :|

It's funny, isn't it? I don't bother trying to converse with people suffering from TDS anymore. The part of their brain that recognizes hypocrisy and concepts such as cause and effect are missing, they don't know what they don't know. I think something goes awry in their brain development and maturity and it never gets to the part where you transition from baby to adult.

Here's a good example. The San Diego fires from a few years ago.

Conservatives: Let's let the lumber companies in to manage the forests and remove the dead brush and dead trees and cut down the old trees while planting new ones. This will keep the forest lands around San Diego managed, safe, and healthy.

Liberals: Oh no! Keep the big corporate lumber polluters away from the precious forests and don't let them cut down majestic trees and ******* the little animals that depend on them and live there. Don't harm mom Nature !

The liberals had the votes in California to have their policies encated into law. The result? Massive wild fires that completely destroyed the forests, people's houses, and people lost their lives. Billions of dollars lost and hundreds of thousands of animals burned to a crisp while fleeing for their lives. Scorched land as far as the eye can see.

Did the liberals change their policy? No. Did they change their way of thinking? No. Did the concept of cause and effect occur to them? No. Are they still using the same policy that caused such horrific devastation? Yes, they sure are. Will this lead to more fires and destruction in the future? Yes, it most certainly will.

Yet you can show them the effect of their policies and laws and lay it out plainly in front of them and they still will not change their minds. They have a mental defect that prevents them from separating the 'feel good' feeling they have when making a decision to the outcome of the decision. As long as they feel that it's the right thing to do - the right decision - they will keep making that same decision. Even though that decision leads to utter destruction and death. That's just one example, a small one in comparison when you consider the failed welfare programs, failed immigration policies, etc. The outcome absolutely does not matter to a liberal, only their feelings when making decisions.

It's pointless to debate them or discuss things with them. It's impossible for them to comprehend why many of their decisions and opinions are wrong.

Only long-term, real-world experience changes someone from liberal to conservative. Only the constant barrage of reality over a period of many years changes a few of them. That's why conservatives tend to be older and more experienced and liberals are usually college ******* with no practical experience.
For you Trumpies ....