Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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but yet you want to tout the drop in unemployment numbers. the problem i have with Trump supporters is when its bad its all Obama, but when its good its all Trump. Fist understand this, Trump had a very small impact in the low unemployment numbers before his screw up in handling the Covid-19 and even then he blamed Obama. Trump is exactly what others knew him to be a conman and frankly i dont know how his supporters cant see it.
Ok Mr. English....why don't you "Fist" show us where I said Trump had anything to do positive or negative with the unemployment numbers just released.

Oh that's right...you prefer strawman arguments...sure is easier when you can put the word in your debate opponent's mouth isn't it????
No, YOU claimed:

The text of the bill is here:
Now show us specifically where those "goodies for the right" are in THAT bill or admit you're full of BS....as everyone engaging more than 2 neurons can already see

you refuse to admit you have no idea what you are talking about....you made a crazy statement and I corrected it.....don't blame me for lack of comprehension...how many times do I have to say it and post it

as usual....you are wrong....tried to post some partial facts that favored the right....got called out on your mistakes....and now you want to make an issue of your slow comprehension.....odd that seems typical of the right......and same with your post....little snipettes of the truth....I would tell you to go back and read my post ...you might learn something....but I think you have your self convinced of what happened......and reality doesn't fit......and I will bet in your fantasy world Elmer Fudd catches that darn rabbit….
you refuse to admit you have no idea what you are talking about....you made a crazy statement and I corrected it.....don't blame me for lack of comprehension...how many times do I have to say it and post it

as usual....you are wrong....tried to post some partial facts that favored the right....got called out on your mistakes....and now you want to make an issue of your slow comprehension.....odd that seems typical of the right......and same with your post....little snipettes of the truth....I would tell you to go back and read my post ...you might learn something....but I think you have your self convinced of what happened......and reality doesn't fit......and I will bet in your fantasy world Elmer Fudd catches that darn rabbit….
Lots of deny, deflect and denigrate from you... funny, still nothing from you to show us where those "goodies for the right" are in this bill as YOU claimed:
that particular bill was loaded with all kinds of goodies for the right
Lots of deny, deflect and denigrate from you... funny, still nothing from you to show us where those "goodies for the right" are in this bill as YOU claimed:

typical denial of facts from you and the usual republican version of the facts...as usual you are wrong...and yet want to go on forever

the last sentence about sums it up.....the heritage foundation.....no dem will go with any of that

now one last time because I know you are dense when it comes to understanding anything you don't want to....but things are drawn up by a conservative party to favor things for that party...….and they want to make cuts with no way of paying for them....they want to increase the deficit ...something the right continually does.....the left will not support it...and you couldn't even get 100% support from your party.....the first link above shows how fucked up it was......get one of the grandkids to read it to you

I have provided more than enough to show how fucked up your bill is and you are...take it from there...you have the understanding of blklump and the knowledge of hottobe….you are in sad shape!
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typical denial of facts from you and the usual republican version of the facts...as usual you are wrong...and yet want to go on forever

the last sentence about sums it up.....the heritage foundation.....no dem will go with any of that
You're recycling your deflections now huh? Why can't you show us where those "goodies for the right" are in this bill? Not deflecting to mindless copy & pastes....show us where in the text of this bill are those goodies:

Since you're unable to back up that claim with any specific goodies....one with any neurons out of neutral would tend to think you just made that up.
You're recycling your deflections now huh? Why can't you show us where those "goodies for the right" are in this bill? Not deflecting to mindless copy & pastes....show us where in the text of this bill are those goodies:

Since you're unable to back up that claim with any specific goodies....one with any neurons out of neutral would tend to think you just made that up.

I did back it up....just your inability to read and lack of comprehension is the problem

and now you want to deflect to copy and paste....the answers to your copy and paste article....you really are mind fucked....get a life

you are just trying to impress the village idiots....that is easy to do...full sentences is a big deal to them....but the rest of us know the facts and can see you for what you are...a bullshitter caught trying to pedal your wares
I did back it up....just your inability to read and lack of comprehension is the problem

and now you want to deflect to copy and paste....the answers to your copy and paste article....you really are mind fucked....get a life
No you didn't, you mindlessly copy & pasted something to make the bubbleheads bobble. Now show us in THAT bill where there are any "goodies for the right" as YOU claimed

The whole bill is only TWO pages....surely you can read and comprehend it can't you? Each line is numbered...what line number(s) have those "goodies for the right"

you are a phoney refusing to admit you got caught trying to push bullshit....and want to keep trying to push your lies.....no one buying except a few of mindless drones on here
you are a phoney refusing to admit you got caught trying to push bullshit....and want to keep trying to push your lies.....no one buying except a few of mindless drones on here
come on now subby....here's the entire text of the bill....show us where those "goodies for the right" you claimed are:

1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives
2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two
3 thirds of each House concurring therein), That the follow
4 ing article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitu
5 tion of the United States:
7 ‘‘SECTION 1. No person who has been elected for a
8 full term to the Senate two times shall be eligible for elec-
1 tion or appointment to the Senate. No person who has
2 been elected for a full term to the House of Representa
3 tives six times shall be eligible for election to the House
4 of Representatives.
5 ‘‘SECTION 2. No person who has served as a Senator
6 for more than three years of a term to which some other
7 person was elected shall subsequently be eligible for elec
8 tion to the Senate more than once. No person who has
9 served as a Representative for more than one year shall
10 subsequently be eligible for election to the House of Rep
11 resentatives more than five times.
12 ‘‘SECTION 3. This article shall be inoperative unless
13 it shall have been ratified by the legislatures of three
14 fourths of the several States within seven years from the
15 date of its submission to the States by the Congress.
16 ‘‘SECTION 4. No election or service occurring before
17 this article becomes operative shall be taken into account
18 when determining eligibility for election under this
19 article.’’.

It's only 27 lines long....shouldn't be hard for you to point out just one of those "goodies for the right" YOU claimed were in there...so show us where, or admit your BullShit lie

more of your stupidity

more of your stupidity

now you're recycling your deflections again....instead of your deflections ad infinitum....answer a simple question: which of those 27 lines contains a single "goodies for the right"? Note an actual answer should be quite easy for you IF your claim were correct. An actual answer would be a page and line number....not more copy & paste links or regurgitated BS posts.

I still think its the silent conspiracy plan of the Republican party to ******* the nation to cut entitlements by running up DEBT.
They've already started cutting budget to the public school systems and wanting to install a voucher program for private schools. Here in NC they robbed the NC State Educational Lottery of 25% of its money earmarked for public schools to help fund their voucher program here. The inner city poor get nothing from this other than their inner public schools getting poorer as well.
Contemplate all of these words of wisdom for awhile. By the way if someone breaks into your home or business, where I come from they support the second amendment, the rioters were criminals, justice belongs to those citizens being robbed assaulted and even killed have the right to defend themselves and their property.

I am stunned at the total failure of the Mayor, Governor, or any State Senator, or Congress representative, from NY say anything about these deplorable acts of violence and rioting.The silence of the Socialist Democratic Party is appalling. Meanwhile, the Corrupt, and phony and worse man ever elected President, The Obama (the bobble head) speaks of Trump failing, He and his collection of thieves, liars, and the largest group of Ignorant morons ever assembled by an Admiration did nothing but cheer on Racial strife and class warfare, destroy American health care, destroy jobs, Lower the Education system in Public schools, make a mockery of the Criminal Justice system, Corrupt the FBI, CIA, IRS, Blow up the Middle East, clear the way in Libya, by removing Gaddafi and helping Isis take hold. He left office leaving the world ablaze, the Economy floundering, China ******* America. and North Korea shooting and developing long range missiles. It sickens me to even see the weasel rear his ugly head, He contributes Nothing to any Conversation. He is so devoid of any thought, He is and was part of the problem, and He will NEVER be part of the Solution to me he is America's Biggest Embarrassment. I know many black men who are far more Intelligent, and honest than the Fool Obama. He should hold up in his house, and stay there with his useless crack whore his wife. They are both worthless and disgusting.
I am just sick of all the Media and Democrat Liars spilling there nonsense hourly None of them condemn the violence, or have a single word of a solution as a group there all worthless.
actually instead of defunding the police, I'd suggest INCREASING their budgets.

We need to attract good people to the police ******* with good salaries.

After that, I'd implement clawback provisions up to five years for entire police departments, to be borne by the police officers. Apart from the first $30k in salary, bonuses and overtime pay, everything else can be clawed back if there is a court judgment against one of the officers.

If someone gets killed and the police are deemed liable, it's not just one guy going to jail. The ENTIRE department has to pay. So instead of Ferguson or some town being ****** to pay $5 million damages for wrongful death, it is the Ferguson Police Department that has to cough up the funds.

This kind of collective punishment will be very effective at breaking the blue wall of silence. People will testify and report wrongdoing by their colleagues early on, and entire departments will quickly out and fire their most ******* officers whose actions threaten their livelihood.
The problem, as with all local forms of government, that's a direct tax liability for the tax payers, in particular the property owners.
How about this? Each cop is licensed like other professionals, with that license, they have to carry liability insurance. So many infractions, not accusations, you loose your license or ability to insure yourself, thus your license to practice and you're done.
Cities also need an independent civilian review board with some teeth, to investigates claims of abuse. Having other cops do it, or the prosecutor's office do it (since they need the cooperation of cops to convict criminals), is just counterproductive. I honestly don't think diversity is the answer, as we see, once they put the uniform on, they're blue. In Minnesota the four cops were white, black and Asian.

Just triying to inject some thoughts without it being Democrat/Republican or 'fuck Trump'. That'll be in my next post.
Contemplate all of these words of wisdom for awhile. By the way if someone breaks into your home or business, where I come from they support the second amendment, the rioters were criminals, justice belongs to those citizens being robbed assaulted and even killed have the right to defend themselves and their property.
I am stunned at the total failure of the Mayor, Governor, or any State Senator, or Congress representative, from NY say anything about these deplorable acts of violence and rioting.The silence of the Socialist Democratic Party is appalling. Meanwhile, the Corrupt, and phony and worse man ever elected President, The Obama (the bobble head) speaks of Trump failing, He and his collection of thieves, liars, and the largest group of Ignorant morons ever assembled by an Admiration did nothing but cheer on Racial strife and class warfare, destroy American health care, destroy jobs, Lower the Education system in Public schools, make a mockery of the Criminal Justice system, Corrupt the FBI, CIA, IRS, Blow up the Middle East, clear the way in Libya, by removing Gaddafi and helping Isis take hold. He left office leaving the world ablaze, the Economy floundering, China ******* America. and North Korea shooting and developing long range missiles. It sickens me to even see the weasel rear his ugly head, He contributes Nothing to any Conversation. He is so devoid of any thought, He is and was part of the problem, and He will NEVER be part of the Solution to me he is America's Biggest Embarrassment. I know many black men who are far more Intelligent, and honest than the Fool Obama. He should hold up in his house, and stay there with his useless crack whore his wife. They are both worthless and disgusting.
I am just sick of all the Media and Democrat Liars spilling there nonsense hourly None of them condemn the violence, or have a single word of a solution as a group there all worthless.
Being unapologetically dumbassified as you, is some kind of illness.
EVERY level of DEMOCRAT has CONDEMNED the VIOLENCE and LOOTING. Every single level and Obama. So WTF are you lying about?
All of that other foreign policy issues you listed is too far above your head.
As far as racial strife goes, white guys like you get mad when someone talks about it. You want to go about your life not having to THINK about what other Americans have to deal with. It's so ugly that you attack the person for pointing it out.
Now imagine if you had to live your life as one of those minorities?
Now ask yourself, who the fuck are you to feel you earned more citizenship than other Americans?
Here's your list. Now show me the list of Republicans that are coming out against racial injustice. You won't. Because they, like you, belong to that group in my question above.

Pull your head out of your ass. Stop being a non-thinking toadie.
Ok Mr. English....why don't you "Fist" show us where I said Trump had anything to do positive or negative with the unemployment numbers just released.

Oh that's right...you prefer strawman arguments...sure is easier when you can put the word in your debate opponent's mouth isn't it????
actually instead of defunding the police, I'd suggest INCREASING their budgets.

We need to attract good people to the police ******* with good salaries.

After that, I'd implement clawback provisions up to five years for entire police departments, to be borne by the police officers. Apart from the first $30k in salary, bonuses and overtime pay, everything else can be clawed back if there is a court judgment against one of the officers.

If someone gets killed and the police are deemed liable, it's not just one guy going to jail. The ENTIRE department has to pay. So instead of Ferguson or some town being ****** to pay $5 million damages for wrongful death, it is the Ferguson Police Department that has to cough up the funds.

This kind of collective punishment will be very effective at breaking the blue wall of silence. People will testify and report wrongdoing by their colleagues early on, and entire departments will quickly out and fire their most ******* officers whose actions threaten their livelihood.
you want to pay them more right out of the box, they already make more as a starting salary than many other professionals, including health insurance, its clear paying them more wont solve the problem.
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