White moms 4 bbc

White mom's are the business. I had a date with one and got to her house. Her hubby had been dicking around and was late getting him and the ******* out the door before I got there. They had younger ******* who were super excited that they were going to a movie with their dad because it was a "guy" movie. It was very obvious the hubby had delayed to see me or to try and get her to change her mind. He was cordial but not trying to leave. She eventually took him to the kitchen and he came back out and left with one more guilt jab. He was barely out the door before she had me straddled on the couch that I had just been talking to their ******* on. I laughed and asked if she wasn't worried that he might have forgotten something.... She chuckled and said that's what their conversation in the kitchen was about... That it was going to happen... And that if he didn't hurry up and leave she would make sure for his next guys night I would be the first guy she invited and his friends would damn sure know what was happening. Moms are the *******!
Damn...she's without mercy. Defintely, a HW you want to maintain a long-term connexxxion with but, I hope you can also, improve relations with the husband...seriously better relations with the husband make the KINK with the wife that much hotter.
Its intriguing / terrifying to know men are on the prowl for married moms
I'm a white guy and back in the day I was on the prowl for married moms,and grandmothers! Your wife,your mom and your grandmother were not safe around me! The older the better! If you saw a sweet grandmother with a tray of freshly baked cookies, I am already undressing and molesting her in my mind! If there was a way to get into her bloomers! I was going to find it! I absolutely loved taking peoples wives,mothers,and grandmothers,and turning them into my personal sluts! Believe it or not they really love and need a good fucking! I used to love sending them home to their husbands with my cum leaking from their pussies into their granny panties!