Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Cretin - I accuse you and your party of being whiners - well documented throughout the threads and I was first saying that and all you can do is accuse me of exactly what you and your lame party ACTUALLY do !!!! You’re a joke.

thank you......I guess I am supposed to take that as a compliment that you try to mimick everything I say

I will bet you stay up at night trying to figure out how to turn my words around so you can use them to suit you

How to Deal With a Chronic Copycat | StyleCaster
Aug 01, 2014 · When someone copies you, it’s always a form of flattery. Now, this doesn’t always mean it feels good, but the copycat is communicating “I want to be like you and feel like you. I want to ...

for a while there yesterday you seemed to have slipped into something fairly normal......but today you went back to full retard
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thank you......I guess I am supposed to take that as a compliment that you try to mimick everything I say

I will bet you stay up at night trying to figure out how to turn my words around so you can use them to suit you

How to Deal With a Chronic Copycat | StyleCaster
Aug 01, 2014 · When someone copies you, it’s always a form of flattery. Now, this doesn’t always mean it feels good, but the copycat is communicating “I want to be like you and feel like you. I want to ...

for a while there yesterday you seemed to have slipped into something fairly normal......but today you went back to full retard

You’re an incorrigible Dem imbecile.
Nice way to end the evening with an intelligent post and I thank ye !!!

The stupid was starting to get to me :|
No the Dems new plan is WAY superior - defund the police - that’ll end racism. Like I said elsewhere - just when you really believe Dems can’t get more ridiculous than they already are - they surprise ya and prove that they can be more ridiculous than you can even possibly imagine!!!!!
As ridiculous as you and Trump thinking you can end racism? What were you saying about delusional?
We know racism will be here, we just want it out of the public policy.
Can't change people's minds. but you can their actions.
Yes Donald Trump is a blowhard salesmen like all the other politicians and last 7 Presidents. Especially the previous one.
He cheated on his first and second wives. And?
Yes Donald Trump has been sued. The size of his holdings and public facing properties of course he will be sued. He has the money to pay, duh. Ever heard of slip and fall. He owns property in NYC. The NY dems have fucked up rental law so bad you can't own rental property in NYC and not get sued.
And none of that means a fucking thing.

Now your turn. With the multiple source showing/proving, can you admit Obama lied a lot? Can you admit Obama broke the law? Can you admit Obama spied? Can you admit Obama was using, illegally, the intelligence community to try to help Hillary win? Can you admit Pelosi and Schumer lie all the time?

And your graphic is a joke. That is all collectivist and Marxist actions to take over. You keep forgetting the Nazis and The "Fascists" in Italy were all National Socialist fighting the Communist for control. The Communist use the rich and race, the National Socialists, aka "Fascists" used the Rich and the Jewish people, and now the Democrats, aka 'democrat socialist' are using what? Oh yeah "eat the rich and white people are the root of all evil" says the rich white democrat who has been in office since the 70s or 80s or even 60s. And you fools eat it up.

This is what people, like you, who want to bring down their country say. This is classic Rules for Radicals- Accuse the other side of what you are guilty of doing.
your whole posting is full of lies, when a majority of people say something is burning, you smell smoke do you just ignore the smell and the majority of people, no you dont. You believe what your senses are telling, then you start to believe what the majority of people saying. the problem with you is this. Like most people you dont like being called out when you make a mistake, the steps that people take like you are in this order.

First you denny
second you become defensive
third stoop to what aboutism (which usually are small potatoes which are filled with lies, but you still use them.
and last the insults starts to fly.
Not one person has said all white people are the root of all evil, not one, but that little phrase allows you to end all debate, its like if you dont get your way, like a baby taking your ball and going home.

all politicians lie, its just the degree of their lies which should be concerning. Obama never used the intelligence agency to spy on Trump to help Hillary had he had we would have known about the Russian effort long before we found out. In fact he went to both party leaders asked them to make a statement, only one refused guess which leader that was?
No the Dems new plan is WAY superior - defund the police - that’ll end racism. Like I said elsewhere - just when you really believe Dems can’t get more ridiculous than they already are - they surprise ya and prove that they can be more ridiculous than you can even possibly imagine!!!!!
so because some democrats want to defund the police, that means all dems want to defund the police, is that what you saying. that would be like me saying all white people are racist because of the few that are, sounds silly doesn't it, kind of like your statement. as for myself i think their budgets should, be cut. in some cities police budgets take over more than 50% of city revenue, leaving schools woefully underfunded and all this so they can have another personnel carrier, more military style weapons, no i dont think so.
this is something you would expect from HH or blackdlaur…..not the leader of the country

Trump Says Strong Economy Will End Racism
7 hours ago · President Trump said his plan to address racism is a strong economy, after he was pressed on whether he has a plan to end systemic racism in the country, the Washington Post reports.. Said Trump: “It’s the greatest thing that can happen for race relations, for the African American community, for the Asian American, for the Hispanic American community, for women, for everything.”
if a strong economy could end racism, racism would have been stamped out in the 50s and 60s and didn't Trump tell everyone that economy is the strongest it has been in years? LOL
well surprise....surprise......people hungry and needing.....and if there was any chance they could go back to work SAFELY they would take it

I guess your next post would be shock that sundown is coming?
It's the largest monthly US jobs increase ever....Looks like America woke up!

and yet unemployment is still at 13.8 percent and black unemployment is at 16.8 percent, the stupidity among Trump supporters is astounding and he counts on that stupidity.
the only 2... I know of dumb enough to believe a trump post are both on here

Twitter disables Trump campaign's George Floyd video tribute
5 hours ago · Twitter has blocked a Trump campaign video tribute to George Floyd over a copyright claim, in a move that adds to tensions between the social media platform and the U.S. president, one of its most widely followed users. The company put a label on a video
Trump is fucking racist, and you think video will change that? Trump born into a racist family never tried to correct the racist views of his family. never once took stock in his beliefs and now ran on racism. Trump is a freaking joke .
Trump is fucking racist, and you think video will change that? Trump born into a racist family never tried to correct the racist views of his family. never once took stock in his beliefs and now ran on racism. Trump is a freaking joke .

you see it on here all the time...look at the vid just posted above.....these people like hottobe and blkdlaur and a couple others could care less about his racism...killing because of his inability to handle the virus...his corruption...his theft and so much more....for them it is just hero worship....and have not got a fucking clue...nor do they care...and will say and do anything they can against someone who does not like Attilla the None
so because some democrats want to defund the police, that means all dems want to defund the police, is that what you saying. that would be like me saying all white people are racist because of the few that are, sounds silly doesn't it, kind of like your statement. as for myself i think their budgets should, be cut. in some cities police budgets take over more than 50% of city revenue, leaving schools woefully underfunded and all this so they can have another personnel carrier, more military style weapons, no i dont think so.

not sure where he got the Dems wanting to defund the police.....he does not have any thoughts of his own.....so one of the others on here must have given him the idea.....first I heard of the comment.....sounds like something that came from hottobe….he has a twisted view on reality.....and his comments are ….out there to say the least
not sure where he got the Dems wanting to defund the police.....he does not have any thoughts of his own.....so one of the others on here must have given him the idea.....first I heard of the comment.....sounds like something that came from hottobe….he has a twisted view on reality.....and his comments are ….out there to say the least
i have heard some dems and some conservatives say defund the police but for two entirely different reasons.
i have heard some dems and some conservatives say defund the police but for two entirely different reasons.

not a smart idea at all....they have issues that need to be addressed....but what go back to old west and the guy with the gun wins?

Like Biden says......10 to 15% of bad apples fuck everything up...he was talking riotors but the same would apply to the police

but I suppose being a trumptard he would want someone like BARR running everything
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