Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Caution killer at work.....and being exposed...can not let the truth out

McConnell: Obama 'should have kept his mouth shut' on Trump's coronavirus response

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Monday that former President Obama should have held back from criticizing President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, calling Obama's critique "a little bit classless."

classless is what trump has been doing since being in office

Lara Trump, during an online Trump campaign event, told McConnell that Obama "slammed" Trump over his response to the coronavirus outbreak.

McConnell replied that Obama should have followed the lead of former President George W. Bush, who largely sidestepped weighing on politics after he left the White House. McConnell noted that the former GOP president and his *******, former President George H.W. Bush, "kept their mouths shut" after leaving office because they didn't think it was "appropriate" to critique another president.

"I think President Obama should have kept his mouth shut. You know, we know he doesn't like much this administration is doing, that's understandable. But I think it's a little bit classless frankly to critique an administration that comes after you," McConnell said.

"You had your shot, you were there for eight years. I think the tradition that the Bushes set up of not critiquing the president who comes after you, is a good tradition," McConnell added.

Neither Lara Trump nor McConnell specified which Obama comments they were referring to.

Trump's Tax Returns Supreme Court Case: What You Need to Know

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on Tuesday on whether President Trump can block the release of his financial records, setting the stage for a ruling on the power of presidents to resist demands for information from prosecutors and Congress.

Here is a look at the proceedings, the players and the issues.

When will the arguments take place?

The court will consider two sets of cases, with one scheduled to start at 10 a.m. and the second an hour later. The first concerns subpoenas from two House committees, and the second a subpoena from the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., a Democrat. Both arguments are very likely to last much longer than the usual hour.

Can I listen?

Yes. Since the court started hearing arguments by telephone last week in response to the coronavirus pandemic, it has provided a live audio feed. That has never happened before, and it will give the public a rare opportunity to listen in live to arguments that could reshape the balance of power among the three branches of government. We’ll feature it on nytimes.com.

What are the issues in the cases?

Broadly speaking, they concern whether Mr. Trump can block subpoenas to his accountants and bankers from House committees and New York prosecutors.

What happens if Mr. Trump loses?

The accounting firm and the banks have indicated that they will comply with the subpoenas. Had the subpoenas sought evidence from Mr. Trump himself, there was at least a possibility that he would try to defy a ruling against him, prompting a constitutional crisis.

What information do the House committees seek?

The House Oversight and Reform Committee is investigating hush-money payments to a pornographic film actress and whether Mr. Trump inflated and deflated descriptions of his assets on financial statements to obtain loans and reduce his taxes. The House Financial Services and Intelligence Committees have sought an array of financial records related to the president, his companies and his family.

What have Mr. Trump’s lawyers said?

They contend that the committees have no legitimate need for the information.

What is the House’s response?

Lawyers for the House say the information is needed to allow it to conduct oversight and to draft legislation.

What information does Mr. Vance seek?

He wants eight years of business and personal tax records in connection with an investigation of the role that Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the 2016 election. Mr. Trump and his company reimbursed the president’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, for payments made to the pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels, who said that she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Vance said the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Nixon in 1974, which required President Richard M. Nixon to disclose tapes of Oval Office conversations, essentially decided the central issue in the case. “This court has long recognized,” Mr. Vance wrote, “that a sitting president may be subject to a subpoena in a criminal proceeding.”

What is the Justice Department’s position?

The Justice Department, arguing in support of Mr. Trump, who is represented by private lawyers, said none of the subpoenas satisfied the demanding standards that it said apply when information is sought about a sitting president’s private conduct.

Who will be arguing?

In the first argument, on the House subpoenas, Mr. Trump will be represented by Patrick Strawbridge; the Justice Department by Jeffrey B. Wall, a deputy solicitor general; and the House by Douglas N. Letter, its general counsel.

In the second argument, on the subpoena from Mr. Vance, Mr. Trump will be represented by Jay A. Sekulow; the Justice Department by the solicitor general, Noel J. Francisco; and Mr. Vance by Carey R. Dunne, a lawyer in the Manhattan district attorney’s office.
Caution killer at work.....and being exposed...can not let the truth out

McConnell: Obama 'should have kept his mouth shut' on Trump's coronavirus response

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Monday that former President Obama should have held back from criticizing President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, calling Obama's critique "a little bit classless."

classless is what trump has been doing since being in office

Lara Trump, during an online Trump campaign event, told McConnell that Obama "slammed" Trump over his response to the coronavirus outbreak.

McConnell replied that Obama should have followed the lead of former President George W. Bush, who largely sidestepped weighing on politics after he left the White House. McConnell noted that the former GOP president and his *******, former President George H.W. Bush, "kept their mouths shut" after leaving office because they didn't think it was "appropriate" to critique another president.

"I think President Obama should have kept his mouth shut. You know, we know he doesn't like much this administration is doing, that's understandable. But I think it's a little bit classless frankly to critique an administration that comes after you," McConnell said.

"You had your shot, you were there for eight years. I think the tradition that the Bushes set up of not critiquing the president who comes after you, is a good tradition," McConnell added.

Neither Lara Trump nor McConnell specified which Obama comments they were referring to.

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Monday that former President Obama should have held back from criticizing President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, calling Obama's critique "a little bit classless."
nothing like trump is doing to the country!

America has never been real kind to the elderly.....but trump figured out how to take care of that and a social security issue also

republicans have never wanted to give anyone an education....they learn to vote democrat......but trump figured out a way on that also

trump has always had the highest rate of jobs going over seas...and people complained.....now he can increase it even more
because of our manpower shortage

most countries wouldn't even think about invading the US.....because so many armed people.....trump eliminating some of that also

trump killed almost 80,000 to date and still going strong.....and PUSHING for more....his gamble is costing him his job.....except for thoise that do not care what he does....they just like orange

Only a Chinese bot or a radical Dem could blame our President for the death this plague has wrought when it was clearly cooked up in the Wuhan Virology Lab and purposefully unleashed in our country by the Chi Comms.
"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Monday that former President Obama should have held back from criticizing President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, calling Obama's critique "a little bit classless."

I think he has done more to help destroy things in this country than anyone in a long time.....look what all he did under Obama....and the cover up and lies to help trump......eve with his wife working for trump and funneling a lot of money into Ky under McConnels name....he will still have a tough time getting re-elected.....but just like last time.....with his endless supply of Russian money he can practically buy his way back in
Only a Chinese bot or a radical Dem could blame our President for the death this plague has wrought when it was clearly cooked up in the Wuhan Virology Lab and purposefully unleashed in our country by the Chi Comms.

good little republican drone....pushing what they want you to believe

GOP memo advises candidates to 'attack China' over coronavirus
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-memo-advises.......... <-------FOX!
The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has sent various GOP campaigns a memo encouraging attacks on China in relation to the coronavirus pandemic and guidance on how to link their...
good little republican drone....pushing what they want you to believe

GOP memo advises candidates to 'attack China' over coronavirus
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-memo-advises.......... <-------FOX!
The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has sent various GOP campaigns a memo encouraging attacks on China in relation to the coronavirus pandemic and guidance on how to link their...

So What - it’s what happened !!!!

You wanna make it all about President Trump.

How about placing the blame where it belongs - like it SHOULD be.

Dems are soooooo disgusting trying to twist this scourge all around and pin it on our President when it’s clear the Chinese are the cause.

Calling our President a killer is subversive and unAmerican - why it looks more and more like you’re a Chinese plant.
Caution Killer whiner at work

got any proof that it was made in China lab.....no on else does...only trump/Pompeo and company.....and what ever they have they won't share....some proof

it IS all about the pres....first what he did in 2018....then ignoring all the warnings at the first of the year....and now cutting funds for gov that investigates Virus's.....that all put together makes him a killer!

there is nothing twisted....except what you are trying to spew as facts.....exactly what YOUR leader wants you to believe....making you a good little brainless trumptard

he has killed more americans than we have lost in most wars...…...about as unamerican as there is....we called Hitler a killer....japan a killer....on and on and trump fits right in with that crowd...he has killed more than they have....and you put him on some kind of pedestal.....and you like to think of yourself as American.....do you know how foolish you look supporting that

republican party is already starting to distance themselves away from trump...……..kind of like they did with Nixon years ago...…….you need to start looking around and thinking for yourself
Last edited:
Trump is getting trounced among a crucial constituency: The haters

President Donald Trump is losing a critical constituency: voters who see two choices on the ballot — and hate them both.

Unlike in 2016, when a large group of voters who disliked both Trump and Hillary Clinton broke sharply for Trump, the opposite is happening now, according to public polling and private surveys conducted by Republicans and Democrats alike.

It's a significant and often underappreciated group of voters. Of the nearly 20 percent of voters who disliked both Clinton and Trump in 2016, Trump outperformed Clinton by about 17 percentage points, according to exit polls.

Four years later, that same group — including a mix of Bernie Sanders supporters, other Democrats, disaffected Republicans and independents strongly prefers Biden, the polling shows. The former vice president leads Trump by more than 40 percentage points among that group, which accounts for nearly a quarter of registered voters, according to a Monmouth University poll last week.

“It’s a huge difference,” said Patrick Murray, who oversees the Monmouth poll. “That’s a group that if you don’t like either one of them, you will vote against the status quo. And in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton represented more of the status quo than Trump did. In this current election, the status quo is Donald Trump.”

Trump’s weakness with the electorate’s malcontents is a worrisome sign for Republicans
. They now must not only bloody Biden but render him less palatable than an already-unpopular president. Biden has been a fixture in public life for decades — making it more difficult to alter public opinion of him — and he is viewed more favorably by voters than Clinton was in 2016.

It’s not 2016 anymore, OK?” said Christopher Nicholas, a longtime Republican consultant based in Pennsylvania. “There’s no way Joe Biden will be as bad a candidate as Hillary Clinton.”

In Pennsylvania — which Trump flipped in 2016, but where he now trails Biden — Nicholas recalled speaking to groups throughout the state in 2016 and invariably being asked, “How did we end up with two such terrible candidates for president?”

“People like that choose the devil they don’t know,” Nicholas said, rejecting Clinton as a de facto incumbent and instead taking their chances with Trump. “What’s different in 2020? He’s the incumbent. So, he’s the devil you know … That’s why those numbers have flipped so precipitously from ’16 to '20, and there’s nothing inherent you can do about that, because Trump is the incumbent.”

One prominent Republican pollster said it is “certainly a concern,” suggesting that “the campaign needs to put a lot more heat on Biden.”

Trump appears to recognize the urgency. Last month, political advisers briefed Trump on internal polls showing Biden winning in battleground states, and Trump losing the surge of support that initially accompanied his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Clearly he was planning on running on a good economy with Joe Biden being old-school politics and scandal-ridden with his *******,”
said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “And that whole playbook has long been trashed. So, there’s a new playbook.”

Trump’s campaign is now preparing to unload a barrage of negative ads on Biden, expecting to spend more than $10 million in an effort to weaken the presumptive Democratic nominee. Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale likened the campaign to a “death star.”

“Public polls have been wrong about President Trump since 2016,” said Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for Trump's reelection effort. “Joe Biden has only been the president’s apparent opponent for a little while, and we have only just begun to define him. When Americans learn the full story about Joe Biden’s embarrassing record, the choice for voters will be clear.”

Trump pollster John McLaughlin said of Biden’s more favorable image than Clinton’s: “We’re not going to let this go on forever … This will not be a one-sided election. There’ll be a contrast, and once we have that contrast, the president will win.”

Trump did overcome a polling disadvantage four years ago, and the top-line margins between Trump and Biden are similar to polls from the same time in 2016. Trump is trailing Biden by about 5 percentage points nationally, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average, and he is lagging in swing states — including in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. At this point in 2016, Clinton national lead was slightly larger.

Clinton was leading Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election among voters who disapproved of both politicians, too. But that margin was consistently smaller than Biden’s — less than 10 percentage points in most polls before Election Day.

“There are a number of people who hate politics and politicians, and they play somewhat of a swing role in the country,” said Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster.

In 2016, he said, “the people who decided the election were people who disliked both Clinton and Trump, and they voted overwhelmingly for Trump. This time, it’s a smaller number of people who dislike Trump and Biden, but that smaller number of voters is voting for Biden.”

Anna Greenberg, a pollster who advised former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper’s presidential campaign, recalled focus groups in 2016 in which voters were “shut down to Clinton and not so shut down to Trump.” They'd often say, “I don’t like him,” but would offer reasons why they might vote for Trump, anyway.

Now, Greenberg said, Trump is “so much more defined,” and “Biden’s numbers are not off-the-chart great, but they’re not terrible.”

Biden is better liked by voters than Clinton was at this point in the campaign four years ago. And the coronavirus pandemic — and the public attention it has commanded — has had the effect of freezing the campaign, making it more onerous for Trump to train voters' attention on anything else.

He is losing to Biden by almost exactly the same margin now as he was in March, before the pandemic took hold.

Ben Tulchin, Sanders’ pollster, said that in the Democratic primary, “once we were behind after Super Tuesday and coronavirus started kicking in, it was impossible to change the narrative because voters were not focused on the race anymore. They were focused on the global pandemic.”

In the primary, Tulchin said, Biden’s favorability rating “held up better than Hillary’s did.” Now, for the purposes of the general election, Tulchin said, Biden is “locking in when he’s ahead.”

Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster, said that while Biden “does not seem to generate the same degree of animosity that Hillary Clinton did,
there is still room to shape public opinion around him.

“The imperative for [Trump's] campaign is to turn the 2020 election from a referendum to a choice, and then to disqualify Joe Biden as an acceptable choice,”
Ayres said.

If Trump can accomplish that, Republicans believe he could tilt the electoral landscape back in his direction, especially if the pandemic subsides and the economy begins to recover.
I think he has done more to help destroy things in this country than anyone in a long time.....look what all he did under Obama....and the cover up and lies to help trump......eve with his wife working for trump and funneling a lot of money into Ky under McConnels name....he will still have a tough time getting re-elected.....but just like last time.....with his endless supply of Russian money he can practically buy his way back in
I couldn't agree more! And the Russians have extremely deep pockets when it comes to supporting their global despots, especially those in a place like the good ole U.S. of A.
Caution Killer whiner at work

got any proof that it was made in China lab.....no on else does...only trump/Pompeo and company.....and what ever they have they won't share....some proof

it IS all about the pres....first what he did in 2018....then ignoring all the warnings at the first of the year....and now cutting funds for gov that investigates Virus's.....that all put together makes him a killer!

there is nothing twisted....except what you are trying to spew as facts.....exactly what YOUR leader wants you to believe....making you a good little brainless trumptard

he has killed more americans than we have lost in most wars...…...about as unamerican as there is....we called Hitler a killer....japan a killer....on and on and trump fits right in with that crowd...he has killed more than they have....and you put him on some kind of pedestal.....and you like to think of yourself as American.....do you know how foolish you look supporting that

republican party is already starting to distance themselves away from trump...……..kind of like they did with Nixon years ago...…….you need to start looking around and thinking for yourself
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