Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How Russian Bots Work: Massive Campaign to Discredit ...
There has been a quantum increase in anti-gun control, pro-NRA bot spam online since the inception of the movement towards sensible gun control by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students ...

Russia Embraces Disinformation About Disinformation
Fortunately, in the case of @HackingRedstone, the sloppy effort to discredit the investigation failed to garner much traction as the contents were quickly identified to be fabricated. However, regardless of the success of the attempt, this old tactic applied to a new target changes the game in several respects.

Russia is behind the 'creepy' Joe Biden scandal, latest ...
Apr 03, 2019 · If you thought the 2020 US presidential election might be a Russia-free affair, think again. The latest conspiracy taking hold online asserts that Moscow is behind the controversy over potential candidate Joe Biden’s creepy past. Social media has long been chock-full of images and videos demonstrating Biden’s overly touchy-feely approach ...

Joe Biden: Trump And His Allies 'Like' Russia Interfering ...
Trump, in contrast, has attacked Democrats over reports that Russia is trying to help him win reelection, accusing those across the aisle of spreading “disinformation.” Russian agents, during the 2016 campaign, hacked into the Democratic National Committee’s server and orchestrated a massive disinformation campaign to help get Trump ...
8.5 million tests done in the USA as of this date (5/12), of which 1.4 million tested positive ... 16% as we close in on 1:5 citizens rather quickly.
Let's see, there are approx. 329 million citizens in the USA ... hummmmm, we're certainly NOT setting any records in testing our citizens, while the folks in the White House get daily checkups now. Something really wrong with wanting to send the citizens BACK TO WORK.
And we're already into the fifth month of the coronavirus. At this rate of "testing", we might get evey one tested by the year 2025 or so.
Isn't it pretty obvious, Trumptards, that your ORANGE President has lied to you folks, and continues lying to you folks, all the while we quickly close in on 100 thousand unnecessary deaths in the USA by taking the ORANGE MAN's advice and directions. Its not like he's just wrong; Trump's suppressing information (same as lying) just to convince the population to go back to work. Not because he feels its safe ... but to help his poll numbers, folks. He could give a rat's ass about American lives. By opening up the states too early (against the advice of scientists & doctors qualified to make the advice) we have a much higher RISK of having to deal with this virus AGAIN around the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays ... the very worst time of the year to have an active virus working through our populations. In other words, folks, he's intentionally misleading you, as he so often has done, except THIS TIME its costing LIVES. Why is this NOT sinking into your skulls?
I guess we'll need to wait until this contagion hits you or your own before you take a more serious look at the loser we have in our White House.

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Trump's 'big three' battleground states will turn blue ...
Trump's 'big three' battleground states will turn blue again in 2020 By Former Gov. Ed Rendell, opinion contributor — 06/04/19 09:30 AM EDT The views expressed by …
Caution Killer at work....still

Leaked White House data shows infections spiking more than 1,000% in rural areas that backed Trump
Trump claims cases are falling everywhere. An unreleased task ******* report shows massive spikes in the heartland

A leaked unreleased White House coronavirus task ******* report showing cases spiking in areas across the country has undercut President Donald Trump's claim that cases are declining across the nation.

"You know, the numbers are coming down very rapidly all throughout the country, by the way," Trump declared at a Monday news conference. "There may be one exception, but all throughout the country, the numbers are coming down rapidly."

This is, of course, not true. Though cases are decreasing in 14 states, they are rising in nine states, according to The New York Times. A lack of widespread testing in 27 other states, plus Washington and Puerto Rico, suggests that cases in those areas are being undercounted.

But a leaked coronavirus task ******* report obtained by NBC News shows that some parts of the country — rural counties in Tennessee and Kansas — have seen cases balloon by more than 1,000% in a matter of one week. Other counties in Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota and Wisconsin saw increases of more than 400%.

Dr. John Ross, a professor at Harvard Medical School, pointed out that all but one of the top 10 counties that saw the largest increases voted for President Donald Trump in 2016.

Unreleased White House report shows coronavirus rates ...
May 12, 2020 · Coronavirus infection rates are spiking to new highs in several metropolitan areas and smaller communities across the country, according to undisclosed data the White House's pandemic task ******* is using to track rates of infection, which was obtained by NBC News. The data in a May 7 coronavirus task ******* report are at odds with President Donald Trump's declaration Monday that

Unreleased White House report shows coronavirus rates ...
1 day ago · An unreleased White House report shows coronavirus rates spiking in heartland communities, contradicting President Donald Trump's claim that cases are falling everywhere.
Judge puts HOLD on Trump administration’s request to drop ...
May 13, 2020 · THE move to drop charges against Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security advisor who lied to the FBI, has been put on hold by a judge. District Judge

U.S. judge puts Justice Department’s move to drop charges ...
May 12, 2020 · A U.S. judge put on hold the Justice Department’s move to drop charges against Michael Flynn, saying he expects independent groups and legal experts to argue against the bid to exonerate President...
Caution Killer at work

Trump ignores new warning signs in push to re-open the country

Recent spikes in coronavirus cases in the nation’s heartland are just the latest sign that President Donald Trump’s push to re-open American society is coming at a human cost, even as he publicly downplays the risk.

On Monday, NBC News reported exclusively that unreleased White House coronavirus task ******* tables show that communities from Charlotte and Phoenix to Minneapolis and the Houston suburbs experienced major surges in week-over-week positive tests for COVID-19. The data include massive increases in some rural counties, including those where prison outbreaks are now being reported for the first time.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told a Senate Committee Tuesday that “little spikes” could lead to a major resurgence of the disease if states and localities ease restrictions too soon.

At the same time, in documents obtained by NBC News and reported here first, the task ******* is reporting internally that it has not yet achieved its own goals for re-opening. In those documents, prepared late last week and marked “privileged and confidential,” federal officials wrote that while they have “completed” guidelines for states to re-open, they still haven’t developed a vaccine or treatments, ensured “adequate access to laboratory diagnostics,” or fully enabled front-line workers to “obtain and preserve critical medical supplies.”

The president continues to tell the public a much different story about the state of the coronavirus fight than the one told by data and public health experts inside his administration. He has declared victory time and again since he first marked Easter weekend as his target for easing restrictions, and he has repeatedly had to back off of statements made in his self-described role as "cheerleader" for the nation.

But now, as Election Day draws nearer and the ranks of the unemployed grow by several million people each week, he appears to be committed to ignoring the risks. Trump is betting most Americans will accept more deaths from coronavirus in the interest of re-starting commercial and social activity — or, at least, that they won't blame him for trying.

Caution Killer at work

Coronavirus testing per capita: Studies show US is far from the world's leader

Two giant signs at a White House press conference amplified a claim that President Donald Trump consistently makes:


"We've prevailed on testing," Trump said Monday, standing between the signs.

While the US may have performed the most number of coronavirus tests, it's nowhere near the world's leader in testing per capita, multiple studies show.

And health experts say the US isn't close to the rate of testing needed to safely reopen the economy.

How many tests have been done?
By May 12, the US had conducted about 9.6 million tests, according to the COVID Tracking Project.

As of May 11, the US has performed an average of 28.24 tests per 1,000 people, according to researchers from Oxford University.

It's important to note some individuals have received multiple tests. For example, Vice President Mike Pence cited his frequent testing as a reason why he chose not to wear a face mask.

Public health experts say we don't need to test every American right now. But they say the US still isn't conducting enough tests to stop the spread of the virus enough to safely reopen the economy.

The Harvard Global Health Institute said the US should be testing at least 900,000 people a day by May 15.

"This is due to a growing consensus among experts that the US is faring worse in this outbreak than previously thought," the institute said. "Social distancing measures have been able to stall the sharp increase of infection and death rates -- but unlike in many other nations, new cases are only very slowly decreasing."

On Monday, Trump said the US is conducting about 300,000 tests per day.

How does the US stack up against other countries?
There's no single definitive ranking system because there are variations in how some countries report their testing.

"The number of tests does not refer to the same in each country -- one difference is that some countries report the number of people tested, while others report the number of tests (which can be higher if the same person is tested more than once)," the Oxford researchers said on their website OurWorldInData.org.

So CNN looked at different rankings, and each study showed that many other countries have higher per capita testing rates.

The independent data aggregation site Worldometer said the US had the highest raw number of test completed as of May 12. But at the same time, the site's data showed, more than 30 countries were ranked higher than the US in per capita testing.

As of April 26, the US ranked 22nd in the number of tests performed per capita, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

FactCheck.org, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at Trump's alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, said Trump's April claim about the US testing more than "every country combined" was "way off."

"The U.S. total is indeed more than any single country has reportedly done -- but not more than all other countries combined," FactCheck.org said.

"Adding together just the number of tests conducted by Russia, Germany and Italy -- the next three countries that have done the most testing -- would produce a higher figure. ... So, Trump's claim is not even close to being accurate."

Republican senators say testing is still insufficient
Lawmakers have urged the administration to keep ramping up testing to help states allow businesses and schools to open.

"All roads back to work and back to school run through testing. And that what our country has done so far on testing is impressive, but not nearly enough," Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee said Tuesday.

Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican, questioned the administration's touting of conducting more tests than South Korea, including more tests per capita than South Korea.

But South Korea got the virus under control much earlier in its outbreak, thanks to prompt, widespread testing. The US was much slower, due in part to faulty test kits.

And while South Korea has kept its Covid-19 deaths under 300, Romney noted, the US death toll is more than 82,000 and climbing.

"I find our testing record nothing to celebrate whatsoever," Romney said. "The fact is (South Korea's) test numbers are going down, down, down now because they don't have the kind of outbreak now. Ours are going up, up, up, because they have to."
Caution another trump cover-up at work!

Trump adviser Navarro declines invitation to testify before House panel on vaccine official’s whistleblower complaint

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro — who repeatedly warned colleagues about the coronavirus in memos earlier this year — is declining to testify before a House panel Thursday about a whistleblower’s complaint that mentions him at length.

Navarro, the latest figure to draw the interest of lawmakers probing the Trump administration’s handling of the crisis, had been invited to appear before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health.

“The White House is declining the invitation for Peter Navarro to testify based on the longstanding precedent, followed by administrations of both political parties, rooted in clearly established constitutional doctrines, and supported by the Department of Justice, that senior advisors to the President generally do not testify before Congress,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement Tuesday.

House Democrats have long balked at the White House’s position, arguing it is curtails their ability to fulfill their oversight obligations of the executive branch.

Navarro’s refusal to testify comes as the White House, under new chief of staff Mark Meadows, is trying to curb the attempts by House Democrats to secure testimony from prominent officials as they try to conduct oversight of the administration. In a recent memo to congressional committees, the Trump White House said that demands on staff and resources are “extraordinary” and that officials cannot testify without Meadows’s approval.

Navarro’s rebuffing of the committee sets up a potential showdown over his testimony in the coming weeks.

The Washington Post obtained a copy of Navarro’s invitation from a person who was not authorized to share the document. In the May 7 letter to Navarro, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.) invites Navarro to testify on Thursday before the subcommittee, which she chairs.

“I am writing to invite you to testify,” Eshoo writes. “The Subcommittee hearing is titled, ‘Protecting Scientific Integrity in the covid-19 Response.’ ”

The letter — an invitation rather than a formal congressional subpoena demanding testimony — is part of an effort by Eshoo to broaden the ongoing congressional inquiry of the whistleblower complaint of Rick Bright, a former top vaccine official removed from his post last month. Bright’s attorney, Debra Katz, confirmed last week that he will appear at Eshoo’s subcommittee hearing.

Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, alleged in a whistleblower complaint that he was reassigned to a less prestigious role because he tried to “prioritize science and safety over political expediency” and raised health concerns over a ******* pushed by Trump as a possible coronavirus cure.

Bright also mentions Navarro throughout his complaint, casting him as a Trump White House official who shared his apprehension about the administration’s preparedness.

Bright’s complaint states that Navarro “clearly shared Dr. Bright’s concerns about the potential devastation the United States would face from the coronavirus and asked Dr. Bright to identify the supply chain and medical countermeasures most critical to address at that time,” in early February, “to save lives.”

Bright also asserts in the complaint that he resisted pressure from HHS political leadership to make “potentially harmful ******* widely available,” including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which Trump has repeatedly heralded, and urged people to take both from his Twitter account and the White House lectern. The president’s associates, including Fox host Laura Ingraham and Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani, have touted the ******* as a treatment for covid-19, the disease the coronavirus causes, in private Oval Office meetings and phone calls.

In a statement to The Post, Eshoo said she “invited Dr. Navarro to testify because he is a key figure in Dr. Bright’s whistleblower complaint and is a high-level authority in the Trump administration who took Dr. Bright’s warnings seriously. It’s unfortunate the administration is not willing to make witnesses available to the House.”

Eshoo added, “Congress and the American people would benefit from hearing a complete account from witnesses included in Dr. Bright’s complaint to better understand what was needed in the early days of this public health crisis to protect the American people and our nation’s health care workers.”

Eshoo has spoken publicly in recent weeks about inviting two other Trump administration officials: Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary for preparedness and response. Both are mentioned throughout Bright’s whistleblower complaint.

Azar and Kadlec have received similar letters from Eshoo, a White House aide said Tuesday and, like Navarro, do not plan to respond or appear at Thursday’s hearing. The aide spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely discuss private deliberations.

An HHS spokesperson declined to comment.

The House hearing comes as the Republican-controlled Senate is also seeking testimony from administration officials.

Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert and a member of Trump’s coronavirus task *******, testified before the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday. But the White House has blocked Fauci from testifying before a House subcommittee investigating the coronavirus outbreak and response, arguing that it would be “counterproductive” for him to appear as he works on the government’s response to the pandemic.

Earlier this month, however, Trump offered a different explanation. He said he wouldn’t let Fauci testify before members of the House because they were a “bunch of Trump haters.”

Fauci testified on Tuesday that reopening the economy should be done methodically and with caution.

If some areas, cities, states or what-have-you, jump over those various checkpoints and prematurely open up without having the capability of being able to respond effectively and efficiently, my concern is that we will start to see little spikes that might turn into outbreaks,” Fauci said. “I have been very clear in my message — to try, to the best extent possible, to go by the guidelines, which have been very well thought-out and very well-delineated.”
Caution killer at work

Trump tests his most promising coronavirus antidote: Lies

In his “whole of America” approach to fighting the pandemic, President Trump has begun clinical trials testing his most promising antidote: Can the novel coronavirus be killed with a lie?
Trump has at times speculated that the virus could be killed by an antimalarial ******* and an antibiotic, or by ingesting bleach or other household disinfectants. But he has never abandoned the regular application of disinformation as his primary defense against the coronavirus.
“Some health experts say the U.S. needs 5 million tests per day by June in order to safely reopen,” NBC’s Kristen Welker told Trump in an East Room Q&A Tuesday afternoon. “Can you get to that benchmark?”
We have tested much more than anybody else times two,” Trump replied. “We’ve tested more than every country combined.” He went on to say, “We inherited a very broken test, a broken system and a broken test, and within a short period of time we were setting records. We have done more than the entire world combined.” And he said the United States would “very soon” surpass 5 million tests per day — a figure beyond his own administration’s rosy forecasts.

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure ...
Apr 11, 2020 · The efforts to shape Mr. Trump’s view of the virus began early in ... But the virus was already multiplying across the country — and hospitals were at risk of buckling under the looming wave ...

Trump's poll numbers dip over handling of coronavirus ...
Apr 10, 2020 · Trump’s overall approval rating was at 40%, close to where it has been for much of his presidency. According to a survey by CNN, 45% of Americans approve of Trump’s coronavirus response.

Trust in Trump’s Virus Response Is Falling. What Does It ...
Apr 10, 2020 · Americans are rapidly losing faith in President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, according to national polls released over the past week. ... and in frequent tweets about the virus ...

Gallup poll: Trump approval slips as coronavirus, economic ...
Apr 16, 2020 · The change in Trump's approval since March is the sharpest drop Gallup has recorded since Trump took office. ... leaders over the coronavirus response. ... for his handling of the virus response ...
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