Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Killer refusing to work?

White House Races to Contain Virus in Its Ranks: ‘It Is Scary to Go to Work’

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is racing to contain an outbreak of the coronavirus inside the White House, as some senior officials believe that the disease is already spreading rapidly through the warren of cramped offices that make up the three floors of the West Wing.

Three top officials leading the government’s coronavirus response have begun two weeks of self-quarantine after two members of the White House staff — one of President Trump’s personal valets and Katie Miller, the spokeswoman for Vice President Mike Pence — tested positive. But others who came into contact with Ms. Miller and the valet are continuing to report to work at the White House

“It is scary to go to work,” Kevin Hassett, a top economic adviser to the president, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” program on Sunday. Mr. Hassett said he wore a mask at times at the White House, but conceded that “I think that I’d be a lot safer if I was sitting at home than I would be going to the West Wing.”

He added: “It’s a small, crowded place. It’s, you know, it’s a little bit risky. But you have to do it because you have to serve your country

The discovery of the two infected employees has prompted the White House to ramp up its procedures to combat the virus, asking more staff members to work from home, increasing usage of masks and more rigorously screening people who enter the complex.

for the rest of the country it is NOT an issue...go to work......you don't need testing......more of that do as I say and not as I do
Hope he loses his law license covering up all of trumps corruption....Flynn belongs in jail!

More than 1,900 former Justice Dept. employees again call for Barr’s resignation

More than 1,900 former Justice Department employees on Monday repeated a call for William P. Barr to step down as attorney general, asserting in an open letter he had “once again assaulted the rule of law” by moving to drop the case against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn.

The letter, organized by the nonprofit group Protect Democracy, was signed by Justice Department staffers serving in Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The vast majority were former career staffers — rather than political appointees — who worked as federal prosecutors or supervisors at U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country or the Justice Department in downtown Washington.

Protect Democracy, which counts Justice Department alumni among its members, has organized several similar letters critical of Barr’s decisions or other Trump administration actions. Most recently, in February, the group collected more than 2,600 signatures on a letter calling for Barr to resign after he intervened to reduce career prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, a longtime friend of Trump. Jonathan Kravis, one of the prosecutors involved in Stone’s case who resigned after Barr’s action, wrote in a Washington Post column published Monday that in both matters, “the department undercut the work of career employees to protect an ally of the president, an abdication of the commitment to equal justice under the law.”

The new letter asserted that its signers “continue to believe that it would be best for the integrity of the Justice Department and for our democracy for Attorney General Barr to step aside.” The group also called on Congress to formally censure Barr and asked a federal judge in Washington to hold a hearing to scrutinize whether to dismiss the case against Flynn.

“Our democracy depends on a Department of Justice that acts as an independent arbiter of equal justice, not as an arm of the president’s political apparatus,” the group wrote.

Among the signers were several high-profile Republican appointees, including Donald Ayer, a deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush; Charles Fried, solicitor general under President Ronald Reagan; and Stuart Gerson, who led the Justice Department’s civil division under Bush and served as acting attorney general briefly in the Clinton administration. Justin Vail, a policy advocate with Protect Democracy, said the group was “inundated with calls from former Department of Justice attorneys who wanted to speak out” after the action in the Flynn case.

A spokeswoman for Barr declined to comment.
Too late. Goodbye more GOP House seats. Good Republican Senators McSally, Gardner, Collins, Tillis, and Loeffler- for sure, possibly others.
Alabama is screaming loud- Trump got involved in our race and we were left with a Democrat and a baby Molesting Republican.
Wisconsin is still hurting- Trump endorsed a state Supreme Court Justice over his challenger then the GOP practiced a little voter suppression and still lost.
Kentucky elected a liberal Governor after Trump campaigned for the incumbent Republican.
Louisiana saw Trump's endorsement of former bible thumping Republican Senator David Vitter over liberal John Bel Edwards do nothing but drag Vitter down and loose like dog.
Kansas saw Trump's golden boy and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (and head of Trump's Voter Suppression Integrity Committee) get his ass kicked by liberal state senator Laura Kelly for Governor.

So please, beg for that endorsement. Bring the President to your state. He has no coattails and people just don't like his lying ass.
Hope he loses his law license covering up all of trumps corruption....Flynn belongs in jail!

More than 1,900 former Justice Dept. employees again call for Barr’s resignation

More than 1,900 former Justice Department employees on Monday repeated a call for William P. Barr to step down as attorney general, asserting in an open letter he had “once again assaulted the rule of law” by moving to drop the case against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn.

The letter, organized by the nonprofit group Protect Democracy, was signed by Justice Department staffers serving in Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The vast majority were former career staffers — rather than political appointees — who worked as federal prosecutors or supervisors at U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country or the Justice Department in downtown Washington.

Protect Democracy, which counts Justice Department alumni among its members, has organized several similar letters critical of Barr’s decisions or other Trump administration actions. Most recently, in February, the group collected more than 2,600 signatures on a letter calling for Barr to resign after he intervened to reduce career prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, a longtime friend of Trump. Jonathan Kravis, one of the prosecutors involved in Stone’s case who resigned after Barr’s action, wrote in a Washington Post column published Monday that in both matters, “the department undercut the work of career employees to protect an ally of the president, an abdication of the commitment to equal justice under the law.”

The new letter asserted that its signers “continue to believe that it would be best for the integrity of the Justice Department and for our democracy for Attorney General Barr to step aside.” The group also called on Congress to formally censure Barr and asked a federal judge in Washington to hold a hearing to scrutinize whether to dismiss the case against Flynn.

“Our democracy depends on a Department of Justice that acts as an independent arbiter of equal justice, not as an arm of the president’s political apparatus,” the group wrote.

Among the signers were several high-profile Republican appointees, including Donald Ayer, a deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush; Charles Fried, solicitor general under President Ronald Reagan; and Stuart Gerson, who led the Justice Department’s civil division under Bush and served as acting attorney general briefly in the Clinton administration. Justin Vail, a policy advocate with Protect Democracy, said the group was “inundated with calls from former Department of Justice attorneys who wanted to speak out” after the action in the Flynn case.

A spokeswoman for Barr declined to comment.
Only the best right?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Harry Litman: Michael Flynn is guilty as sin. Dismissing the charges against him is nothing short of sickening

Of all the unseemly and scandalous actions by the Department of Justice in the Trump era, the dismissal of charges against Michael Flynn is the worst.

Flynn was guilty: He pleaded guilty to lying and he said expressly he was pleading guilty because he was guilty. His conduct was inexcusable, particularly given his prior government service, and it jeopardized the national security. His prosecution was righteous and important.

Barr’s halt to Flynn prosecution shows rule of Trump triumphs over rule of law and facts

Facts matter. The rule of law matters. It’s a fact that President Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, lied to the FBI – he pleaded guilty to the charge. And yet, Attorney General William Barr and his Justice Department effectively pardoned Flynn by filing a motion Thursday to dismiss charges against the retired Army lieutenant general.

Flynn’s guilty plea dealt with his communications with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., in late 2016 during the transition period after Trump was elected president but before he was inaugurated.

Barr claimed he wants to end the prosecution of Flynn in order “to restore confidence in the system” and that he “was doing the law’s bidding.” In fact, that’s exactly the opposite of what happened.

Since Trump took office almost 1,200 days ago, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker has calculated that the president has made more than 18,000 “false or misleading claims.” Trump’s disregard for facts spans almost every issue, from health care, immigration, climate change, criminal justice and foreign policy to Russia (yes, of course, Russia) and the 2016 election.

Caution Killer at work!

It’s scary to go to work’ at the White House or Senate — making it tricky for Trump to argue Americans should return to work

The White House and the Republican-controlled Senate both made a point in the past week of being open for business as President Trump makes a concerted push to focus on reopening the economy.

Within days, we learned about new cases of the coronavirus at both institutions. And that’s despite the resources at the government’s disposal to avoid such a situation. That doesn’t bode well for Trump’s effort to get American businesses to open their doors before this pandemic is on the downturn.

Over the weekend, three members of the coronavirus task ******* — including infectious diseases expert Anthony S. Fauci — went into quarantine or partial quarantine or took precautions to work from home more after finding out a top aide to Vice President Pence tested positive for the coronavirus. Trump’s military valet also tested positive.

In the Senate, the chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), will go into quarantine in his home state “out of an abundance of caution” after one of his aides tested positive

The fallout from the coronavirus reaching the White House and the Senate will collide Tuesday: Alexander will chair a hearing on the virus remotely, and all four of the Trump administration health officials invited will participate remotely or with extra precautions because they came into contact with someone with the virus while at work. That includes Fauci, whose spokesperson said working at home sometimes will be part of his response to making sure he’s not infected. The topic of the hearing: going back to work and school.

All of this is despite routine rapid testing in the White House and precautions by Senate officials to keep people as far apart as possible. The Senate does not have tests for all its lawmakers and staff — congressional leaders rejected an offer, saying front-line workers needed it more. Though, as the House prepares to return next week, the D.C. mayor said the city could offer tests for members of Congress and their staff.

The Senate has been holding meetings and committee hearings in cavernous rooms and having some senators telework.

Caution Killer at work

with the support of idiots

2months ago we had 30 deaths...….but with trumps help look where we are now

U.S. coronavirus death toll tops 80,000: Reuters tally

- U.S. coronavirus deaths topped 80,000 on Monday, according to a Reuters tally, as nearly all states have taken steps to relax lockdown measures.

Deaths in the United States, the epicenter of the global pandemic, have averaged 2,000 a day since mid-April despite efforts to slow the outbreak.

The death toll is higher than any fatalities from the seasonal flu going back to 1967 and represents more U.S. deaths than during the first 11 years of the AIDS epidemic, from 1981 to 1992.

Total coronavirus cases in the United States have exceeded 1.3 million, with infections rising in such states as Mississippi, Minnesota and Nebraska, highlighting the risk of a new wave of COVID-19 outbreaks.

Cases are falling in New Jersey and New York at the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, accounting for nearly half of the American deaths from COVID-19, according to the Reuters tally, and the two states have among the strictest lockdown rules still in place

Hell I doubt Russia could have killed that many had they infiltrated the US...…..wait...maybe they did....
Killer trump...republican cover up

only someone with the intelligence of a trumptard would believe that

GOP memo urges anti-China assault over coronavirus
The memo includes guidance on what Republican candidates can say when asked whether blaming China for the pandemic incites racism. Candidates are urged to …

Republican strategy memo advises GOP campaigns to blame ...
Apr 25, 2020 · Republican strategy memo advises GOP campaigns to blame China for coronavirus If asked whether Trump is at fault for the nation’s unpreparedness as the virus spread, the candidates are told, “don’t...

GOP memo advises candidates to 'attack China' over ...
The memo also advises campaigns to deflect to China when asked if the spread of the pandemic is President Trump 's fault, saying: "No -- don't defend Trump, other than the China Travel Ban -

A 57-page memo urged GOP campaigns to blame China for the ...
A 57-page memo urged GOP campaigns to blame China for the coronavirus pandemic and insist the term 'Chinese virus' isn't racist The memo said Republicans shouldn't defend Trump's handling of the...
Killer trump...….with only our best interests at heart

Trump administration cuts funding for coronavirus ...
Trump administration cuts funding for coronavirus researcher, jeopardizing possible COVID-19 cure An American scientist who collaborates with …

Trump Decides Now Would Be a Great Time to Cut Coronavirus ...
Apr 28, 2020 · The Trump administration abruptly cut off funding for a project studying how coronaviruses spread from bats to people after reports linked the work to a lab in Wuhan, China, at the center of...

seems to me he got the same warning in 2018...and ignored it...now look where we are

Coronavirus scientist warns lives are at risk after Trump ...
8 hours ago · Coronavirus scientist warns lives are at risk after Trump cuts funding for research Jacob Geanous Monday 11 May 2020 5:14 pm Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share ...

why yes he did......

Here are Trump's cuts to programs responsible for fighting ...
Fears of a pandemic come after the Trump administration spent the past several years gutting the very government programs that are tasked with combatting such a crisis. In 2018
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