Would you let your black bull cum inside you?

That's not unusual. Often the mom will not know which of several black men is the *******. When several sets of sperm mingle in a pussy, it's just plain luck which one might fertilize an egg.

That is such a difficult decision for a woman. It's a shame that even in the 21st century, so many people have negative attitudes toward white women who have black babies. We should encourage and support them instead.
This was quite some time ago,not now.
The world was a much different place then, to be seen out with a black guy alone , People did not see it in the same way as they do now.
My wife in those days liked to go to the pub after a sex session with Her gang of lovers, She always got a thrill being seen with a gang of guys in public that were obviously having sex with Her.
She always loved the thrill of being an exhibitionist
This was quite some time ago,not now.
The world was a much different place then, to be seen out with a black guy alone , People did not see it in the same way as they do now.
My wife in those days liked to go to the pub after a sex session with Her gang of lovers, She always got a thrill being seen with a gang of guys in public that were obviously having sex with Her.
She always loved the thrill of being an exhibitionist
No back in the day the women hid their desires, or screamed ******* if they got caught. The scream would be to cover up their desires.
My wife is the slave of a MASTER who always fucks her without a condom and is ordered by HIM that, when other Men fuck her, she has to accept being fucked without a condom if They decided that, without any question. She has confessed to me that it makes her feel like a «dirty and worthless whore» (her words), but at the same time it increase her love for her Master more and more.
No back in the day the women hid their desires.
Often those desires were fulfilled in lovely homes in respectable white neighborhoods. Perhaps a black employee or some other black male would have his way with the respected white wife, treating her like a whore for the duration of his visit and leaving her eager for the next time he or another black man would use her.
My wife is the slave of a MASTER who always fucks her without a condom and is ordered by HIM that, when other Men fuck her, she has to accept being fucked without a condom if They decided that, without any question. She has confessed to me that it makes her feel like a «dirty and worthless whore» (her words), but at the same time it increase her love for her Master more and more.
That is the way most of us react. I speak from personal experience as a whore for black men. My lady friends are the same way. We all savor the feeling of black men's semen deep inside us. Being treated like whores and called whores is both shameful and arousing.
Often those desires were fulfilled in lovely homes in respectable white neighborhoods. Perhaps a black employee or some other black male would have his way with the respected white wife, treating her like a whore for the duration of his visit and leaving her eager for the next time he or another black man would use her.
I had this discussion with a friend and he disagreed. I asked him; why did slave owners have slaves living in their home? He had no answer. I told him because they were the compassionate ones who loved us, and desired having us close to them.
I had this discussion with a friend and he disagreed. I asked him; why did slave owners have slaves living in their home? He had no answer. I told him because they were the compassionate ones who loved us, and desired having us close to them.
If they were so compassionate and loving then why did they own people as property?

They're sympathetic slave owners now?
Think about it. Under their roof safe, in the open who knows.
What's to think about? Being held somewhere against your will and consent is considered safe now? What's the difference between being under a slave masters' roof or being out in the open?

Let me guess you consider the "relationship" Thomas Jefferson had with his slave Sally Hemings to be consensual?
Imma say this and I’m done. I’m not here to quote times before my time. It was a matter of opinion. I’m here to enjoy some adult time with others. To have fun and not to be combative about something I can’t go back and change. Being angry or trying to prove a point is useless now. I’m here for some good sex
Imma say this and I’m done. I’m not here to quote times before my time. It was a matter of opinion. I’m here to enjoy some adult time with others. To have fun and not to be combative about something I can’t go back and change. Being angry or trying to prove a point is useless now. I’m here for some good sex
If you don't want people to point out the dumb ******* you're saying, don't say dumb *******.

Nobody here is angry, so I'm not sure why you're trying to characterize me as such. You're a 55 year old man talking about compassionate and loving slave owners. Your ancestors would and are embarrassed by you, probably rolling in their graves now. It's not hard to separate the physical act of sex from the fantasy side of it. Nobody is stopping you from having good sex, but coonery certainly doesn't help (although in your case maybe it does). Spouting absolute dumbshit like this is downright embarrassing. You should be ashamed. White pussy isn't worth spitting on the legacy of all those who have been irrevocably harmed by slavery and racism.

Also, you act like this is some far off distant time that we have no perception, idea, or connection to. Read a book man.