Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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but again as you are a little on the dense side when it comes to all the facts...….what all was in the bill that people to include republicans would not support.
I gave you the text of the bill...you're making the claim. You show what was in it not to support.

show what all was in the bill and why most would NOT support it
Poor math skills again huh? MOST did support it. The bill had 227 Yeas and only 204 Nays. Trouble is we need 2/3 majority for a constitutional amendment to pass, and despite 83% support by Republicans, the 81% of the Democrat Party Of NO voting against it blocked term limits....oh so sorry the facts don't support your BS.
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so because some democrats want to defund the police, that means all dems want to defund the police, is that what you saying. that would be like me saying all white people are racist because of the few that are, sounds silly doesn't it, kind of like your statement. as for myself i think their budgets should, be cut. in some cities police budgets take over more than 50% of city revenue, leaving schools woefully underfunded and all this so they can have another personnel carrier, more military style weapons, no i dont think so.
I wouldn't cut budgets, I'd put in place a police watchdog with teeth and ruthlessly cull those officers with dodgy records and behaviour. Sounds like there needs to be greater accountability for police officers. It's a responsible job and from what I hear you have real problems with police corruption over there.
Ah the ole strawman argument again....he never said ALL dems want to defund the police. Certainly is convenient to argue when you put the words in the other person's mouth isn't it?

actually instead of defunding the police, I'd suggest INCREASING their budgets.

We need to attract good people to the police ******* with good salaries.

After that, I'd implement clawback provisions up to five years for entire police departments, to be borne by the police officers. Apart from the first $30k in salary, bonuses and overtime pay, everything else can be clawed back if there is a court judgment against one of the officers.

If someone gets killed and the police are deemed liable, it's not just one guy going to jail. The ENTIRE department has to pay. So instead of Ferguson or some town being ****** to pay $5 million damages for wrongful death, it is the Ferguson Police Department that has to cough up the funds.

This kind of collective punishment will be very effective at breaking the blue wall of silence. People will testify and report wrongdoing by their colleagues early on, and entire departments will quickly out and fire their most ******* officers whose actions threaten their livelihood.
actually instead of defunding the police, I'd suggest INCREASING their budgets.

We need to attract good people to the police ******* with good salaries.
After that, I'd implement clawback provisions up to five years for entire police departments, to be borne by the police officers. Apart from the first $30k in salary, bonuses and overtime pay, everything else can be clawed back if there is a court judgment against one of the officers.
Interesting idea....but sounds like it could create a strong financial incentive for officers to cover up for each other
I gave you the text of the bill...you're making the claim. You show what was in it not to support.

Poor math skills again huh? MOST did support it. The bill had 227 Yeas and only 204 Nays. Trouble is we need 2/3 majority for a constitutional amendment to pass, and despite 83% support by Republicans, the 81% of the Democrat Party Of NO voting against it blocked term limits....oh so sorry the facts don't support your BS.

I know how you like to just drag things out until the other person gets tired of addressing it...…..you somehow feel in your small little way you won

but let me say this again....since your narrow mind only picks up what it wants....that particular bill was loaded with all kinds of goodies for the right....and even then it did not get 100% support from the right....there was so much hard feelings over all of it...Gingrich fell out of favor with the party....and you seem to be ignoring the 3 others times it was brought up and killed by the right
what did she expect....racism runs in the family....and the party...look at them on here declaring their devotion to the killer racist

A Kansas technical school canceled plans for Ivanka Trump to give a virtual commencement speech to graduates because of criticism of President Donald Trump's response to protests over the death of George Floyd.

Administrators at Wichita State University and WSU Tech announced the decision late Thursday, just hours after they had said the president's ******* would be speaking to WSU Tech graduates.

Administrators of both universities, which are affiliated, said Saturday's graduation for the technical university would be 'refocused' on students, with a nursing graduate as the only speaker.

Wichita State cancels Ivanka Trump's speech to tech school ...
Jun 05, 2020 · A Kansas technical school canceled plans for Ivanka Trump to give a virtual commencement speech to graduates because of criticism of President Donald Trump's response to protests over the death of ...
Ah the ole strawman argument again....he never said ALL dems want to defund the police. Certainly is convenient to argue when you put the words in the other person's mouth isn't it?

like what you do continuously...……..you can not win an argument unless you twist the wording and change the other persons words to suit yours

lie and deceive it is the republican way...unless you are hottobe...then just post ignorance
Again...I gave you the direct text of the bill....show us the goodies in it to back up your unsubstantiated claim....or admit it is yet again more of your bullshit

and again....I said you are nitpicking to try and prove YOUR point...not one that is factual but YOUR facts

Contract with America
The Contract with America was a legislative agenda advocated for by the United States Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. Written by Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, and in part using text from former President Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union Address, the Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Many of the Contract's policy ideas originated at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

enough said right there without going any further
hmmmm....lots of deflection....still can't seem to show any proof of your claim.....gee wonder why????
just did….read above

paying for things..never a republican problem...see history of deficit....and cutting programs to help the rich....something else the right just loves.....and you wonder why it didn't pass

"It probably did not matter that it was vague on costs, and that was even an advantage," Teske says. "The goals were big picture, and ones that many voters could understand, without getting into—and bogged down by—the details of budget costs, specific programs that might go away, etc."
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just did….read above
Nope, you're deflecting again....your claim was:
that particular bill was loaded with all kinds of goodies for the right
That particular bill is right here:
Now show us where in the text of that particular bill where it has "all kinds of goodies"....if you can't you're admitting your claim is BS
kind of like the scam HH is trying to pull now

How Wily Newt Pulled the ‘Contract with America’ Scam

The founding text of the Gingrich revolution wasn’t about conservatism at all. Quite the reverse.

Newton Leroy Gingrich is one wily mothertrucker. He’s calling his presidential platform this year a “21st Century Contract With America.” It’s a wingnutpalooza, naturally, endorsing such “timeless American values” as seeking to “establish English as the official language of government,” and reducing the corporate tax rate to 12.5 percent and the capital gains rate to zero; and featuring such “Day One Executive Orders” as the cancellation of all “immigration-related lawsuits against states” and a renewal of “President Ronald Reagan’s policy … to stop taxpayer dollars from being used to fund or promote abortions in foreign country.” (Critics call that the “global gag rule,” because it forbids any country receiving American aid from letting doctors even talk about family planning.) The title, of course, refers to the Contract With America, which 367 Republican congressional candidates signed on the Capitol steps in September of 1994. When, two months later, the GOP took over Congress for the first time since 1952, making its architect, Newt Gingtrich, the Speaker of the House, all the world proclaimed that the electorate had just delivered a historic mandate for conservatism.

Well, not really. The Contract With America was a hustle from start to finish. It never really was about conservatism at all – practically the opposite. The fact that Newt can redeploy it to promote his right-of-Attila-the-Hun harpyish shrieking for 2012 just shows how effective the hustle – and the hustler – turned out to be.

Here’s what happened: Ross Perot. Specifically, the weirdo billionaire Texas populist won nearly nineteen percent of the popular vote in the 1992 presidential election – the most for a third-party candidate in 80 years – with an odd platform of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism, Immediately and instinctively, both parties began bidding for his constituency. The Democrats, however, had to punt: President Clinton had made passing the North American Free Trade agreement his obsession in 1993, but opposing it was Perot’s obsession.

How Wily Newt Pulled the 'Contract with America' Scam ...
Jan 26, 2012 · Well, not really. The Contract With America was a hustle from start to finish. It never really was about conservatism at all – practically the opposite. The fact that Newt can redeploy it to ...
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