Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd.

This is exactly why they don't have any respect for the masses. An individual human is more prone to critical thinking than a small group, which is more prone to critical thinking than a large group, and so on.

As a psychology major, I have tremendous respect for the corporate media's psy-ops.

It's every man for himself at this point. Police states,--especially here in California--environmental disasters, stagflation/hyperinflation, and an escalation into violence of our many-generations ideological war.

I've been preparing for years. The best thing to do is be quiet, conserve resources, gain perspective of the lay of the land, and plan to compete in the new terrain rather than bothering to seriously compete in old, dying terrain.

It's the folk who graduated in worthless liberal art degrees who are most in need of the Nanny State.

(Psychology included, by the way, "Bachelor's of Science" be damned. I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician, it's a worthless degree from an economic standpoint, only gaining value through Graduate work. As a whole, the taxpayer-funded, for-profit public education system is many times weaker than what the free-market offers. When I say "cronyism" or "cartel-ism" or "Mafia-ism," the education system is one small example of what I mean in practical terms.)

America has devolved into cronyism, cartel-ism and self-protective fraud. Large swaths of the population--40% real unemployment--are completely unproductive to the New Economy. If you don't have a STEM skill set, I suggest you learn to code.

Those without such a skill set are quite aware they're on borrowed time. They know they're overpaid, and when the bubble pops--as it just did--their lack of investment in marketable skills ensures their demise.

Coronavirus is obviously a cover for a global reset of the economy, but it's obvious only to those of us who have been studying and tracking the situation for years, if not decades. No, I'm not going to debate you on it. I have oodles and oodles of research, and I'm working on turning it into monetizable content. Arguing with Dodo Brain #2080 who has not done his
or research and is married to the sunk-cost fallacy is a waste of my time.

Use the "free" money wisely. The cost of select, necessary goods will skyrocket, while the cost of less necessary goods will plummet. You're either in or out. Your service jobs are not coming back. The dollar will crash within five years, maybe.

Even though, deep down, you know this, you likely won't do anything. Primal, animalistic fight, flight or freeze response. I decided to fight long ago. They have conditioned you to choose freeze.

Disbelief. Shock. You can't even believe it. That's the point. Hide in plain sight. By the time you realize the truth--the State's only object is to collect more power-- you are too useless to the system to even sustain yourself or your loved ones.

Buckle up. We're just getting started.
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Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd.

This is exactly why they don't have any respect for the masses. An individual human is more prone to critical thinking than a small group, which is more prone to critical thinking than a large group, and so on.

As a psychology major, I have tremendous respect for the corporate media's psy-ops.

It's every man for himself at this point. Police states,--especially here in California--environmental disasters, stagflation/hyperinflation, and an escalation into violence of our many-generations ideological war.

I've been preparing for years. The best thing to do is be quiet, conserve resources, gain perspective of the lay of the land, and plan to compete in the new terrain rather than bothering to seriously compete in old, dying terrain.

It's the folk who graduated in worthless liberal art degrees who are most in need of the Nanny State.

(Psychology included, by the way, "Bachelor's of Science" be damned. I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician, it's a worthless degree from an economic standpoint, only gaining value through Graduate work. As a whole, the taxpayer-funded, for-profit public education system is many times weaker than what the free-market offers. When I say "cronyism" or "cartel-ism" or "Mafia-ism," the education system is one small example of what I mean in practical terms.)

America has devolved into cronyism, cartel-ism and self-protective fraud. Large swaths of the population--40% real unemployment--are completely unproductive to the New Economy. If you don't have a STEM skill set, I suggest you learn to code.

Those without such a skill set are quite aware they're on borrowed time. They know they're overpaid, and when the bubble pops--as it just did--their lack of investment in marketable skills ensures their demise.

Coronavirus is obviously a cover for a global reset of the economy, but it's obvious only to those of us who have been studying and tracking the situation for years, if not decades. No, I'm not going to debate you on it. I have oodles and oodles of research, and I'm working on turning it into monetizable content. Arguing with Dodo Brain #2080 who has not done his
or research and is married to the sunk-cost fallacy is a waste of my time.

Use the "free" money wisely. The cost of select, necessary goods will skyrocket, while the cost of less necessary goods will plummet. You're either in or out. Your service jobs are not coming back. The dollar will crash within five years, maybe.

Even though, deep down, you know this, you likely won't do anything. Primal, animalistic fight, flight or freeze response. I decided to fight long ago. They have conditioned you to choose freeze.

Disbelief. Shock. You can't even believe it. That's the point. Hide in plain sight. By the time you realize the truth--the State's only object is to collect more power-- you are too useless to the system to even sustain yourself or your loved ones.

Buckle up. We're just getting started.
Fuck me, you're a pompous oaf.
I just don't think you have a rebuttal. Ad hominem is standard operating procedure in these situations. You clearly have an agenda and are only interested in spreading your agenda, not engaging in dialectic. I observed your behavior in this thread before I posted.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they mock you, then you win.
Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd.

This is exactly why they don't have any respect for the masses. An individual human is more prone to critical thinking than a small group, which is more prone to critical thinking than a large group, and so on.

As a psychology major, I have tremendous respect for the corporate media's psy-ops.

It's every man for himself at this point. Police states,--especially here in California--environmental disasters, stagflation/hyperinflation, and an escalation into violence of our many-generations ideological war.

I've been preparing for years. The best thing to do is be quiet, conserve resources, gain perspective of the lay of the land, and plan to compete in the new terrain rather than bothering to seriously compete in old, dying terrain.

It's the folk who graduated in worthless liberal art degrees who are most in need of the Nanny State.

(Psychology included, by the way, "Bachelor's of Science" be damned. I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician, it's a worthless degree from an economic standpoint, only gaining value through Graduate work. As a whole, the taxpayer-funded, for-profit public education system is many times weaker than what the free-market offers. When I say "cronyism" or "cartel-ism" or "Mafia-ism," the education system is one small example of what I mean in practical terms.)

America has devolved into cronyism, cartel-ism and self-protective fraud. Large swaths of the population--40% real unemployment--are completely unproductive to the New Economy. If you don't have a STEM skill set, I suggest you learn to code.

Those without such a skill set are quite aware they're on borrowed time. They know they're overpaid, and when the bubble pops--as it just did--their lack of investment in marketable skills ensures their demise.

Coronavirus is obviously a cover for a global reset of the economy, but it's obvious only to those of us who have been studying and tracking the situation for years, if not decades. No, I'm not going to debate you on it. I have oodles and oodles of research, and I'm working on turning it into monetizable content. Arguing with Dodo Brain #2080 who has not done his
or research and is married to the sunk-cost fallacy is a waste of my time.

Use the "free" money wisely. The cost of select, necessary goods will skyrocket, while the cost of less necessary goods will plummet. You're either in or out. Your service jobs are not coming back. The dollar will crash within five years, maybe.

Even though, deep down, you know this, you likely won't do anything. Primal, animalistic fight, flight or freeze response. I decided to fight long ago. They have conditioned you to choose freeze.

Disbelief. Shock. You can't even believe it. That's the point. Hide in plain sight. By the time you realize the truth--the State's only object is to collect more power-- you are too useless to the system to even sustain yourself or your loved ones.

Buckle up. We're just getting started.
I agree with most of what you said but tradesmen will always have work.
Yes, but not the middle class. The middle class is hollowed out. Who are middle class tradesmen going to sell to?

It's a massive stratification of wealth. The Fed just printed 2 trillion dollars! Our deficit was ~1 trillion in ~2009. It's now $6 trillion. We could see $18 or $20 trillion by 2025.

What is the Fed doing when they print all this money?

Do the math. $1200 x 225 million? We're talking $270 billion. So out of $2 trillion, Main Street got ~12%. That won't even cover the inflation.

Where does most of the money the Fed prints go? To buy toxic assets from financiers.

So banks get to speculate with 0% interest. Borrowing money is free. Speculating is free. When it doesn't work out, taxpayers will bail you out.

Every time this happens, they take more and more wealth. That's how this scheme works.

There will be a second round of stimulus payments. Maybe even a third. Universal Basic Income will be rolled out soon.

But if inflation is *already* at 6% year over year--before the economy officially imploded-- how much worse do you think it will be when trillions of fake money is pumped into the economy?

It means the value of every dollar declines.

Meanwhile the cost of all necessary goods--shelter, education, healthcare--skyrocket.

It won't stop until the American people stand up and make it stop.

It's called a Ponzi scheme. Financiers, politicians and technocrats hollowed out the greatest economy ever into a cancerous Ponzi scheme.

Heads will roll as the collapse continues.
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Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd.

This is exactly why they don't have any respect for the masses. An individual human is more prone to critical thinking than a small group, which is more prone to critical thinking than a large group, and so on.

As a psychology major, I have tremendous respect for the corporate media's psy-ops.

It's every man for himself at this point. Police states,--especially here in California--environmental disasters, stagflation/hyperinflation, and an escalation into violence of our many-generations ideological war.

I've been preparing for years. The best thing to do is be quiet, conserve resources, gain perspective of the lay of the land, and plan to compete in the new terrain rather than bothering to seriously compete in old, dying terrain.

It's the folk who graduated in worthless liberal art degrees who are most in need of the Nanny State.

(Psychology included, by the way, "Bachelor's of Science" be damned. I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician, it's a worthless degree from an economic standpoint, only gaining value through Graduate work. As a whole, the taxpayer-funded, for-profit public education system is many times weaker than what the free-market offers. When I say "cronyism" or "cartel-ism" or "Mafia-ism," the education system is one small example of what I mean in practical terms.)

America has devolved into cronyism, cartel-ism and self-protective fraud. Large swaths of the population--40% real unemployment--are completely unproductive to the New Economy. If you don't have a STEM skill set, I suggest you learn to code.

Those without such a skill set are quite aware they're on borrowed time. They know they're overpaid, and when the bubble pops--as it just did--their lack of investment in marketable skills ensures their demise.

Coronavirus is obviously a cover for a global reset of the economy, but it's obvious only to those of us who have been studying and tracking the situation for years, if not decades. No, I'm not going to debate you on it. I have oodles and oodles of research, and I'm working on turning it into monetizable content. Arguing with Dodo Brain #2080 who has not done his
or research and is married to the sunk-cost fallacy is a waste of my time.

Use the "free" money wisely. The cost of select, necessary goods will skyrocket, while the cost of less necessary goods will plummet. You're either in or out. Your service jobs are not coming back. The dollar will crash within five years, maybe.

Even though, deep down, you know this, you likely won't do anything. Primal, animalistic fight, flight or freeze response. I decided to fight long ago. They have conditioned you to choose freeze.

Disbelief. Shock. You can't even believe it. That's the point. Hide in plain sight. By the time you realize the truth--the State's only object is to collect more power-- you are too useless to the system to even sustain yourself or your loved ones.

Buckle up. We're just getting started.

your major seems to be trying to pull your head out of your ass.....you did nothing but ramble incoherent ******* like someone just released from...????? anal head confinement?
Caution Con Man at work!

GOP Group Exposes 'King' Trump's Legal Shell Game In Blistering New Fox News Ad

A group of Republicans opposed to President
Donald Trump is calling him out for a series of maneuvers they equate to a legal shell game to avoid being held accountable.

And they’re doing it with an ad on one of his favorite networks: Fox News.

“Our nation’s founders fought a war to get rid of a king,” the spot begins. “So when they wrote our Constitution, they designed a government in which everybody ― even the president ― must obey the law.”

That led to the creation of checks and balances between the branches, the spot from Republicans for the Rule of Law notes. But Trump is telling Congress it has to go to court to obtain documents and then telling the courts they can’t weigh in because he’s accountable to Congress.

“That’s not how it’s supposed to work in America,” the spot warns. “No one is above the law, and no one gets special treatment.”

Republicans for the Rule of Law linked up with the nonpartisan group Protect Democracy
― launched by ex-Obama administration attorneys ― for the video. A shorter version aired on several Fox News shows, including “Hannity” and “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.

The two groups also released a joint statement accusing Trump of flouting the fundamental principle of checks and balances.

“Neither the president, nor Congress, nor the courts can have unlimited power,” they said. “But President Trump blatantly flouts that notion, abusing his power and then playing a dangerous shell game to avoid any accountability.”

Republicans for the Rule of Law also released a video featuring former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R) explaining what’s at stake: see vids
typical republican "no Morales" issue

Longtime Lindsey Graham Donor Reveals Why He’s Now Supporting Democratic Rival

A former top donor to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is revealing why he’s switched sides and is now endorsing Democratic challenger, Jaime Harrison.

“I no longer recognized him as the man I once supported,” Richard Wilkerson wrote in the Greenville News.

Wilkerson is the former head of Michelin’s North America unit, which is based in South Carolina. While he has contributed to Graham’s campaign for years, last month he endorsed Harrison.

Graham, he wrote, was once a moderate Republican who could reach across the aisle to get results.

“But I started having real misgivings about him when he failed to mount any significant defense when Donald Trump attacked his best friend, the late Sen. John McCain,” Wilkerson wrote.
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