Car sex

Wife’s bull is to tall for car sex so he text me this pic after he had her strip down and finger herself for him and his friends in front of a club. A few minutes later I get a FaceTime request from him and see her completely naked on the ally street while they took turns spit roasting her next to the dumpster
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When we were in the USA we hired a mobile van , on one occasion we gave a musician a ride , middle aged hippy black man with a guitar, he sat in the back playing his guitar, Kim went and joined him as she was enjoying the music , the next time I looked back kim was using the guitar with him behind her instructing , his hands were everywhere each time I looked back they were so into each other , knowing she loved black cock I let her enjoy herself, final look was him naked with Kim sucking his huge cock .
Has any woman ever had sex with a BBC bull( while hubby/ BF) in the backseat while hubby/ BF is driving or parked somewhere? How was the experience?
Yes and loved it. Car sex is one of my favorite things that I have always loved. If I am not driving I feel like someone should be playing with me or likewise.

We had a black man come and stay with us for a few days. We went out to the forest where there was a great swimming spot and some small cliff jumping as well. On the way back our company asked me to sit with him in the back seat as hubby drove back to town. Soon his hands where between my legs and working me in all the right ways. Town was coming up way too quickly so found a fun little side rode and parked and my husband went out for a hike as we enjoyed ourselves.