White moms 4 bbc

I'm a white guy and back in the day I was on the prowl for married moms,and grandmothers! Your wife,your mom and your grandmother were not safe around me! The older the better! If you saw a sweet grandmother with a tray of freshly baked cookies, I am already undressing and molesting her in my mind! If there was a way to get into her bloomers! I was going to find it! I absolutely loved taking peoples wives,mothers,and grandmothers,and turning them into my personal sluts! Believe it or not they really love and need a good fucking! I used to love sending them home to their husbands with my cum leaking from their pussies into their granny panties!
Why would anyone not believe that? Having children definitely does not eliminate sexual desire.
Why would anyone not believe that? Having children definitely does not eliminate sexual desire.
I don't know but anybody who does believe that, is missing out on a lot of quality pussy! The best sex I ever had was from a 57 year old woman I used to see,and she was just as good when she was 69 years old,and cancer took her.